Reviews from

in the past

Cool kill animations but really wasn't that fun to play.

Does this game have anything else besides its really well-done stealth and MK esque fatality shot gimmick. No. But it does its gimmick really well

I might go back to this, but there are better stealth games out there.

An upgrade on Sniper Elite 2. Level design was nice and you get the full sniper experience by having to stay in a single spot for long periods of time to get your targets in the best way possible. Nice stealth mechanics as well and the x-ray camera is always fun, more games should implement that.

430 mlg is back pero en africa

Runs really poorly on PC on top of a stupid game. The AI is pretty brain dead and the only challenge comes from how much damage the enemies too or what nonsense the game throws at you. The game just pulls you along a path and sets you up so you don't get detected and it will mask your shots for you. The maps are also around 40 minutes each which really is a slog.

Another generic, uninteresting story entry accompanied by competent gameplay. Personally, I preferred the level design of V2 over this but I also felt like this was a bit more fun. It's also too easy in comparison. What else can I say, really? There's not much to talk about. If you've got nothing else to play or you're just passing time, I'd say this is a good candidate of games to play.

Lo mismo que el v2, jugablemente peor y cortito como la anterior entrega, sin más.

not a huge fan of the level design of this one it was trying to be mgs i feel like and it just was not
but still u can shoot balls

Понравилась меньше прошлой части. Локации менее запоминающиеся. Все миссии похожи одна на другую. Но все еще очень веселая стрельба и улучшенный X-Ray

one of the stealth games that actually made me go through and get achivements for never killing and never getting spotted


2 and 4 are both better, doesn't make it bad though

Nazi soldiers are stupid guys they have no ai

A little bit buggy in areas, but another solid entry in the series.

interesting story fps with a gimmick 2: electric boogaloo

o jogo é bom mais não merece 5 estrelas

The same but with some improvements

Um jogo de Stealth bem diferente. Lembro de ter feito quase tudo só usando a Welrod e é bem complicadinho, mas usar as perturbações sonoras pra ofuscar disparos são as principais armas do jogador, bem único, bem divertido.

Solid fun, good missions, nice enough graphics. I've played this a few times through, which says something in itself.

Nada de diferente, parece que é mais fácil de ser furtivo que no V2, os mapas são maiores, é mais diversos que os do anterior (que era apenas Berlim), bem divertido.

Seems like each release of this series gets better. Interactive maps that you can tackle in different ways were added and done very well. Keep it up Rebellion.

Genérico a más no poder, tu francotirador realmente solo lo puedes usar en lugares concretos si no quieres que te oiga todo el mapa, las otras armas no se sienten bien al dispararlas, a veces te ven enemigos que tardan 1 minuto en llegar corriendo a donde estas (y que tu por supuesto no puedes ver), las misiones pocos claras, la historia muy mala.... No merece la pena.

damn near perfect stealth game and an incredible co-op experience. it's just a shame the PC port is bugged to all heck.

ainda não me acostumei com a gameplay do jogo por motivos de estar finalizando o assassin's creed odyssey, mas tem uma lore daora