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in the past

It's shorter in scope than Until Dawn but I think there's more ramifications on the story on this one. It was fun, specially playing with friends in movie night mode, but it's a bit restrictive and when you think about it it's basically just a QTE game, and I was never really a fan of QTE. Still, I had a good time with it. Recomended.

I still consider 'Until Dawn' to be one of the best, or maybe even THE best interactive movie / adventure even to this day. So, naturally, I got really hyped when I first heard news of 'The Dark Pictures Anthology', and its first installment, 'Man of Medan', following in the footsteps of 'Until Dawn'.

Even if it could not live up to its predecessor, overall, I wasn’t disappointed in this game. It was exciting, it was scary, sometimes it was even quite challenging. Unfortunately, it’s quite short and there are a few glitches here and there, but as far as I’m concerned, the replay value and co-op mode made up for these shortcomings.

I believe the weakest element in the game is the graphics, especially the facial expressions. Don’t get me wrong, they’re not ugly at all, but compared to 'Until Dawn', that came out four years ago, they look somehow awkward. Still, not bad, just could have been better.

All in all, I highly recommend this to all fans of the genre. Great, budget-priced thrill!

Zugegeben, es ist etwas zu kurz, aber es war in der Zeit trotzdem spannend und es gab viele Schreck Momente. Wie man es von Until Dawn kennt, gibt es auch hier verschiedene Enden. Fehler, die hier in einigen Reviews genannt sind, sind bei mir nicht aufgetreten. Die Bonusinhalte, welche man freispielen muss, sind auch sehr interessant. Bin auf den nächsten Teil "Little Hope" gespannt, hoffe das es dann auch etwas länger ist.

I always wanted to play Until Dawn but lacked a PS4, so I guess this is the next best thing.

Honestly, the horror stories set on a ghost ship have always bored me to death, and I guess this one is no different. I'm very into the "butterfly effect" mechanic and the different outcomes it creates in the story depending on the most minimal details and choices.

I would have rated this game a little bit higher if it weren't for the stupid jumpscares coming at me every 3 minutes, it gets reeeeeaaaaallyyyyy annoying really fast. Also there's cringe dialog here and there.

Great characters! Engaging story. Spooky atmosphere. Played on XBOX Series X

From Edgar Allan Poe’s Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque to Orson Welles’ The Mercury Theater On Air to The Twilight Zone, horror anthologies have been successful in almost every medium for nearly 200 years. Supermassive Games wants to make video games part of that illustrious club with its Dark Pictures Anthology series. Man of Medan is the first foray into that space, telling a shorter story that has a ton of branching paths similar to Until Dawn, the studio’s breakout hit from 2015. Man of Medan has the narrative-heavy framework and most of the inherent positive qualities of Until Dawn but it also manages to fail a few more quick time events on its journey to the end.

Read the full review here:

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A really short game, but overall I enjoyed it. The game does not have many jump scares but it got me on a few and loved the horror atmosphere. I got to the end with almost everyone.

Cómo rodar tu propio barco fantasma pero la verdad es que se me desinflo un poquito al acabar el juego...

It felt a bit janky but it had an engaging story

joguei com o meu amigo e foi um desperdício de tempo

This was rough. Still love the intensity of knowing that anyone could die at any moment, but this was nowhere near as gripping as Until Dawn. Every single character is unlikable, and the story is a hot mess. I've heard Little Hope and House of Ashes are a lot better, so I'm still definitely going to check them out if they ever land on Game Pass.

La idea de la antología de juegos de este estilo me encanta, sin embargo, este primero deja ver lo que se sacrifica; enfoque y tiempo de desarrollo. Aún así deja con muchas ganas de más porque en multijugador de sofá con amigos es genial.

This ghost story won’t break the mould but thanks to its production values it’s a fun experience to be had together with some friends. Quite a few jumpscares too! Looking forward to the other episodes in the anthology.

Fun but not terribly good in retrospect

Sorry but Supermassive can't write compelling characters and narrative to save their lives

sorry but this game is laughably bad

saved brad and fliss so i technically win

Pretty lackluster story overall, but it felt good to return to this style of game. The game ran horribly on my console.

Senua! Jack JOYCE! Just kiddin'...
Too good story, scares a bit

It retains the same high production quality of Until Dawn, but every other aspect is disappointing. There are some clunky dialogue and controls, the characters are even more bland and unlikeable than the ones in Until Dawn, it relied too heavily on jumpscares, and the length is disappointingly short. The twist is also too predictable right from the prologue.

Don't really got too much to say here. While I believe the graphics here are real quality, that's pretty much it. The characters were dull, the dialogue was all sorts of choppy, and most of the "horror" bits were just obnoxious jumpscares.

Just a fair warning, I can't really review this game without spoilers so if that's not your thing then be warned.

So way back in 2015 Supermassive games came out with their absolute horror masterpiece game "Until Dawn", if you've read my review of Until dawn then you probably already know it's among my favorite games ever and probably my favorite horror game. While it is unlikely that Until Dawn will ever see a true sequel, the developers have been working on a new series of anthology games that are all spiritual successors to UD as they play very similarly and are all horror games where everyone can either live or die. The first of these was Man of Medan. So how does Man of Medan stand up to its predecessor? Well, not incredibly well, it's a good game no doubt, but it's kinda just OK in my opinion. First off the gameplay is mostly the same as Until dawn like I mentioned, you play as a group of characters who are trying to survive their horror movie setting and their fates are in your hands as you make decisions for them and manipulate the game's story based on those decisions. There is once again items for you to collect in the form of these portraits which give you possible hints at future events and there are plenty of exploring sections to go through, there's also a new feature where you have to press certain buttons in rhythm in order to avoid being detected by an enemy character, I found these to be a little frustrating but they didn't really explain them super well, no big deal though.

The real highlight of a game like this though is always its story so how's this one? Well like I said it's alright. First off this game is way shorter than Until Dawn, while Until Dawn can take the average person about 6-8 hours to complete assuming you're also trying to get all collectibles and explore as much as you can. This game I'd say will take you about half that time, again assuming you're exploring and trying to find everything. The story this time around is you are playing as 4 friends who are out on a deep sea diving trip looking for a lost WWII ship said to be full of treasure. While they are out at sea, they encounter a group of pirates who take them hostage and bring them to the ship in hopes that they will be able to force them to find the treasure known only as "The urca gold". Not much is known about the Urca gold or the sailors who died on the ship but based on the games prologue we can assume they saw some really crazy things on the ship prior to them all going missing. While you and the friends are on the ship your main objective is to find a way to escape from the pirates but also you begin encountering some weird things much like the sailors did, I'm going to get into spoiler territory now so be warned. It turns out that the Urca Gold is not gold at all but is actually a hallucinogen that causes the people who breathe it in to see weird and scary things but of course none of them are actually real. As they travel the ship, the group of friends and the pirates succumb to the effects of the drug and while the friends are able to figure it out, the pirates aren't so lucky. The game obviously has many different endings depending on how you play but somehow I managed to keep everybody alive on my first playthrough which I really was not expecting but I guess I've seen enough movies that I know what decisions to make. Anyways, I was also able to figure out the "twist" of this one fairly easily so it wasn't much of a surprise to me when it came up and overall I thought it was just OK, personally I don't like stories that rely heavily on a twist in order to make it exciting, and that's exactly the problem with this game, it just isn't that interesting. The characters I didn't feel like I knew at all and I frankly just didn't care whether any of them lived or died, add the lame twist into everything and I felt that this was a pretty disappointing and underwhelming experience especially when compared with the last game that this company made. If you love Until Dawn like I did then you might enjoy this one but don't expect too much.

I loved Until Dawn, but this just felt like an inferior product in any way. I haven't started Little Hope yet, but I sorta wish they'd focus on one big game instead of a bunch of small ones

Decent narrative horror game that relies too much on frustrating QTEs and is honestly too short for its own good - key plot points in the back half simply lack the impact that they should because the game rushes by them so quickly on its way to the ending.

Fun playing with a friend, everything you do counts

I mean the main appeal is obviously playing with a friend and going through the game over and over to see all the outcomes. I played it alone because I've had it on PS5 for a while from PS Plus and I finished it in one sitting, not because it was exciting or really that enjoyable but it was just a very quick game, not for me personally but I see the appeal.

Claramente inferior a lo que se venía gestando con el anterior título del estudio, pero sigue siendo divertido. El final es anticlimático (y eso que conseguí que sobrevivieran todos los personajes).

It was fun me and my friends played it in one sitting. Goofy characters and dumb acting but just fun to enjoy generally.