Reviews from

in the past

fairly good but holy shit is this hard.

pillé esto gratis hace la tira y me flipaba la estética pero es dificil de cojones, a ver si lo vuelvo a pillar

It's hard for me to describe, because it's honestly not too memorable, but I did play at least a few runs. I think I kept running out of ammo and getting frustrated.

For what it is, it will break you over its knee and then do it again.

literally forgot that i even ever played it

Great to play and way too difficult to beat. I liked the horror elements, few games just make you feel worried in a fun way like this. Actual survival horror.

Too bad about the difficulty just being turned up beyond my enjoyability level.


If this game had a bigger audience I would probably get made fun of for saying this game is too hard, but this game is too fucking hard. It's a shame too because I love the look of it and its atmosphere is potent and oppressive as hell, but playing it just feels like running into a brick wall over and over.