Reviews from

in the past

i like shooting stormtroopers, what's more to say

As a Doom-loving and Star Wars-loving kid this blew my socks off. I thought it was so cool going around Star Wars locations blasting stormtroopers and imperial officers. Usually got pretty lost and confused in the later levels, but I loved replaying the first handful of levels over and over.

original is pretty unplayable without upgrade mods but overall fun even though its so easy to get lost

Its too damn outdated to play.

Es Doom meets Star Wars, con eso te basta para saber que es un juegazo

Yeah... oldie, had fun first minutes, then got bored

Decent Star War Doom clone. Maybe I would have gotten more into it if there was a decent source port.

doom, nothing new to add. It's short so you can kinda just pick it up quickly and get that perfect 90s star wars feel and then drop it. Play it or don't idk what to tell you. You just gotta be in the mood for it and only you can know if you'll ever be.

I remember playing this game back on the PS1. The main character is a badass who works as a Merc for the Rebellion. Due to this flexibility, he isn't a main part of the alliance, but he certainly prefers it than working for the empire.

The story to this game is you play as this character during the events of Star Wars Episode IV, and V I believe, it has been a while since I completed this game. The first mission involves you doing something none of the other Rebel Infiltrator's had done, retrieve the blueprints to the death star. As any Star Wars fan knows, the plans are what revealed a weak point in the Death Star's defences and the leader even mentioned how they lost many men attempting to get that information.

You are then called in because a Rebel base when silent from an attack, but this was no ordinary attack as the entire base was taken out and if it was a army, they would've seen it coming and evacuated or at least shot many of them down before going into hiding. It's then revealed that one of the most interesting enemies of the Star Wars franchise is created here. The Dark Troopers. Commando Troopers that are far more powerful and destructive than you're average trooper as they can take out entire bases by themselves.

Many weapons you get are references to the ones from the film such as blaster pistol, blaster rifle, Thermal Detonator and quite a few interesting and creative weapon designs.

It's well worth a play if you can get a hang of the controls and remember how Lucas Arts used to make years ago as this was during the age they made adventure games and before they went lax and started making half-assed games.

This should rank higher because of the first appearance of Dark Troopers, but you know, 1996 just happened to be Medieval Times for resolution and such. What's that? Nightdive is doing a remaster that goes up to 4k and 120 fps?

Let the countdown begin...

*Beat with 2024 remaster

Pretty alright overall. Feels the most "doom 1" compared to other "doom-likes" of the era (which makes sense, we were only 2 years removed from doom 1's release) and I mean that for the better and worse.

Story isn't much, but it works for what it is. Cool for someone like me who grew up with the prequel era to see the origin of smaller legends aspects like the Dark Troopers and Kyle Katarn as a character.

Combat is pretty good too for the most part. Almost all the weapons have a use up until the final levels, save for the fusion cutter (it never did the damage I felt it should've) and the mortar canon (with how close quarters most encounters are in this game it feels more like an easy way to kill yourself then anything else).

Biggest thing that makes this game fall down a good few notches is the level design and the lives system. There's a few good streightfoward ones here and there, but the game'll also throw some labrythian mazes and the odd puzzle every so often which is a real pace breaker. Doesn't help how there's no real conveyance in most instances in terms of where to go with how most areas look the same. The later half of levels also like to get really annoying with enemies being thrown (namely nar shadaa with all the thermal detonator dudes) and ESPECIALLY the mines. Seriously, on the last few levels they're placed in such cheap locations and have an explosive damage range that I swear is much larger then it appears to be. I'm glad I played on medium because I know for a fact levels like nar shadaa would be red dicking me on hard.

The lives system is the only aspect I downright don't like and I wish ND changed with the remaster. You start every level with 3 lives, and you respawn at a pre-determined point in real-time as you die, prodeus-style. Most of this game on medium is pretty comfortable save for the last few levels, and I just felt this was unnecessary more then anything else. I only had to restart two levels (Jabba's Ship and the final level) because of how cheap the enemy placement was. Sure, you can find more lives through secrets and whatnot throughout the level, but I don't understand why they couldn't have put in a more conventional quicksave system, at least as an option for people. Other then that, pretty fun, but definitely make or break for some people.

Occasionally dips into where-the-fuck-do-I-go territory, but certainly a charming reminder of days gone by, when Star Wars was just three movies and a bunch of stupid novels. How little we knew of the horrors that would await.

Its pretty rough to get through these days.

É bem mais que um clone de Doom com skin de Star Wars. Um FPS sólido com ótimas mecânicas e um bom level design que o diferenciam de seu "rival". Apenas o sistema de vidas e certos puzzles que podem acabar frustrando em níveis maiores, ter um Quick Save não seria nada mal.

This game will give you PTSD

A very basic shooter with Star Wars themes overall fun but nothing ground breaking

I get lost so easily in old FPS games so that third level really fried my brain. Pretty okay shooter though.

Aged horrendously

So a lot of people say this is a DOOM clone, which it isn't! It's a very unfair thing to call it, that's like calling literally any 3D shooter a call of duty clone. This game is not DOOM. It is objective based, its levels are designed way differently, it has cutscenes, the way you go through levels are completely different. It's just a different game that looks like a non-3d shooter. It's a boomer shooter simply.

The game is just way too confusing at times. There are so many puzzles and questionable level design choices, I have no clue what the developers were thinking. I had to look up where the fuck I was supposed to go after scavenging the level for like an hour 2 times. I dropped this game 3/4ths of the way through, I've seen all I need to see and the game is just a bust.

Looking up and down sucks, it gives a lil motion sickness, and the controls are just weird.

The gunplay is actually fun and fine, but the game is just more of a headache than it is fun. Also the midi music doesn't work in its favor the way it worked for the X-Wing games.

Honestly, I would've played this game all the way through and had given it a higher rating if it wasn't for the god awful level design. Just convoluted labyrinth-like design that plagues a lot of shooters from the mid-90s, this type of design is just a total chore to get through in any game.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

a lot of the level designs are annoying and i already had a bad sense of direction so...

A solid, if kinda unremarkable, Doom clone. Some cool stuff in here - fun platforming challenges, decent weaponry - but a very strange difficulty curve and a fairly forgettable story.

This game has a niche, if it's you want a single player star wars shooter that's not about Jedi. If that's what you want, great, if not, this is a pretty good Doom clone.

Star Wars doomclone is worth the 3 stars alone. Nothing more tho

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Didn't get hit by a single stormtrooper. 10/10 lore accurate

Quite a fun game, the level design for the most part is great, aside from the sewer. I can imagine all the verticality and such would be mind blowing in 1995, though the way you sort of slide when sprinting and jumping can also be a bit of a hindrance. Hardest level without spoiling is the one with all the stupid mines, only difficult and annoying thing in the entire game. Quickly setup The Dark Engine to save you money on the remaster for basically the same experience.

Good DOOM clone, but map design feels really dated.

Doom but with a Star Wars wads. Pretty solid game for the time.

I played Dark Forces as a 90's kid but never beat it. Playing it again in 2021, I was surprised how well Dark Forces has aged. Highly recommended, if you're a fan of classic shooters.