Reviews from

in the past

Fun game overall. I liked the GBA screen gimmick, and the way it was used for the puzzles was cool. Nothing was all that complicated puzzle-wise, but I definitely found myself stuck on a section (when I probably shouldn't have been lol) for 15 mins at a time here and there. Wasn't too long either, probably 15-ish hours. The different worlds all had some cool concepts and different enough vibes in each location to keep it all feeling fresh. I think it had less character than many zelda games from some of the dungeons feeling a little same-y, but overall a good experience in my books.

this game only served to remind me that I was a lonely only child with no friends, and for that I can never forgive it.

that was kinda cute i guess but oh my GOD stop picking me up

Personally my least favorite game in the series.

We did 3 players gameplay, it tooks us 2 years to complete the game, it was a lot of fun but that's it, from zelda it has only the name and some items.

Very fun and unique zelda game! Does a lot better job at being playable singleplayer than FS anniversary the formations help a lot with that. Each stage plays like a small dungeon having to explore and use items in unique ways. A lot of them have one time gimmicks like a blizzard that will damage you or finding thieves in a town. The few ideas that where repeated where fun to see each time. I especially like the super big bomb that you had to hide from by entering your gba. The few times i got stuck had to do with some items having effects that are only in this game as far as I know such as the pegasus boots breaking cracked blocks but otherwise the puzzles where easy to follow.