Reviews from

in the past

O primeiro GTA a gente nunca esquece.

What a great game this was and still is. I used to play this back in the day and I still remember playing the golf course with my cousing one at a time.

Decided to replay this game and just spend some time messing around for the old times, but I ended up completing everything. Its so much fun just going around taking all the photos for George.

The gameplay still holds up to this day, its got great and very fun ''mini games'' for you to complete, and the whole loop of gathering flashes so you can take photos, is very enjoyable because of all the vehicles the developers have given you, going from bikes to planes. The different levels make it for a fun 5 hour adventure and specially if you are reliving your childhood memories.

I was definitely surprised by how well this game still holds up to this day.

I feel empty after playing this

Cool game, played it to death with my sister. Helped us with learning English quite a bit, as it was one of the few games with portuguese translation at all. The minigames are fun, and it's quite polished for a movie-based game from the PS2 era.

Ok esse jogo é absurdo bom e falo isso da forma mais séria possível.

É um coletatoon dividido por fases onde o seu principal objetivo é tirar fotos (sim ta no nome)

O jogo tem uma variedade absurda de sub missões super divertido

Mas o ponto alto com certeza são os veículos sério tem desde de avião a barco que te ajudam a completar os objetivos

Os cenários variam bastante também e o jogo é bem grande e longo ta por incrível que pareça, o fator replay também é altíssimo porque é super cativante procurar tudo

Vale super a pena e eu não fazia ideia que era da SEGA, me fez gostar mais ainda

Muito divertido, marcou minha infância

O melhor jogo de todos os tempos, obrigado por mais uma mitada Magenta Software

This didn't have to go so hard for a PS2 Stuart Little Game.... But it did!

This game is so great, i will definitely play again another day. Stuart Little is just the best rat in fiction, love ya Stuart.

Melhor jogo já feito na historia do universo. Pena que a rainha foi de comes e bébés

This game was really fun it's basically about stuart trying to fix the photo album that accidentally got ruined by playing mini games and taking a photo afterwards, but I couldn't win all the mini games so the album wasn't really finished.

Joguei HORRORES esse jogo, não tenho certeza se cheguei a zerar. Mas joguei pra crlh com o meu primo e passamos incontáveis fases e fizemos tudo o que dava pra fazer. A gnt não era fã de Stuart Little, mas o mapa é muito, MUITO divertido de se explorar e lembro que tinha diversas coisas pra se fazer e interações. Veículos, ferramentas, cenários diversos... Era um mundo aberto encantador pra gente. Sem meme, na minha cabeça, esse é um jogo muito bem feito, até na parte de plataforma.

When I was a kid i thought this was the best game ever. Turns out I wasw right

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This game is the best thing Stuart Little related since the first movie, and it's not far under it. The Story is that Stuart accidently knocked George's photo album in the fish tank, and has to go and retake every photo across many areas to complete it again, this is an alright idea for a kids game, the only problem with the story is that I don't see how his plane could have knocked it in, based on what I saw, and also I question why George couldn't retake the photos himself in a faster time than Stuart could, that makes no sense to me. The Characters are the same as the second film, but with different voices for most, Snowbell's voice is alright, but distractingly different, and the other voice actors are actually bad, and don't emote the right way. The Graphics are decent for the PlayStation 2, and the colors and textures do make the enjoyable to play through. The Gameplay has you explore, collect sparks for taking photos, playing golf, and winning races for other photos, and doing side tasks if you want, like cleaning graffiti, and watering flowers for more coins, throughout many relaxing looking areas, this is the appeal of the game, it's really nice and fun, the only dumb thing is why do we have to beat people to get a photo for someone else? why couldn't they let us take the photo anyway if they are such good friends? The Music is nice, yet fun to listen too. Stuart Little 3: Big Photo Adventure will add a nice photo on your memories.

Si tienes 8 años está guapísimo

Aún no he visto la peli ni creo que lo haga

I remember playing this as a kid, it was fun

Better than the actual Stewart Little 3 movie.

This game is fantastic, have so many things to do in the map is gorgeus

Ok clear nostalgia goggles but dude this was my fucking first videogame I ever played and having enjoyed it as a 5 year old I know it's a solid game and fun for anyone looking for a chill time

Era divertido, mas as corridas usando Jetski e barco ás vezes eram um inferno total.

Nostalgia super strong for this one