Reviews from

in the past

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What version of this game you're playing depends on the server. Each server has different vibes, culture and gamemodes. There is some shared canon but a lot of it is modified between servers.

i might come back to it. it's hard to get into if you don't already know everything about it.

If this game were more approachable it would easily be one of the most popular games of all time. I have had some of the most unique and engaging experiences I have ever had with video games with this game.

O melhor jogo já feito em toda a história. O homem papelão espacial.

there will never be another game like this. if you can imagine it, it can probably happen in here

I’d probably like it more if I knew how the fucking controls worked.

threw a combustible lemon at botany and the captain got mad at me

honestly there's wnough in this to last you fifty years

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Ruined by people who are less interested in gameplay and chaotic, unpredictable events unfolding and more interested in EROTIC ROLEPLAY, CYBERSEX, MASTURBATING WITH ONE HAND AND PLAYING WITH THE OTHER HAND.

I love this game so damn much but I can't play it near as much as I want because I always seem to make an admin mad.

I might never have played a game with more available mechanics. Each game truly feels unique, as does each role and each space station. Unfortunately, the learning curve is a cliff and there are no good & in-depth resources available online to learn how to play all the roles. You really need to have a friend that already knows how to play if you want to properly enjoy Space Station 13.

janky brilliance made on possibly the worst still-functional engine of all time. many have tried and failed to remake this disasterpiece, and ss14 might get there eventually. ranges between hectic chaos and mundane banality between servers based on their culture or even between rounds, on occasion. much harder to get away with fucking around than it used to be as the culture has shifted towards more active admin styles where the staff adjudicate even minor disagreements or infractions immediately, which has its pros and cons. the code base has split so many times that you may not even know what your character is capable of on a functional level if you're not establishing yourself on a particular server, but these splits have led to a lot of player choice in the kind of game you're playing, as well. the best game you can play with a group of exactly 35 people, and the most fun you can pawsibly have fucking with people in minor ways

This game ruined my life, I have over 2000 hours on it, from being a curator doing nothing in the library, to being a specialized operative in charge of planting a nuclear bomb on the station, this game is full of surprises, and while it's hard to learn, once you do it'll pull you right in.

A game entirely based on other people with a huge learning curve. So basically all you do is be killed by people creating horrible gigantic slime clown creatures, or people who just figured out the button combination to leave a chair.

stopped a group of cultists from summoning an ancient demon by being a janitor

Used to play a metric ton on /tg/station. Good memories

''scares on the back are a swordsman's shame'' - R. Tylenda
(Roronoa zoro)

''sa beyler turk warmi.''
- A. ulucay

so many drastically different codebases that it's difficult for me to have solid confidence in my rating, but when (and where) it's good, it's good. not for everyone.

it's probably fun, I couldn't figure it out.
Understood the controls, but the roleplaying was too hard.

Only got into it recently but on the right server that doesn't punish new players that don't know shit and light RP, this might the perfect MMO experience that isn't a RPG (which would be Ragnarok Online). The amount of systems and interactivity is insane, and with the right people there is a constant stream of funny and novel situations. Took me a whole session to learn just how to do my job as botanist, meanwhile the whole station around me was in chaos with demonic rituals taking place in the hospital.


Needlessly complex, awful to learn, kinda bad community, one of the best games I have ever played. Play on Goonstation if you ever play it

great game but have fun finding DECENT SANE people that play this

legit amazing but more complex than driving a fucking tank

this is the only game that i will sometimes open up just to spectate rounds of. i have a couple hundred hours as of writing and there is a lot i still do not understand about the game (atmospherics) but i understand enough to know what is happening generally and that is enough for this to be the most entertaining multiplayer game ever for me

game for geniunely mentally unhinged

Some of the most fun you could have in an online game until fullchan died and it was popularized by Sseth and a few others