Reviews from

in the past

There were a few puzzle solutions that were really clever and I enjoyed that, but on the whole, this was mostly a boring Portal clone. It probably needed a little more length in order to really flesh out its own mechanics a little more. I did appreciate the ways that the gameplay and story intertwine, though.

Nice idea and nice speeches but second part of the game where everything is just light is just makes you have nausea and squint

Perfect game to play in one weekend. It has a nice story and brilliant pluzzles

I have a brain the size of a marble so this game was way harder than it should've been. Really cool concept tho.

uma mistura de: "caralhooooo que foda" com um pouco de "nem fodendo que era isso". Gostei

Insanely confusing game but in the good way, the puzzles in this game had my pea brain confused as hell but i enjoyed it nonetheless, the story was very good and i love how it was all played out ^^

Gameplay - 8
Trilha Sonora - 6
Gráficos - 8
História - 7

Nota - 7.75

Portal if its puzzles were designed by the narrator from The Stanley Parable

A melhor coisa desse jogo foi fazer a speedrun, os 35 minutos mais desesperadores da minha vida.

Trop cool, j'adore le côté Stanley Parable, qui brise le quatrième mur, les énigmes et tout, vraiment génial, une super mécanique unique : te retourne le cerveau et tu kiff ça

sometimes you play games when you need to

Absolutely insane. It's hard to describe this game since it's so weird and esoteric, but it's best experienced blind. Threw me for a loop too many times to count. Fun, satisfying puzzles with a story that neatly ties it all together.

puzzles inventivos, divertidos e inteligentes + história meia boca que funciona bem é sempre uma combinação bem vinda aqui

Great lesson at the end. Completely unexpected. Nice visuals but might be visually exhausting for some

amazing in the beggining,ok in the middle and the end sucks so bad

Truly a great game that tells its message through gameplay, which is extremely fun and innovative. Some puzzles really stumped me.

Caralho... mesmos sendo mt expositivo com sua mensagem ele conseguir me cativar em todos os momentos, alem de puzzles mt criativos, mesmo que fáceis

This game is unique I’ll give it that. Puzzles looks complicated but are always a bit too easy. Tries to be quirky and deep but in the end it feels a bit shallow. Still a nice short experience.

Clever and mind bending

A few parts gave me that "wow" moment

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A game that understood and managed to link what we do as a player, and what it wanted to say.
Creative puzzles and mechanics.
The final part was a bit too long.

I wish there was more to this game, but it was a very good game and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't played it yet.

Brilliant puzzle game based around perspective and thinking outside the box , It's a beautiful dream I didn't want to wake up from.