Reviews from

in the past

Barely playable visual garbage.

Slaughter Sport (aka Mondu's Fight Palace, aka Tongue of the Fatman, aka plain ol' Fatman) is one of the most embarrassing fighting games I have ever played.

The character designs are gaudy as shit, the fighting is horrifically clumsy, the music and general sound design is absolute trash, etc. The single-player is borderline unplayable because they start you with the boring white guy who always falls down on his stomach and gets up with his back turned to the enemy. Matches feel like they take centuries due to the lack of time limit and how long it takes to jump kick your enemy to death, all while hoping you don't go insane from the combination of the monotony of it all and the music deciding to cut in to assault your ears with horrifying high-pitched instruments.

You see the bat character's name is "Guano", because he's a bat and he likes to fart! HEH HEH HEH.

The cover art reminds me of those thumb movie parodies from the early 2000's and it's somehow worse than those.


This is one of the least playable things ive ever played, but holy shit is this one of the weirdest fucking things ive ever seen. genuinely impressive how viscerally uncomfortable this game makes me. Mongu is literally a fucking god.

is it shit? yeah
is it one of the worst games ever? nah, not really

clunky as hell but not unplayable by any means. just a lot of move spamming and ai abusing, really. i got far enough to make my point (third batch of opponents) but didn't really care enough to continue

for what it's worth the aesthetic is at least pretty uniquely grotesque (especially for the time). basically the crack-addicted older cousin to mortal kombat with exponentially shittier controls

still, i'd rather play this than fantasia

You can probably guess it but this game absolutely doesn't work. Not in any of its iterations. Your best bet is spamming jump kick and hoping eventually the opponent dies. Music is awful, graphics are awful. Probably the most amusingly piss poor cover art I've ever see. Ditched around halfway point when it just looped the opponents over with palette swaps