Reviews from

in the past

Plays great and while it still doesn't look phenomenal, it's a big upgrade from 14. Unfortunately has the same issue as every other KoF for me where there's just not many characters I wanna play as. On the bright side it has the cutest athena yet so I still got to enjoy putting her and yuri on a team and doing arcade mode. Almost gave it a point for not having an annoying fighting game final boss but they faked me out.

Beat with Team Sacred Treasures.

I’ve only beaten the Story Mode and fiddled a bit in training, but that technically counts as beating it so oh well. So far this games is great. Fast snappy gameplay, and fun as fuck in every regard. So glad it stuck the landing. Also the music slaps.

No se si sea mi internet pero tarde como 5 minutos en tener una match y me patearon el trasero en 10 segundos 0/10

Seriously though, es un KOF, por algo me gusta, ta chido

This game is visually a massive upgrade over King of Fighters XIV. It has a distinct anime artstyle, and wonderful character designs both new and old.. but unfortunately, it still can somewhat be considered lacking in its visuals compared to its competitors. It also lacks in unique content, such as single player modes. Story mode is extremely brief and can even be a tad bit non-descript for certain teams. However, that doesn't distract from the high-impact gameplay, splendid music, and the wonderful roster of characters that is still being updated to an absolutely staggering number.

Première fois que je touche vraiment à un KOF (j'avais essayé le XIV mais le online était déjà vide) et... je n'aime pas du tout le feeling des affrontements. Trop aériens, le neutral est particulier... et graphiquement c'est vraiment pas top. Pour couronner le tout, j'avais du mal à trouver des matchs online malgré le rollback.

Fun entry in the KOF series. Pretty much has all the fan favorite characters, though few in new faces, so I guess those looking for fresh characters probably would be disappointed with the roster. The game looks significantly better than KOF 14, with everyone looking great in the unreal engine. In terms of gameplay, it feels just as great as KOF always does. I am by no means competitively intimate with the mechanics, but I can still stay the game plays quite well. My only minor gripe is the fact that you have to play through the game a billion times to unlock all the music. As for the online experience, I can't say I have had much luck with that considering I play on Xbox and online lobbies are a ghost town. Apparently crossplay is going to be added sometime in the future, so hopefully I will be able to play more when that happens.

I prefer 14 but I think the combat is pretty good. I can't say much for Online play because I only play arcade but technically this game is pretty good. I do feel like this game was more of a cash grab for EVO. I'm not a fan of that shift.

Best fighting game of the 2020s til SNK drops KOF 16 at the end of the decade.

it knows its audience and doesn't try to reinvent the wheel.

A solid addition to the franchise. The launch roster is a bit smaller than XIV's, which was a little disappointing, but DLC appears to be making up for that.

i would say it's the best release of a fighting game in years but at the time of this review the matchmaking is still broken

i guess we can't have shit

i really liked this and wish i had more time to put into a new fighting game. instead i will keep labbing fuc for some reason??

This game is cool but have you ever heard of this one guy his name is Rock Howard

Incredible stylistically, but I will never understand this game. Or its story. Shun'ei is really cool, though.

Com certeza é meu Kof favorito em relação a jogabilidade, aqui eu sinto que consigo bater nos Kofeiros viciados de plantão.
O jogo ainda está precisando de um balanceamento, mas, após ele chegar,o jogo com certeza se tornara um dos melhores Kof's da historia! (E com Dlc's incríveis chegando!)

peak of the franchise tbh

This game is good, but the online dead as the ocean

The real fg goty 2022. Its incredible, but matchmaking being broken for a year and a half and no crossplay for a while really killed a lot of my motivation to pick it up again. Add Shen Woo then it's 5 stars

I am dog at this game but hoo boy is it fun to play.

i would highly recommend every FG fan to get into KOF and this is honestly an easy to get into entry. fun as fuck and looks sleek as hell

É um KOF muito acessível pra novos jogadores, possui personagens muito queridos da saga e basicamente marca o recomeço da franquia. Ele é de certa forma equilibrado e o modo história é BEM simples, mas em questão de gameplay é um dos mais divertidos.
Única coisa que faltou foi inovar em algum aspecto ou fazer algum tipo de evolução, mas se comparado com o seu antecessor, ele é uma adição bem sólida.

i am so fucking glad this game is good i spent 2 years hyping it up

I've played other KOF games in the past but this is the first one that I decided to actually learn and its absolutely fantastic. Terry is my dad.

KOFXV is an amazing fighting game1 with an impeccable roster of unique fighters with badass super moves and Climax moves. The characters are vast and feature characters from the history of King of Fighters, as well as Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury. The models are high quality and very artistic in its style and design. The male characters look badass and muscular, while the females look badass, sexy, and cute. The story mode is a classic arcade style story, where you choose 3 members for a team (depending on which 3 are paired based on the roster is who's story you'll go through, with the most important being Isla and Shun'eis being the most important in terms of what happens. The game is a very japanese esk fighter but features a vast amount of diversity among the cast. The game is my second king of fighters and i have to say it was a very amazing and awesome experience. If you were a little unsure about this series of Fighting games, i absolutely recommend it. 😁❤️

The best released this year bar none. Haven't put that many hours into it since online play doesn't work very well on my platform of choice, but I sure wish I could. Gameplay is top notch, don't think I've played a KoF that feels smoother to play than this one. No real singleplayer content is a real shame, though.

I love king of fighters i think the roster is really cool and fun and I rlly enjoy picking three characters for my ass kicking entrouge. I think this one is kinda weird with its reasoning for some of the characters being back but otherwise its the best looking a 3d kof has ever looked in my opinion
i wish street fighter 4 looked like this lol
ALSO B JENET IS BACK!! cant wait for snk to vault her again for another decade but.. atleast shes here! my favorite character purely bc i think her kit is so fun and something abt a pirate lady is intriguing to me.

Id probably either like or dislike this game a lot more if i was aware of more than like 12% of the overarching plot in king of fighters

final thoughts: beating motherfuckers with your high heels will never not be gnarly

Não sou lá muito fã de Fighting Games, muito menos de KoF (apesar de amar os antigos até o '99), mas me agradou bastante a gameplay, me parece mais cadenciada e dinâmica comparada ao seu antecessor. Só senti falta da Nakoruru :/