Reviews from

in the past

I guess this is where Spider-Man games got their start as Metroidvanias, because like those games, it too has a map that is far too samey to be that large, and it too is confusingly cryptic.

Played on bgb Emulator.

Not much of an improvement over the first Game Boy game. What little they added to the gameplay doesn't offset the general clunkiness of the combat and cramped levels.

Difícil ter algo pra dizer sobre, é um jogo simples e curto, você zera em 20 minutos sabendo o que fazer e tendo sorte, e falando em sorte, boa sorte pra descobrir o que você tem que fazer aqui, é mais um jogo onde se você não joga com um guia do seu lado você não consegue progredir.

Mesmo sendo tão curto, eu digo com facilidade que foram um dos piores 20 minutos que eu já tive com jogos, não o pior, mas tá dentre os outros. São tantas coisas ruins no jogo, é desgostoso controlar o boneco, o pulo é incontrolável e disfuncional, quando ele tá no ar parece impossível controlar pra onde ele vai, e a inércia do pulo é nula, um desafio entender como funciona, de verdade; mas não é o bastante pro jogo, bater nele também é sofrível, foi surpreendente como um jogo conseguiu ter uma hitbox tão horrenda, é impossível saber quando você atinge o inimigo ou não, as vezes o soco ou o chute simplesmente passa por dentro do inimigo e ele não toma dano, mas não é só a hitbox dos inimigos que é horrível, a colisão do jogo é péssima, principalmente a da teia que é horrível, a sensação que deu enquanto eu jogava é que eu precisava acertar um pixel perfect pra ser capaz de usar ela, muitas vezes eu acertava o que queria e o jogo simplesmente falava um grande "Não" pra mim, me rendendo diversas e diversas tentativas até conseguir finalmente acertar meu objetivo. Eu falo facilmente que essa é uma das piores jogabilidades que eu já tive o desprazer de experienciar,

Mas não é o bastante apenas ter uma péssima jogabilidade, o jogo tenta ser uma espécie de metroidvania onde você tem que buscar itens e tomar ações específicas pelo mapa para progredir no jogo, o problema é que não dá pra ter ideia NENHUMA do que você deve fazer. Na primeira parte do jogo, por exemplo, você tem que acertar uma teia no planador do Duende Macabro (boa sorte com a hitbox horrível do jogo) para então tirar ele de lá, pegar um item numa casa e então poder atravessar uma parede alta demais pra antes. É impossível adivinhar que você pode e deve fazer isso com ele, porque não parece de forma alguma que você é capaz de fazê-lo pelo que o jogo te diz anteriormente, já que se você testar a chance de você ser incapaz é muito alta, e é impossível usar a teia em outros inimigos, outra coisa dificilima de entender é o mapa do jogo, se você vai pra segunda área sem pegar todos os itens da primeira você sente que precisa reiniciar o jogo, já que é aparentemente impossível voltar atrás. Era uma ideia que eu já achava ruim, e ela foi tão, mas tão mal executada, jogando parece apenas algo aleatório que eles pensaram que ia ser legal, não dá pra passar pelo jogo sem que você tenha um detonado ao lado.

E o pior é que, de novo, um jogo de Homem-Aranha que eu tenho ZERO qualidades pra apontar, é simplesmente mais um jogo horrível, carregado de péssimas ideias que são porcamente executadas, mesmo extremamente curto ainda assim é uma experiência extremamente frustrante, não recomendo esse jogo a ninguém, e espero nunca mais ter que tocar nisso de novo.

Game is so unfathomably bad that I threw it in the toilet and took a piss on it when i was younger.

This one is really odd. It's a somewhat ambitious platformer where you wander around a mostly open level looking for items to use in certain places. Almost like a metroidvania, but not as big and more linear. Sometimes you have to use your limited web shots to solve what are almost puzzles but they are not communicated very well. I liked the attempt at making something unique here but it's not great. Having to go gather all your items when you game over is dreadful because you need to die a lot to figure out how you're gonna hang spidey from a web just the right way to get through a roller coaster.

Conman's Last Hunt
Entry 7

An unfortunate step in the wrong direction.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is unpleasant to control and often muddy-looking, which is compounded by conceptually novel yet ultimately ill-fitting open level design. For all the previous game’s flaws, it was a more focused experience which took advantage of limited technology, and was never unintentionally obtuse or confusing to navigate. This is the more ambitious game, and I respect that, yet sadly none of its elements work in tandem.

I’d recommend trying the Gameboy Advance games to see this semi-exploratory Spider-Man action-platformer idea done competently.

Legitimately might be one of the worst Gameboy games I've played. The graphics music and controls are all worse than the first game somehow. The gameplay is cryptic and confusing and not fun even if you knew what to do in the first place. Just Awful

Awful, even worse than the first one.

(This is the 62nd game in my challenge to go through many known games in chronological order starting in 1990. The spreadsheet is in my bio.)

This is the first game I'm reviewing that released in 1992. Boy, what an introduction to the year. Well, the good thing is, it can only go up from here. The Amazing Spider-Man 2, developed by Bits Studios (Rare made the original), is part of the early 90's Game Boy Trilogy that might just be the worst trilogy in gaming.

I have now played 4 Spider-Man games from the early 90s as part of the challenge, and all 4 probably find themselves in my Top 7 Worst Games I've played so far. It's like they're all in a competition for that #1 spot. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a darn good contender, so let's see how it scores in my review.

First, an extremely important note: This game received a 98% score by French magazine Consoles +. I'm not kidding, 98%! I cannot explain how significantly ridiculous this is. Picture this: Sonic received a 95% score. Mario Kart received 94%. Sonic 2 got 92%. Super Mario Bros 3 got the same 98%. So you got it there folks. This game is one of the best games of all time according to this French magazine. Wow.


Peter Parker wakes up with an odd feeling that something is wrong. He is proven correct when he reads that day's newspaper: 'Spider-Man turns bad', it says. "I've been framed", Spider-Man thinks. As he still is in thought, Hobgoblin attacks. And the game starts.

From here, defeating bosses furthers the story with comic-book style storytelling. Turns out, someone IS framing Peter with some sort of "robot spideys". The story is incredibly basic and as per usual for this time period, not notable at all.

With this, the game unfortunately lost the tiny bit of charm that the original had, which was witty trash-talk between Spidey and the bad guys. That's present once or twice here, but not on that level.

This game has phoned it in so much that, even with those few pictures that are used to tell the story, the devs still literally re-used the same pictures for different 'cutscenes'.


Are you looking for a game that makes you laugh out loud over how terribly it controls? Well, look no further than this mess. This is called an "action-adventure" game instead of the Action / Platformer that was the original Game Boy game. Why? I have no idea. The only thing that has this game qualify is the fact that it isn't a traditional platformer. There isn't anything to qualify the adventure part though. I'm assuming it's the fact that you can enter a few buildings which have some items hidden, like a crowbar (which opens crates, because Spider-Man is too weak otherwise, as we all know).

This game controls worse than all other Spider-Man games I've played, which were the benchmark for terrible controls up until now, and I'd go as far as to say that this game's controls is a contender for the worst ever in a video game. It's definitely, without a doubt, the worst for any game that received a 98% rating (still can't get over that). This is a side-scrolling game with a lot of items that just don't work together. You climb up stairs akin to a Castlevania game, but it's not "up" that gets you up. No, because simply moving up will have you drop down because each step is actually not connected on the stairs in this game. So you need to jump up stairs. Amazing.

You do have a webswinging feature in this game, but it's hilariously terrible. The web only extends about a meter above your head and it doesn't matter whether you attach it to something or have it literally be suspended in mid-air, it works. Well, not really. You try to get momentum by swinging side to side, but Spidey lets go off the web at random and doesn't even properly elevate with it. In theory, if it works well, you can use it to quickly climb up buildings. There is no other use for it and even this use is questionable. Why? Because you simply can jump from window to window to climb a building, or use one of many invisible platforms to do so.

You can also climb the side of the buildings in this game. But since this is a 2D game, that idea does not work at all. Whenever you try to avoid bombs thrown from the heavens or enemies by jumping over them - you have to - you often will be doing so near the side of the wall. Spider-Man will automatically get attached to the wall, even if you don't want to. And whenever you do actively want to climb a wall, you need multiple tries every time to get attached. While climbing the wall, the Hobgoblin will regularly throw bombs at you and knock you off, and the game has no feature of attaching to walls mid-air, so you fall all the way down every time.

When the game starts you off, you have no clear goal. You run around in Peter's neighborhood and have Hobgoblin flying over your head, throwing bombs at you. These bombs not only can hit you on the head, but will then drop to the floor, explode and can damage you one more time from the after-effect of the explosion. Your goal, apparently, is to catch Hobgoblin with your web and ride him down, which will destroy his glider and let you actually attack him. Why can't you throw punches at him while he is right next to you? No idea, it just doesn't work. It doesn't help that your web fluids are limited, so I found myself not even being able to do what I'm supposed to on my first attempt. I can't say I would have figured it out, ever, without checking a longplay of this game though.

Regarding Spider-Man's weapons: You can punch. You can do a terrible jump-kick. You can shoot webs, but only if you crouch down (?) and only if you have enough web fluid, which is drained rather quickly.

You could argue I haven't gone over the worst part yet. The only enemies in this game are the things that are thrown at you from the bosses, the bosses themselves and out of screen snipers. There are no other enemies in this game! This game is just empty as shit. AGAIN, IT GOT A 98% REVIEW! 98%! The review (translated) says that "the whole city is against Spider-Man from the get-go". THERE ARE LITERALLY JUST THE BOSSES WHO SHOWED UP! I literally can't...

Overall, this is the worst game I have played in terms of pure gameplay as part of this challenge, or in general, so give credit to this game for that. But this truly is terrible. I was disappointed with a name like Rare being attached to a game like the original from this Game Boy trilogy, but in hindsight, that game had some charm, actual cohesive game design behind it, and managed to at least have some fans at the time. If Rare had been behind this as well, there is no chance that this would be nearly as horrible as it ended up being.


No voice acting. Sound design is not great, not bad. The soundtrack consists of three tracks. I find it hard to find a retro soundtrack that sounds aggressively bad, and I can't say this soundtrack is bad either. It's just very short and sounds very uninspired.


Can a game have no art design? On the Game Boy, there of course is no color, so attention to detail is even more important. This game is what you get when you go with the opposite of "attention to detail". The environments are incredibly bland. You run from side to side with same looking buildings scrolling through non-stop, and with a few skyscraping buildings visible in the background that is otherwise simply white. No clouds, nothing, just white. Spider-Man looks weird as hell and walks like he has no control over his limbs (every Spider-Man game in this challenge has had odd-looking Spidey animations), animations overall are poor, the devs were so lazy that they didn't even create enemies, cutscene pictures are repeated and there just is 0 passion that went into this game.


How can you expect any atmosphere when the entire game looks empty? You simply are fighting one enemy that keeps you occupied, sometimes, while trying to get near him and figure out what the hell the game wants from you. Apart from the somewhat recognizable characters from the Spider-Man universe, there is nothing about this game that emanates a whiff of what you'd expect a Spider-Man game to look and feel like.

CONTENT | 2/10

I'm giving it an additional point for the fact that there is some actual content here, but it is of the worst kind. The levels are mostly empty, they look like crap, and there are just a few them in this game, which is of course good for people who don't enjoy it, but a shame for the kids who would play everything and anything you put in front of them, if they have no alternatives. That's a good description for this game. If you could play literally anything else, you probably would.


One additional point for the fact that levels can actually be completed I guess? The first level immediately sets the tone. You exit the introductory cutscene to find yourself in this empty city with the Hobgoblin chucking bombs at you. You aren't told anything on what to do, and how to do it. The features in this game are counterintuitive to the control scheme and it makes for an awful time trying to make your way through the levels, which in addition to all this, offer no depth and complexity.


This has no concept. You are put into a small area and have only one enemy to fight, who just annoying flings stuff at you while you are outside. You can simply enter buildings and have 0 threats while you look for boring, quasi-useless items. Remove the Spider-Man name and this has literally no selling proposition. None.


No motivation given to replay this game after having beaten it the first time.


The game works, but I'm taking a point off for the fact that the controls are so terrible and certain actions appear to be working randomly from time to time.

OVERALL | 25/100

And there we have it. The worst game I've played so far in this challenge is a Spider-Man game replacing the previous holder of that title, a different Spider-Man game. I love Spider-Man and it saddens me to see what had been done to him in the video game industry 30+ years ago. Thank god that new Spider-Man 2 showcase was awesome and I can rest easy in the comfort of the franchise's handling in this day and age.

I have to respect what Bits Studios tried to do here. Not just making a sequel along the same lines as what Rare created prior, but actually attempting to evolve its predecessor into something more complex. This isn't some simple brawler, but an action-adventure title where you'll need to find items to open up new areas. There were times when I was impressed with its depth and variety of challenges. What keeps it from being an improvement however is that it's honestly a nightmare to play.

The basics of walking and punching work fine, but things immediately go straight down the toilet the second you have to use any of Spidey's powers. A regular requirement for progression. Directing or even getting your webs to stick to anything at all is almost entirely unreliable, and the controls for wall crawling inexplicably won't register your inputs sometimes. Both issues that cause what should have been normal traversal to be a pain, with the former proving particularly problematic as it can lead to repeated instantaneous deaths in at least one section of the game. Considering there aren't any continues or a save system, meaning running out of lives forces you to restart from the beginning, these faults are pretty unforgivable.

This is also a step back presentation-wise as well. I was often left impressed by the level of detail in the backgrounds, but the character sprites are ugly and the whole thing looks unusually foul against the green hue of the Game Boy screen. The music on the other hand starts off fine, but given that it's only one constantly replaying track it quickly begins to grate on the nerves. You most definitely will be turning the volume down at some point.

I applaud the developer's endeavor to create an experience with more creativity and nuance than what we typically see on the handheld by extending the scope of its gameplay beyond merely pummeling or hopping over whatever gets in your way. All that effort was for naught though as fundamental mechanics fail to function as intended. The plethora of design flaws such as how Spider-Man always seems to awkwardly squirt out a little of his precious webbing every time he gets hit like some premature ejaculating teenager give this follow-up an unwieldy, downright broken feeling that makes it somehow shockingly worse than its already lamentable precursor.
