Reviews from

in the past

I'm really glad they made the Triforce quest better

I like this game a lot. The art direction, the music, the dungeons, the characters, this game has it all. I got the special edition Wii U that came with this game and played through it pretty fast. Definitely in my top three games in the series.

Wind Waker HD resolves pretty much all of the gameplay issues of the original (shortening the Triforce Shards quest) but its hyperbloom graphics actually reduce the overall charm compared to the original. Also being able to instantly swap between TV and Gamepad is A+ gamer shit that the Wii U was ahead of its time in implementing. Notice how the Switch lets you do that for every game? Wind Waker HD walked so the Switch could sprint, baby

I find the bloom really gross and distasteful. Indoor environments are a lot better, but the QOL changes aren't enough to make me want to pick this up over the original for a replay.

A true classic. This was the first Zelda game I ever played, and I had some trouble at first, but after a year of being stuck at Forsaken Fortress, I got past it and started really enjoying myself. Now I replayed it with a friend in the HD version, and I must say that it is basically a straight upgrade in just about every way. Positives are everywhere. There is a sail that lets you change the direction of the wind AND go faster with your boat, which removes having to change the wind manually all the time and makes you travel the sea faster. The triforce hunt has been largely redesigned to still capture the feeling of exploring the sea that the original had, but also removing some of the charts required, making it a whole lot less tedious. There is actually just one thing that I would mention as both a positive and a negative: by jump attacking and then immediately inputting a spin attack, your damage doubles for the spin attack. This turns out to be incredibly overpowered, killing most enemies a lot easier than it would have been otherwise. Otherwise the game is much the same, and here are some opinions on the game in general. I love the music in The Wind Waker! Not only is it highly nostalgic to me, but some more experimental tunes have sneaked their way in there, like the song playing in Hyrule Castle before getting the Master Sword, which sounds incredibly broken, distorted and has a very relaxed relationship to silence which I absolutely love. My absolute favourite of these experimental tunes has to be the Illusory Room in Ganon's Castle near the end. Everything about it is odd: odd rhythms, odd instrumentations, etc. I especially love how one part of the mix is delayed by an eighth note, making it sound different the more time passes. And because it is a modern Zelda game, every dungeon and boss music is incredible, with the highlights being Wind Temple, Forbidden Woods, Tower of the Gods and Forsaken Fortress for the dungeons, and Helmaroc King, Gohdan, all Ganon related boss tunes and Molgera. I also love how open the world is in this game. You are stuck for a bit in the beginning, but after the first two dungeons, you are free to go basically wherever you like. And there is just so much to explore, and it feels so natural to explore it because you are on the sea! I think that too is awesome, the fact that you are on the sea. And the final section rivals the final sections of my more appreciated Zelda games like Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time. I think the bosses toward the end are the best in the game, and that's exactly how it should be. This game would have been an 8 if it was the original version, but thanks to all the improvements I cannot justify giving this anything less than a 9!

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Childhood game, just remastered. I vastly prefer this version over the original despite my playthroughs being far less.

What I liked:
+ Obviously the visual styles are greatly improved over the original.
+ Vastly improved pacing. God bless them for cutting out Triforce charts. Grinding for rupees was a pain.
+ Still the same great game I loved as a child. I enjoy the plot, the story, and I am in great favour of Link having family members actively in his life rather than making Zelda the only important person in his life like many other Zeldas had done.

What I didn't like:
- The whitewashing is a bit more apparent in this one, even in the official artwork and renders Tetra's skin is lighter which is really =/.
- While it improves the original it still has the same plot flaws the original has such as Tetra being shoved out of the entire picture. I'd have much preferred it if she had been a much bigger presence in the story other than "turning out to really be Princess Zelda" and getting kidnapped. She was clearly capable of handling herself, and Link leaving her was what ended up getting her captured anyway so what was that about!

Huge improvement over the original casually, and a very cool speedrun. Can't play randomizers for it (yet), but overall the game I'd suggest someone play if they want to try a Zelda game for the first time.

I love the style this game has, one of my top 5 Zelda games

It's Wind Waker but now with an obnoxious blue filter. But still the best version of the game due to quality of life improvements.

Uma aventura épica pelo oceano de Hyrule inundada, trazendo momentos marcantes e divertidos.

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a tragically frustrating final third couldn't totally spoil the expressive and adventurous first two acts. loved the sailing, hated the command melody and fetch quests

HD version is ugly and bad, but it's still wind waker, so it's pretty good

Improved a lot on the GameCube original, and it looks beautiful to boot

Made a ton of improvements over the original but God the over reliance on bloom ruins the art style. Everything feels so flushed out by how bright it is. Ugh.

the best fucking zelda game

Before swift sale and ballad of gales, it takes too long to travel between different places. The combat, story, music, and characters are all great though

Very fun game to play. Nintendo is great!!!!!!

Buen juego, lo recomiendo mucho.

Nintendo actually trying to do something in their full price remaster
And it ruins the cell shaded artstyle,
They just can't win.


How they make Zelda so cool then up and legit lock her away in a room for a good part of the game? I would die for Makar tho.

My first Zelda game, and the only one I’ve ever beaten.

I should have played through this a very different way