Reviews from

in the past

Amazing game, it had so much content too.

Oozes with character and personality through every pore even if the hitboxes and overall balance are wack.

Se me perguntar a diferença do Alpha 2 pro Alpha 3 eu não vou saber dizer.

sf2den sonra onca sf çıkmasına rağmen sonraki sevdiğim tek sf bu

Ele trás um sistema muito bom de jogar, não é meu preferido mas é um grande jogo para brincar.

Un juego aburrido cuando llegas a un nivel intermedio. El roster y los visuales son buenos, la musica es original, pero el sistema de peleas debilito demasiado cosas tipicas de la saga como las bolas de fuego y los agarres, en favor de un sistema de combos expandido que igualmente no esta bien pulido.

nao sou muito fa de street fighter


The gameplay is in desperate need of balancing, the gameplay systems are needlessly complex, and the cast is so expansive you can become lost in it and not be sure who to latch onto. However, it is just too intensely fun to dislike. Most of the time you won't be understanding half of what you do, but it never detracts from the experience. Plus the story and how it utilizes the cast is glorious. A must play if you are attached to the world and characters of SF.

it's more SF Alpha, and I love it. i love these games' custom combo system and the artstyle, i think they're some of the most unique and fun SF games.

maneirão também, colocaram char pacas e é o meu preferido da série Alpha. muito pica

Le défaut de la version GBA c’est d’être sur GBA mdrr…

Énormément de personnage et une beauté visuelle incroyable. Un des meilleurs SF.

O sistema de _-ISMs é interessante, mas o V-ISM fode demais o balanceamento.


bom jogo

So Capcom makes alpha in 1995. It's a fun little game. Alpha 2 comes out the next year and it is other worldly compared to the first, a giant leap in quality and a near perfect game. But this? This is different. This is in contention with the best fighting games ever made.

Is it as balanced as alpha 2? No. The ism system allows for some pretty wonky things, the guard break system is fine but I feel like many characters should switch their guard bar lengths.(For example Cody's guard bar is way too short for what he actually does In game. He's not one of the games super strong characters so I don't know why his guard bar is so miniscule compared to someone like Sodom)

But the gameplay is still solid and filled with alot of depth, (especially in certain matchups like Gen vs Zangief.) the soundtrack is excellent, in fact I'd argue some of the best songs in the franchise come from this game. The presentation is really what makes this game go the extra mile for me over alpha 2. There isn't a fighter I know of that presents itself as well as alpha three does for me.

Big bold lettering, an extremely gaudy character select screen, bright colors all around from the, characters to the health bars and super meters. To me this is the best street fighter ever made

I play this game with a buddy to mess around sometimes. It works pretty well for that.

Booted it up and turned it off shortly after, feels like such a visual downgrade from Alpha 2 and gameplay somehow feels more annoying to chase down the cpu that runs away from you half the time. Had a hard time trying to stay interested

Now we're reaching the next level and while it doesn't bring back everyone it builds the roster back up to quite the respectable size.

I played as Karin, wasn't the greatest as her but I got through it, it did loop back to Bison (at least with this character, not sure of the rest) but the ending was pretty great so it's fine.

Rose es el mejor personaje del juego y nada me hará cambiar de opinión