Reviews from

in the past

i never had the chance to play this in multplayer which is probably why i didn't care for it

Very fun game with friends, there are 2 issues however, the single player experience isnt the best, and its a pain to set up for multiplayer as you need the game, a gamecube/wii and 4 gbas if you wanna have max amount of players

Much more accommodating to the single player experience than Tri Force Heroes, with formations allowing all 4 Links to be controlled at once, however this is still a multiplayer focused so the single player experience is hampered by some tedious elements.
For example, in multiplayer each Link can pick up their own weapon while in single player, that weapon is given to all 4 Links so backtracking becomes a bigger thing. Some bosses/enemies require the right colour of Link to attack it which becomes much more difficult for a single player to do. And in multiplayer Force Fairies (lives in this game) are much more available and are only used when a Link has no force gems to drop, while in single player they are used whenever you lose all of your hearts.

While the single player experience is flawed, the game does offer a few ideas that were ahead of it's time. If you use the GBA as a controller (required in multiplayer) then you have another screen (this pops up in a window on TV in single player) and what is cool about this is the way the levels are designed to make use of this, essentially acting like a DS or Wii U. For example the Helmaroc King boss sees you trying crash it into various caves on the TV while inside the cave on the GBA you can attack it's hammer. All of the dark world stuff takes place on the GBA so you can see where you are in relation to the standard overworld and how your actions are affecting it. It's a really neat concept and with 4 players, it offers a really unique experience.

The biggest caveat though with multiplayer is that you need 4 GBAs and 4 GCN/GBA link cables as well as the game and Gamecube setup to get the full experience which was expensive in 2004/2005 and gosh knows how expensive that is now.
Like I said though, the idea was ahead of its time and I would love to see an attempt of getting it to work on Switch via online and handheld local multiplayer so a wider audience can experience one of the most forgotten about Zelda titles

I really want to actually play this multiplayer

o meu emulador bugou bem perto do final, mas o jogo é até que legalzin.

god i wish i had irl friends growing up: the video game

A great game that is fun with friends

PLAY THIS GAME IF YOU CAN, it's really fun to play only in multiplayer but the multiplayer alone makes this an amazing game.

it's a zelda course clear game.
much like mixing chocolate and pizza.

Looking back, its crazy to think my family owned four link cables, four GameBoys, and a copy of this game so we could all play this.

Nothing special, but still fun. I kinda wish it'd get a remake. It was recieved poorly initially, probably due to how inaccessable it was. With more modern hardware and online multiplayer I think it'd do a lot better.

A strange and experimental Co-Op experience that's a bit too simplistic to be enjoyed on Single-Player and far too needlessly complicated to set-up for Multi-Player. Recently however, I have gotten the chance to play it multi-player and its a lot of fun. Just a shame that its so difficult to get up and running.

I respect the ambition and weirdness of this game. It's a really good singleplayer experience, to be honest. I love that one level that's just a lengthy fetch quest in a town. Kind of a nostalgic classic, I have no interest in replaying it though I'm glad I did.

If I had 4 people to play with I might've given this a proper chance.

really need to do this with multiplayer someday. put it on the switch with online already ffs.

Four Swords Adventures was a rather rare blemish in the series. This musou-esque reiteration of Four Swords had little to do with the franchise, acting more like a disposable ad meant to showcase Nintendo's console/portable capabilities, alongside unimaginative boss fights and puzzles (if any).

I played this solo and I still had a blast!

A fun 4 player Zelda remix of Link to the Past but it was a pain in the butt since all your friends needed a GBA link cable.

fun if you have friends. kinda boring otherwise

A really fun game to play with friends and surprisingly good for a multiplayer, 2D Zelda.


I am incredibly biased towards this game. The manga for this and Minish Cap got me into Zelda. I ADORE the manga more than I can describe. I absolutely fucking love it, i read it twice a year no joke. It’s frankly just fantastic. The game however, I feel is just good. I feel like I’d adore it if I played with friends but I don’t really have 500 dollars or friends with 3 link cables and 3 GBAS so that’ll have to wait. This game is still very fun on your own and the puzzles are REALLY complex especially for the type of game it is. It’s also in that era of Nintendo I love aka 2000-2006 where they were just always so experimental and dropped bangers and this is no exception. Sprite art is a rarity on the GameCube but it’s beautiful here though it looks like it always has the “blended pixel” type of filter on. The designs are also so fresh and unique, especially Zelda she’s got like a braid in this one and is really strong it’s kinda sick. Pretty remixes of old Zelda songs as well. I like this game a lot. Shadow Link is my baby.

This game has some cool ideas that would be neat in a traditional Zelda game, like the C-Stick formations, but the level structure kinda hurts it. Some levels are worse than others, and the best ones are mostly just neat. the final level has some serious nonsense design, bad note to end on.

need 4 gbas and 3 friends to play this again