Reviews from

in the past

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all of these guys are pussies, me and my friends wouldve smoked the shit out of manchurian gold 🥴🥴🥴🥴

A game about choices that doesn't understand their role in storytelling. A horror game that doesn't understand horror. A game that concludes a decent setup with an embarrassing ending.

The first half is bursting with jump scares, even the extremely silly ones where a deformed face screams at you directly, giving this high-budget game the feel of a free Unity horror game. We get some actual breathing room towards the end but at the same time the jump scares that still do occur destroy any leftover atmosphere. This is worsened by a dumbed-down narrative. The Storyteller is a childish addition, the archetype of a mysterious meta person who's above the narrative. His sole contributions are nebulous predictions and a patronizing pat on the back if you managed to save people - and maybe he reprimands you if someone died. I wouldn't know, I didn't bother to check any more endings.

And y'know, I got to my first ending and it sucked ass - a completely unexplained conflict suddenly emerged for that shitty 'ooooOOOoooo the evil thing is still out there' moment. I redid a dumb decision I made towards the end and saved everyone, but that ending is almost exactly the same and it still sucked ass. I even watched an ending compilation and they all sucked ass. If I let someone escape early and then save everyone else later on, why does that first someone come back to the spooky ghost ship alone and they don't even try to call each other before, while in the other endings he returns obviously not alone?

As often present in horror media, there's an ideology of nihilism where mostly bad things simply happen and you're forced to live with them. This cheap trick has little bearing because death can be thrown in at any time. Even worse, the game later tries and fails to rationalize the spooky happenings instead of staying with a purely supernatural explanation. As seen before in The Suicide of Rachel Foster, rationalization does not make horror more grounded, believable or impactful.

So what bearing do your choices have in the end? In a good narrative or even your local DnD campaign, the entire world changes with you. Here, there are binary choices: you survive or you don't. There is no moral, there is no larger point, character arcs begin and get thrown away. There's only a bunch of cutscenes with no emotional release. The gamification of the narrative can be seen by people commenting on how shocked they were when an early innocuous decision has grave consequences later on. One person even said that the storyteller is their favorite character. He's not a character, he's the writer's desperate attempt to give a nihilistic narrative an even more nihilistic twist.

Games like this are built on the belief that there's always a choice, but this one doesn't have an answer to any of them. As The Armed sang not so long ago:

Expectations, secret rattlesnakes
It’s never really how it happens
It’s never really how it happens

One of the weaker games in this series, in my opinion.
I honestly enjoy the drama and the campiness of the Dark Pictures Anthology but Man of Medan just felt a bit boring to me. The setting seems interesting in theory, yet the game fails to build on this potential.

I think this might be due to its cast: None of the characters are particular lovable or exciting, they lack depth in a way. I am not expecting the most complex personalities from a game like this, of course. However, in this case, I just found them very forgettable and bland.

The same is true for the narrative. Honestly, I can't even remember most of the plot, I just remember walking through uninteresting landscapes and corridors.

I still had a bit of fun while playing, even though I don't think I will be coming back to this game.

After beating Until Dawn, I was so up for this game, but it turned out to be incredibly boring, I found the horror to be cheap and stopped being scary after awhile. Let down by this but “Little Hope” turned out to be better.

this platinum is going to kill me

The only horror to be found in this game is finishing it and realizing that you spent 4 of the most miserable hours of your life with it. Awful characters, awful writing, absolutely atrocious in every way. Not sure I even want to bother with future Dark Pictures games after how much I hated this.

Jump scare simulator
Shit camera
Shit voice acting
Shit characters
Shit story
No making sense
Just fun with friends laughing at this called horror game

Já tinha jogado no Xbox e achado mediano.

Dessa vez, aproveitei que o jogo foi dado na PS plus e joguei no PS4 no modo co-op local com a namorada. Foi daora, mas continua mediano kkkk.

This review contains spoilers

I played these games in reverse chronological order, starting with House of Ashes and working backwards towards this one. I’d heard mixed things about Medan, but I personally enjoyed it a lot. There are some wrinkles that Supermassive have ironed out in subsequent releases, like the clunky controls, confusing fixed camera angle, and the fact there’s no indication of whether what you’re about to interact with is a collectible or progression through the story that locks you out of all other collectibles in that area.

I found the game genuinely frightening, with a good balance of atmosphere and suspense and effective jump scares. I also don’t mind the twist - being trapped on a stranded ship while being exposed to a hallucinogenic chemical that can cause you to see horrific things and hurt yourself or those around you is no less terrifying to me than actual ghosts, so it didn’t take away from the experience for me (looking at you, Little Hope).

These games have definitely gotten stronger as they’ve gone, with the exception of Little Hope’s ending which felt like a true step back to me. But this is a solid first entry for what is, on the whole, a really enjoyable and interesting anthology so far. Looking forward to The Devil in Me!

Just so buggy when trying to play with my friend, that made us have to exit out of the game and in one instance make me go back to a previous point in the game. It also has really goofy characters that I don't find myself rooting for. I do like its setting though on a ship but yeah nothing too praiseworthy to say.

Tras ver el desastroso The Quarry con illoJuan y Masi, me quedé con ganas de seguir con ellos, así que me he animado con la trilogía de The Dark Pictures. En realidad es igual de malo que The Quarry, pero al ser más cortito acaba pesando menos. Quizás los personajes son algo menos odiables también.

I hate this one I hate it I ahte It I hateit Ihate It

The asynchronous multiplayer aspect is a neat concept, but seeing as I wanted to play through solo, I wish it would have been structured similarly, giving me one character to play through the game as, maybe even selecting whom at the start. It would incentivize replays if you only wanted to play solo and it would ensure you get to experience all of the content. The curators cut is a step in that direction but the initial playthrough just wasn't what I wanted so it felt like a waste to go through it all again.

It wasn’t as enjoyable as Until Dawn, but it was still alright.
None of the characters really felt like they got any sort of real development. The only character I can even kind of remember liking at any point was Fliss.
Everything about this game just kinda felt rushed. Not necessarily from a production standpoint, but from a narrative standpoint.
If you do play this game, I’d recommend doing it co-op with a friend. It honestly made the whole experience a lot more enjoyable than it would have been otherwise.

Fun to play with the wife but nothing to write home about.

I really enjoyed my time with Man of Medan but there is one thing that constantly went through my head; Juxtaposition.

Let me explain, this game is gorgeous, great looking environments and character models in atmospheric settings. The camera angles are obviously designed for a cinematic claustrophobic feeling setting up the feeling of dread and scares. This is entirely ruined by the terrible animations and controls, sometimes to hilarious effect. As an example fairly early in the game when walking down some hollow metal stairs the camera swoops down slowly behind the stairs watching your feet walk down them and giving a narrow view down a corridor. It's an angle I've seen films use before and the effect was really nice. The illusion is shattered like a glass hitting a wall though as my friend and I struggle to control our wooden walking puppet characters as they bump into each other and scenery as walking along even in a straight line felt like a constant battle. Sometimes it was like aliens had taken control of humans and weren't used to their bodies having so few limbs. Characters would stop sometimes for no reason, turning felt like trying to drive a T-34 tank and it generally felt like a cumbersome mess to actually play

A shame really, I like a lot of what this game does otherwise. The story is actually pretty well done with some interesting jump scares and revelations though I had figured out what was happening very early into the game due to one of my favorite TV shows from the 80's using a similar idea. It's actually based on a supposedly real ship and situation though its a bit sketchy on details how true the events are. Don't look it up until you finish the game as it will spoil it but a fascinating tale.

I played it through in co-op a few times with a friend and seeing the characters expressions every time we were making a decision was never not hilarious. The sudden silence, eyes darting around with a look as if they just realized they left their front door open before they went out never got old. Speaking of the co-op, it's got some really cool moments where you split up controlling different characters exploring different areas then re-meeting up again with decisions you make effecting how the story plays out and who lives and dies. The game wasn't hugely stable for us playing online though, had a few disconnections, bugs, glitches and crashes here and there sadly.

It's pretty short but with fairly decent replay value, collectables, endings and some making of documentaries attached. We are definitely interested in the others in the series as I hear they get better from here, and this one was pretty good. Recommend giving it a try.

Edit: So an update was released with a PS5 version but included a whole new ending, improved UI and other changes. The UI and difficulty options are good, as is the new ending and faster walking speed. It's still full of bugs though. The update introduced an infinite loading screen stopping movie night working and wiped game saves. Absolute mess.

+ Gorgeous visuals.
+ Co-op mode has some neat ideas.
+ Interesting story and atmosphere.

- Characters control like Octodad.
- Quite a few bugs and crashes.

Ecstasy of Gold

If this was the first one I would totally understand the clunkyness, but knowing that this came out after the critical darling that Until Dawn was, I can't help but wonder what was going on in the studio during the development, because the end result feels extremely amateurish from a narrative point. The game is honestly terrified of you not understanding what's painfully obvious, with characters and even the narrator of the game taking it's time to spell out for you every single second of the plot while making absolutely sure the "twists" are fully explained to you and your friends.

The one thing I can commend this game is the fact of how it absolutely feels like watching a B horror movie with friends, although I doubt they expected it to be a really bad B movie experience with friends shooting the shit. Even when understanding that the game wants for you to have fun while also playing with other people, it also has ZERO reactivity to anything you do. I played this alongside 4 other friends and by the end we were pretty sure nothing we actually did would change the plot in a meaningful way aside from maybe reducing the kill count. Every chapter is written in such a robotic way that you can clearly see what choices you made before made it ever so slightly different, with characters badly tacked on with zero dialogue or items you managed to bring but prove to be useless in the situation (or outright dropped by the character at the start or during a chase sequence).

Overall a pretty mediocre affair, saved by being unintenionally funny on a vc with 5 people and listening to some rapper singing about how he likes to get fucked in the ass.

Can't wait for Little Hope.

More like Man of MID-dan, amiright?

Has is moments but ultimately quite forgettable.

Maybe it was just my route, but I felt that it never revealed the whole song and dance, which is a double edged sword in a sense - so I can't be too disappointed.

Short, but slightly sweeter than bland.

Get free or on-sale.

Commits the ultimate sin of any video game which is being boring. Even with friends I was begging for the game to be over before we even got to the ship section.

Spirit Halloween has a tendency to be seen as a hokey gimmick pop-up store. Every product, while useful last minute for a costume, would likely break under gravity's force before even hitting the ground, if dropped. The cheapest most rudimentary plastic caricatures of whatever it may be that is under a hilariously generic alternative name to avoid copyright. The stores often find themselves propped up in a building no longer in use, & likely far too small to utilize the dimensions of said building, often taking up only 2/3rds of the space said building provides,. The only barrier that separates the products from the back-storage is a flimsy, inch thick cardboard that is just as pathetic as the decorations & costumes being sold there in the first place.


Once upon a time, I used to build these magnificent castles out of a series of toys that would be universally compatible with previous bundles from the same company. The packages would often include various walls, doors, ramparts, etc, enough variety & similarities to warrant no two castles looking the same between any amount of kids building them. One structure I had built was a very long wall of these plastic panels - the perimeter of a presumably much larger masterpiece that never was - it was just a linear husk that was barely able to be kept upright due to a lack of any foundation. I was quite proud of how it looked, at times, but as soon as I had looked at it from any angle that wasn't face-on, I would realize that I had created a sham.

Shit is boring as fuck chief.
At least i was playing with a friend and we could laugh at the terrible jumpscares

That sure was a game that exists...

Across the board a downgrade from Until Dawn, unfortunately. The cast and story weren't compelling and what was going on with the graphics and performance? It went to shit in the last few chapters of the game. Some of the multiplayer stuff looks promising but it won't fix the problems with the core of the game.

I hope Little Hope is better.

I always like the idea of these narrative driven games where you can make significant choices and alter the fates of certain characters but these Dark Pictures games are a bit dull. Horror lends itself well to anthologies and shorter stories but Man of Medan just feels very basic. A creepy abandoned ship is certainly a good setting for horror but I quickly grew tired of wandering down the same looking halls. Perhaps I'm misremembering Until Dawn but the level of interactivity in Man of Medan seems pretty limited. It's mostly just deciding between two dialogue options (three if you count "say nothing") and some wandering around and looking at notes with a quick time event thrown in here and there. It seems more built for a co-op experience which is cool but it's just not something I'm personally interested in. I didn't hate my time with it and getting four of the five characters killed maes me curious to dig into how to change certain outcomes.

Sinceramente eu esperava bem MAIS desse jogo mas pelas reviews eu já imaginava que iria ser bem o inferior ao seu sucessor que é o Until Dawn. Eu sei que é para ser uma história mais curta e com menos desenvolvimento, mas dava sim para ter tido uma história bem melhor e não tão apressada. O final é muito sem graça (pelo menos o que eu tive né) e a luta final é zoada para cacete, é tudo jogado ali e não faz sentido nenhum, é um final fraco e apressado para uma história apressada e sem qualidade e é muito triste porque a atmosfera do jogo é ótima, os personagens são meio tontos mas servem e a ideia de um navio da segunda guerra mundial que teve um gás bizzaro sendo soltado lá dentro com um monte de tripulante é no mínimo interessante e é uma pena que tenha sido tão ruim e mal executada. Os prós são os gráficos e a modelagem dos personagens que a supermassive arrasa sempre e a atmosfera

Story sucks, when you aren't making choices for them, the characters are as dumb as balls. Make decisions that could be easily avoided and that *I* have to fix for them. Some events don't even flow well into each other and feel completely random when you get onto the ship.

Some good scares nonetheless, even though they're all bullshit fakeouts with maybe one genuine scare that actually didn't get a reaction out of me lmfao. I like the narrator dude more than the actual characters.

Hated the navigational gameplay, very tedious and sometimes locks you in a room until you clunkily explore every nook and cranny before progressing to a cutscene.

It's fine, pretty subpar plot, only fun to play for the suspense and scares.

This game has a lot of great and effective gameplay elements and concepts that are absolutely hindered by the overall writing. The characters all feel like white bread, you're never really invested in them. I enjoyed piecing together what was going on, but was so disappointed with the answer because it just felt so generic.The game has a great way of telling a story, it's just a shame that the story it's telling sucks.

Decently fun experience with a friend.

Has to be the worst game I’ve ever played. Honestly the only reason it gets a half star is the graphics are nice. That’s it.

The game is only around four hours long, but I think that's better for this game, since you can't skip any cutscenes and you can get to the choices faster. I played it solo, but it seems like a good multiplayer game.

Everybody looks like they're made out of shiny plastic, somehow worse than Until Dawn. The characters feel heavy to control, and you sometimes have to be in a certain position to view objects, so you'll find yourself moving back and forth trying to get in the right place.

I enjoyed the game's story, but it was rather barebones and feel like there could have been some more "inbetween" parts. It's very linear.

The characters in this game are pretty bland. They are all just kinda there. Nobody really "evolves", bar maybe Brad. With the choices you make, your traits change and your relationships go up or down, it doesn't seem to make a difference. They always act the same.

I think it's weird to single out Conrad to put on the cover. Maybe it's just because of his actor. He doesn't do anything particularly main character worthy. In fact he was completely absent in my playthrough.