Reviews from

in the past

Um simulador de chefe de policia bem enfadonho, que todavia se justifica pelo seu final justo e mesquinho. Nem todas as historias tem finais felizes e nem todos os jogos são feitos para serem vencidos, esse é um deles.

Ļoti labi spēle par policistu. Viegli aizrauj. Bija interesanti spēlēt.

Parts of this are so fun and unique it creates an experience you could always remember, commanding your fleet of cops and detectives is engaging and intense even though you're just looking at a map the whole time basically. However as much as I like the gameplay it is also the ultimate downfall for this game imo. It becomes so ridiculously difficult near the end and solving the detective cases nearly impossible that it completely ruins the experience and doesn't inspire me to go back and play it again. Way too much RNG and that can't be understated

This is the Police é um game indie policial onde seguimos a história de um chefe de policia que foi renunciado do seu cargo pelo prefeito da cidade e apenas lhe restam 180 dias para gerenciar essa delegacia da sua maneira, o game tem uma gameplay bem arriscada onde temos que gerencia-la contratando gente nova, tendo que reconhecer quais chamados são trotes e quais não, tentando não se afundar em toda a corrupção que a cidade te oferece e entre outros elementos que no começo são muito imersivos e interessantes mas com o tempo sua base de gameplay se torna enjoativa e repetitiva mas como a história é contada com competência e te entrega uma história imersiva e realista da cidade de Freeburg nós ficamos a mercê de zera-lo para poder ver todo o fechamento do enredo principal, concluindo, numa primeira jogatina é interessante de se jogar pela história porém para quem for comprar saiba que o fator replay desse jogo deixa muito a desejar pelos motivos ditos acima.

So very slow to play
Would NEVER RECOMMEND ANYONE, it felt such a slog to get through and I'm glad it's over

Great core gameplay loop, funny and surprisingly fun strategy. Not really anything special though, and they didn't randomize the events for some strange reason so every playthrough is the same. Fun to stream.

The management aspect is very monotonous and all the developments that occur are cheap and don't improve the loop, some events or game rules are just silly and arbitrary.
Payoff is very weak and i'm not even critiquing the narrative here, in fact the narrative is the only thing that I might praise.
Recap and get into the sequel if you're intrigued, because you won't find value for time sunk here.

I like this game a lot. It feels a lot like Commissioner Gordon's story in Batman Year One. Not related genuinely but it makes me think of it.

This game is obviously something that the writing team put quite a bit of work into, which is unfortunate because I think thats its a game that really tasks you to keep up with it. I'd hesistate to call it boring, its a good way to engage your brain without having to exercise the same muscles as you would in games where the decisions are all made in real time. I find it to be relaxing, which is perhaps its best quality, good for anyone looking for a calmer and less difficult in execution game.

I was incredibly bored by it within the first half hour. Maybe I didn't give it a fair shake, but I feel like that's enough time to at least be hooked by something.

I still don't really understand how the crime scene investigations are supposed to work but I like the deck-building nature of the officers

1) Затянуто, причем очень сильно. Под конец игры следить за происходящим просто невозможно из-за духоты;
2) Со второй половины игры часто встречаются многократные повторения различных событий и реплик;
3) Игра не предлагает ничего нового из механик по ходу продвижения;
4) Перегруз текстом, который опять же со 2 половины игры повторяется;
5) Система расследований интересная;
6) Какая никакая вариативность присутствует;
7) Сюжет - база.

Awesome game, enjoyed it from start to finish. Interesting enough story about a cop going down a path of corruption or honesty. Good gameplay loop, felt rewarded when I invested in my low number officers (Sadano and Austin <3) Involves a bit of strategy since you won’t have your cops work for you everyday, sometimes they have to attend some personal errands or just not work at all, which is nice since it helps the player be more engaged since they can’t just send cops to a call and turn off their brain. Nothing bad I can really say about this game. There’s a second game of This is the Police, which i personally enjoy more but a lot of people don’t. In summary 8.5/10, worth the time if you like management games and a nice cop story.

Bom, então, eu gostei, mas fiquei muito na dúvida se recomendava o jogo ou não.

Vamos lá; o jogo de início é legal, divertido, porém a parte mais forte da gameplay é como se fosse um simcity só que só de polícia. Claro que tem várias outras mecânicas no jogo, e eu achei todas bem divertidas - inclusive tem um plot por trás de tudo - mas nada disso é muito presente; o que me fez pensar muito se eu recomendava o jogo ou não.

Alguns pontos positivos: a arte é lindíssima, eu amei muito; a atuação dos dubladores é impecável MENOS a do personagem principal, achei a atuação dele péssima; as músicas são muito boas, é muito gostosinho colocar as músicas e beber um cafézinho junto. De início o jogo é legal, a história e as mecânicas são bem divertidas.

Pontos negativos: depois de um tempo o jogo fica MUITO repetitivo. A história demora pra desenrolar, vc fica dias e dias jogando o mesmo sim city de policial, até que a história evolui um pouquinho (bem pouco mesmo) e depois volta pra mesma coisa. As outras mecânicas também são divertidas, mas mal acontecem. O que predomina no jogo é o que eu já disse, e depois de um tempo fica muuiito chato. Além de que colocam muitos empecilhos, vários dos seus policiais morrem nas missões do nada, tem muitas ligações falsas, etc., e isso vai desmotivando cada vez mais.

Agora uma crítica ao plot: até um certo ponto do jogo a história vai evoluindo de uma maneira okay, te da vontade de continuar jogando pra ver o que acontece, mas depois de um tempo as coisas se perdem um pouco. A história passa a ficar sem nexo, coisas muito importantes que aconteceram são simplesmente esquecidas de uma hora pra outra; várias coisas acontecem ao mesmo tempo e acabam sem ter uma conclusão muito clara.
Esse jogo também é daqueles que escolhas importam, se vc fizer uma escolha a história se desenrola de uma maneira totalmente diferente, só que, sinceramente? essas escolhas não mudam quase nada na gameplay. O jogo continua naquela mesmice com algumas cenas esporádicas do plot. Não me deu vontade nenhuma de voltar e jogar de novo pra ver o que aconteceria se eu tivesse feito outra escolha.

Resumindo: no início o jogo é legal, e quando eu digo início quero dizer algumas horas. Eu gostei, mas depois de um tempo ficou muito cansativo e repetitivo; as coisas demoravam para acontecer; o plot foi se perdendo e não era interessante o suficiente pra te instigar a continuar jogando. Poderiam ter feito algo muito melhor, um jogo mais curto quem sabe, com as outras mecânicas aparecendo mais vezes, com a história se desenrolando com mais frequência ao invés de ter que esperar muito tempo pra algo acontecer. Dava pra ter aproveitado muito melhor isso aí.

Eu joguei até o fim, porque, como eu disse, eu até que tava gostando. Pensei "vai que no final acontece alguma coisa que me surpreende", mas não, continuou nisso.

Minha dica é, se vc tiver bastante dinheiro sobrando, realmente, sem precisar se preocupar em guardar, e tiver bastante tempo livre nos próximos dias, compre o jogo, de resto, não.

Lots to say about the games in this series. Let's start at the beginning.

These games make me feel complete whiplash. I hate and love equal parts of all of them. The first game is a lot more of an even experience I suppose...

In terms of story telling, I have never liked the presentation here. It is played out in what are basically story boards. I think they were going for more of a comic book feel, and sometimes the framing feels purposeful and intriguing. But the execution is lacking. In particular, these cutscenes go on for WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long. Sometimes they are 7-8 minutes long and they just hold on this one static shot of a house, or what have you. It is so lifeless. The dialogue is not good enough to carry these moments either: the dialogue is saved somewhat by the competent voice acting: that's the voice of Duke Nukem as Chief Boyd. And Boyd in general does a great job of getting you invested in the story. He is caught between many areas and connections in his life that slowly pile on progressively. The ending is pretty miserable and fitting for his story. But overall, the journey there is slow and dull. So it's up to the gameplay to do the heavy lifting.

Thankfully, I rather enjoy the management system here. Sending your cops out requires some thought and planning. But then there are times where something spontaneous happens and you get multiple calls and have to make a choice of who goes where, or if you don't go at all thinking it's a bogus call. The cop system gets more expanded in the later games, but as it is here, you have your typical officers who get better and more experienced as the game goes on. It's generally best to throw in some new recruits and bad officers with trained ones to help them get experience on the field.

It is very stimulating to send them out on calls. And then you have the decision making in each encounter. It isn't always clear which is correct, sometimes you have to pick the crazy option and it works. Sometimes it's more sensible. I like the spontaneous element and randomness of the experience. It keeps you on your toes. And your cops don't always come in to work or ask to take days off. Usually for very stupid and humorous reasons, but it adds more into that spur of the moment type gameplay.

Theres also the detective side where you assign detectives to cases and they gather clues over time until you have a lead and suspect. There are many moving parts in the game and things to manage, like the offices, vacation days, etc. the cops shift to political sides and won't work with anyone on the other side. Theres a memorable sidequest where you have to recruit a really pathetic cop who never comes to work, but in exchange you get many more slots for officers.

These systems are all fun, but don't always work well. The political thing for one game is flippant: cops switch their opinions every day so you can design an A and B shift with only Red or only Blue cops, and then the the next day the whole shift is messed up. Youre basically forced in many moments to do something corrupt or morally grey, even when you don't want to. It can be frustrating to have to resort to those methods.

I have to also highlight the really awesome soundtrack. It has a great vibe with the overall game, smooth jazz and relaxing tunes while you gamble with the lives of your cops.

So overall how do you walk away from this game? It certainly has a style and theme it's going for. I like the gameplay and the sub systems, I love the music. But the story is poorly told despite a good leading character.

I enjoyed it despite its issues. The same can be said for the next game...

Um jogo legal se vc for um streamer/youtubers, já para o resto, acho q se torna um jogo extremamente repetitivo.

This game contains multiple digs at Jaden Smith. It's a mixed bag with some of the game design elements being deceptively complex, but the base gameplay loop gets old long before the conclusion and there are far too many annoyances. For a game that's primarily text I would have hoped for less typos and better animation in the few cut scenes scattered throughout.

By the way, ACAB

Good idea and nice gameplay, boring/poorly implement story

If this was 5, maybe 6 hours long I would have liked it. It's way too long and simply ran out of patience for it. I will say it has a really nice atmosphere and it pulls off its style beautifully; the voice-acting is great and I will never not love having an in-game radio to listen to music with.

A nice strategy game with a really in depth and intriguing storyline. Though the gameplay needs some tweaking, it's still very engaging and sometimes even stressful to decided who goes to do what.

It's only bogged down by how long it is, it seriously doesn't need to be nearly 20-30 hours long, and the lack of a free-play mode (IE a mode that's just the gameplay without worrying about the overarching story) kind of hurts but that's just me.

it's an overall 8/10 despite it's flaws.

I had fun with this
Story is pretty cool too

дроп но норм хохо

This game moves halfway between several genres, on the one hand the story develops as a visual novel with small decision making, and the gameplay is a simple management of the police station, choosing troops, the priority of the cases and some small puzzle with investigations.

Its story does not have an amazing script or full of twists, but personally it did captivate me and it is largely the reason why I enjoyed directing the police station. On the other hand, its management system is not very deep either, so don't expect hours and hours and hours of play per game.

We have 180 days of micro-management of the police station, with the life of our protagonist among gangsters and politicians, making decisions to do the best possible for the department and for ourselves, experiencing all kinds of situations.

The game is entertaining and, in my opinion, recommended. 6/10


Joguinho bacana até, mas tem muito muito diálogo... Chega ser cansativo, mas enfim

first time i’ve ever really played smth like this, and it was a good time. mechanics were fun, and the story had a simple and engaging premise.

it just went wayyyyy too long and concluded in a lacklustre way. most of my choices (from a story perspective) didn’t really matter, which was kinda a let down. cut it in like half, or by a third, and i would have enjoyed it much more.

still had a good time though.


A true joy of a game. Slow, methodical, but shifting and engaging. I would play this game indefinitely if only the story campaign hadn't closed with such finality. That be the true only negative I can say, that there was no way to play a campaign and control the police forever, if only that was an option. Somehow, such a simple game created such a fun atmosphere and gameplay, and yet the story does not fall off a cliff as it so easily could have. I'll play again, I'm sure of it, but I have no idea when that could be.

I liked the game. I am not disappointed by it, but I have to say that the game is way too long. Up to day 100 it was interesting and I was invested. After that it was a grind and constant replays of levels to get a better random drops. The last part may be my fault because I did not manage to keep the good relationship with the mayor's office, but the game doesn't tell you many important things about how to run things.
I liked the story and the choices that you have to make. The puzzles are decent up to the day 100, after that they become impossible to figure out without internet, as you don't get enough clues to correctly place the frames.
There is also poker in this game, which I don't know how to play, but this time I said that I will not skip poker again and I actually learnt how to play, and it was quite fun, except the last guy who drags the game for way too long.
The ending is underwhelming. After all, I got 1066000$ which was like twice the target and the ending was still bad (there is no good ending).