Reviews from

in the past

it's cool i might play it again but it's hard

pretty good game for a gba title

Kojima wishes he wrote something this good

Its a real shame they never revisited this design because this game can be extremely fun, especially for a handheld game. Customizing your robot fighter with the skills of all the other cast members was a blast too, it even had a multiplayer feature, really fun stuff if you enjoy making your own fighter (ofc it was not balanced but still). Its like a fighter/rpg game, not bad at all and i actually enjoyed the story.

Like with so many Sonic games, I can't say Sonic Battle is legitimately GOOD. But Sonic Battle is FUN and I played a lot of it with my sisters. Yes, we owned three copies of Sonic Battle. No, I do not regret buying this game three times.

Almost decent fighting game here thanks to a series of interesting move set and a surprisingly deep story but its all hampered by some severe balancing issues and while the idea of having Emerl as a custom fighter where you can mix and match moves is a nice one, it boils down to a lot of grinding for exp and luck based move drops and thats never fun when all you want to do is move on with the plot.

Jogo bastente único e divertido. O gameplay é extremamente simplório, mas funciona e é bem bacana, principalmente considerando que é um jogo de GBA.

Surpeendemente, a narrativa desse game é uma das melhores da franquia. Os diálogos são divertidos, bem escritos e a interação entre os personagens é ótima, só não gosto muito das caracterizações do Shadow e da Amy.

O problema desse jogo é o QUÃO repetitivo é o modo história. Sério, beira o surreal de tão repetitivo e de quão artifical são as maneiras que o jogo se utiliza para prolongar sua duração. O modo história desse game é pra jogar um vez só e nunca mais.

Por outro lado, a customização do Emerl é bastante intuitiva, o jogador se apega ao robô ao treiná-lo durante toda a narrativa. Montar o fighter perfeito e usá-lo é mais divertido do que aparenta.

Se não fosse pela tediosa repetição, Sonic Battle seria um jogo nota 8 facilmente.

Sonic Battle? More like Sonic Never Gets To The Point.

Nah this game sucks funk is wrong (what else is new heh)

Спасибо за убитые нервы, игра

The game itself isn't great although I'm a big fan of the inspired and unique design elements here for a GBA game. The soundtrack also rips and is full of life, utilizing the limits of the GBA's audio engine incredibly well.

A Sonic fighting game for the GBA. The graphics look outstanding for the console, with lovely 2D sprites complimenting the small 3D arenas. The story mode boasts a really great story, too, one of the best in a Sonic game, all revolving around a robot called Emerl, who you can customise using abilities from the other characters and enemies you encounter.

Unfortunately, the gameplay is just…..ok. For the limited amount of buttons on the GBA, it utilises them really well, but the battles all feel the same, even with the different abilities, so the game tends to feel a bit repetitive. What makes this even worse is in the story mode, you’ll often fight in a situation, then have to do the exact same fight but everyone has more lives (dragging it out even more). This padding starts out really early, and it’s a shame because the length of the game would be fine without them, so they make the game a chore to play for no reason.

The atmosphere of Sonic Battle is great, so it’s unfortunate that the gameplay can’t keep up with it.

The core gameplay is a bit too simple and character balance isn't great but that story mode is fantastic and I wish sonic games had a story like this.

Also Emerl is a sweetheart

Decent game but a modern sequel has a ton of potential. Get on it Sega

I want to like this game, but I just can't, I think it's really stylish, however.

I loved this game when I was younger and the concept is great but good lord replaying the story was so painful in so many different places.

An Smash game with no ítems, Final Eggstination with a playable fox, an epic story with a surprise character in the last level. Even includes a fully customizable fighter and collectible cards.... But with 3D movement so it can be that good but at least the animations of the sprites and the sound design are AWESOME

A surprisingly decent story with a lot of heart, made all the more surprising that it's a Sonic game on the Gameboy Advance. Battles are fast and fun, sprites look great, and customizing Emerl is a slow but rewarding experience.

A really weird Sonic game but I had a lot of fun with it and customizing the robot character. It was basically a Dragon Ball arena fighter but skinned as a Sonic game.

incredibly underrated sonic game with arguably the best story and characterization in the series, emerl ur my goat