Reviews from

in the past

Surprisingly competent. Worth a play.

Surprisingly good in hindsight, went underappreciated when I played it as a kid.

Of course, what Tolkien intended with his anti-war story was for it to be adapted into a boring action game.

Gimli is my fave, but I remember that everytime I picked him he played worse than the other 2, and it felt like discrimination. Aragorn and Legolas (And Kili) are my least favourite Peter Jackson's Middle Earth characters.

Loved playing this & Return of The King with my brother growing up. For a hack & slash title the gameplay has aged pretty well all things considered. Each character has their own playstyle to suit your preferences, and a variety combo attacks to play around with. The game also just has great aesthetics being drawn from the LOTR movies. Only thing this game doesn't really have compared to games like GOW & DMC is good bossfights, all of the levels are pretty linear with waves of basic enemies throughout. The game does have a few cool bonuses at the end but not much compared to other games. Also if you don't prioritize spending EXP on certain upgrades early (extra health, Bane moves, and sword/bow damage buffs), you're gonna have a VERY HARD time on the Helm's Deep levels. Not bad but Return of The King is easily the more refined game and lack of co-op is dissapointing.

Mind-blowing that Return of the King was so good it completely overshadowed what an achievement this still was at the time.

The combat was a lot clunkier than The Return of the King, but still the best way to play through the events of the first two films.

I actually played this one after playing Return of the King but still enjoyed it well enough.

Don't remember much of this game. I was (and still am) a huge Lord of the Rings fan, considering the extended trilogy to be my favorite "11-12 hour movie" of all time.

And so, because of my love of all things LOTR, I took the plunge on testing out the waters on what was once considered one of the most notoriously bad genres of video games: the movie tie-in title. Surprisingly, from what I can remember, this wasn't half bad back then, but it was quickly surpassed by The Return of the King the following year.

great early 2000s couch coop game, made greater if you were a huge fan of lotr at the time, better ways to experience middle earth in today's day and age

This game has a lot of faults, mostly in it's structure. If you have never seen the movies before jumping into this game, you will have no idea what the hell is going on. By design, the entire game is just a recreation of setpieces from the movie (with some original ones to make this more of a "game"), which will mean absolutely nothing to people who have never seen these films. However, as someone who grew up with/loves these films and knows them back to front, this did not bother me personally. What DID bother me was the fact that this game only recounts the events of Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli and completely excludes every other hero as a playable character, although to be fair Frodo, Sam, & Gollum's and especially Merry & Pippin's story would not translate well to a game of this kind at all except for maybe the final minutes of the film, which from what I understand are being saved for the next game. And as a diehard fan of these films, it was awesome to play as three of the most badass members of the fellowship and complete kick some Uruk-hai ass. And the upgrade system and ability to go back and replay each section as any of the three heroes is an ingenius idea, demanding replayability. Is it repetative? Yes. And the boss fight with Sharku, the Warg rider, is super annoying. But despite these criticisms, for a movie tie-in game, this is better than it has any right to be.

Could never get into this game like I did with Return of the King

EL germen del que surgirá el mejor juego del señor de los anillos jamás creado

This is how you adapt a film with absolutely not enough development time while focusing on gameplay that just works. Featuring four distinct characters (I prefer Legolas and Aragorn), The Two Towers renders the two films with shocking devotion to atmosphere and a population density which seems shocking during the Helm's Deep level. It's too easy to cheese the combat, but you get what you get with some complexity and plenty of replayability. I might have to finally play The Return of the King to see if that's the improvement I hear it is.

Jogo bacana por ser de uma franquia incrível de filmes e livros.
Mas meu Deus do céu, que joguinho rrrrruuuim.

This game is not good, but I sure did play it as a pre-teen.

A time where I would pay full price for a movie game

Tolkien's masterpiece on the ps2

Return of the King is a better game since it has co-op.

All timer hack and slash, wish brawlers would go back to this style of combat instead of the Arkham style one button+directional

i remember this game being incredible

it's hard to enjoy games based on third-party licenses and treat them seriously. still, stormfront studios earned the distinction of being one of few developers that could bank success on taking another entity's IP and creating something fun with it. in 1991, stormfront partnered with SSI (the developers of the goldbox games) and AOL to create neverwinter nights, arguably the first graphics-based MMO ever created. they would also develop titles in the Madden series for PC. so what does this have to do with twin towers for the ps2 then?

it may be hard to acknowledge, but gaming up until maybe the xbox 360 era consisted of franchise IPs sharing shelf space and legitimacy with first-party titles. while shovelware became synonymous with third-party games, you'd still have outstanding titles that showcased creativity and craftsmanship comparable to first-party developers. as we entered the 2000s, sterling examples of good third-party titles were few. however, the lord of the rings: the two towers showed that the right development team could make an impressive product that could occupy a unique space at the height and eventual decline of the game rental market, as well as provide the gamer on a budget with a solid contribution to their library. who could do this better than the studio that pioneered a new gaming genre nearly a decade earlier?

at first glance, the lord of the rings: the two towers doesn’t do much to distinguish itself from its siblings in the beat-em-up genre. for the ps2 at least, this game had to compete with god hand, viewtiful joe, devil may cry, crimson tears, and other games that emphasized stylish presentation alongside their well-refined, action-combat mechanics. however, there’s plenty to still appreciate about the twin towers, such as the game’s willingness to respect player autonomy by allowing for mechanics to be introduced and described diegetically. though this choice remains a rarity nowadays, consider the fact that it was 2002 and we were already getting to the point where text dumps and tutorials began creeping their way into a game’s first hour. the twin towers was also appropriately difficult, with amon hen and helm’s deep still being some of the most memorable objective-based missions i’ve played in a beat-em-up so far.

what i think is perhaps most notable about the lord of the rings: the two towers is the game’s pace and momentum. there isn’t much here to demand anything more than perhaps a 6 to 8 hour playthrough and that’s perfectly fine. it feels like the team at stormfront studios were acutely aware of this fact, ensuring that player skill would be the determining factor for the game’s length. there’s little bloat here, and the replayability comes from wanting to challenge yourself or unlock goodies because you’re a little tolkien freak. other than that, its just an extremely lean but satisfying experience, which is why the two towers was the ultimate video game rental title

consider that at this time, the market had variety when it came to consumer purchasing power. you could either buy the game at launch, buy the game used, rent the game, or borrow it from a friend. for those not able to justify a game purchase, rentals were a godsend for many during this generation. however, popular titles like final fantasy x, kingdom hearts, metal gear solid 2, or san andreas weren’t designed to be completed within the 2-3 day rental window that retailers like blockbuster or hollywood video gave to their customers. while risky, one could always go ahead and give the third-party titles a try, in the hopes that the developers weren’t ambitious and trying to do something artistic with the shark tale property. stormfront studios was ambitious though, but they were willing to design a game within the constraints of what the market expected from this kind of game which ultimately makes this title superb within its own little category.

no doubt that stormfront studios would take what they learned from making lord of the rings: the two towers and refine it for forgotten realms: demon stone, which some would argue to be a far more engrossing and fleshed-out game, but it’s still incredible to look back at this game and the time it came out as a unique period during gaming’s growing pains

watching jerma struggle through helm's deep was an experience not really dissimilar to drakengard

de los mejores juegos de ps2 basado en la pelicula tiene muchos niveles dificiles de pasar pero si quieres revivir es pelicula este es el juego.

Absolutely fuck helm's deep

a wonderful excuse, if you need one, to buy an emulation handheld

Not as good as I remember it being when I was a kid but still an ok game