Reviews from

in the past

A VERY generous two and a half stars. I see this series as more of an interactive sim than a fully fledged 'game'. On those merits I did enjoy it and the story did make me want to continue on without break. Its the gameplay where things start to fall apart though: The bullet sponge enemies and artificial difficulty make combat an absolute chore, especially when its wave after wave of enemies. Bullets feel like they're hitting steel instead of an organic object every time you shoot someone. The puzzles in this series really piss me off too, because its more about deciphering just what the fuck is meant by the notebook, instead of just trying to figure out for yourself. Well laid out visual cues from a better game like Portal 2 would have been preferred. So many instances where I just dont know where to go next, a heavy criticism I have over the entire series.

The first one is the weakest in my opinion and has definitely aged but this is overall still a great start to the franchise, the writing and story is really good for a video game and the voice acting is top notch! The weakest part of this game is the lack of variety in gameplay and the shooting mechanics themselves are nothing special but the story and characters are very good in this!

One of the most underrated causes of the "games as movies" boom, where gameplay is a repetitive shooter with nothing else going on and weak "puzzles." placed in between. It was a fun romp at the time but nah.

Was a good start to the series, but a bit rough gameplay wise.

Greatness from small beginnings. The perfect way to describe this game is a quote from the game. Although the later games brought a lot more to the Uncharted series, this game was a fantastic gateway to one of the best franchises ever.

is it even a hot take to say this game is kinda bad? i mean the story is cool and fun whatever, but the gameplay is just NOT fun

yeah alright I guess, don't really remember it tbf

pretty good, first game i ever played(played in remastered collection)

A rough start but it's ok because the second game comes right after it.

You think a game that's mostly a movie wouldn't be great but its awesome. Good start to one of the best series.

Good to play to have the basis of the characters you'll be following for three better games, but god damn the controls and level design can be infuriating. The final boss was one of the most rage inducing things I've ever played until you figure out exactly what it wants you to do through trial and error, and then it's a bore. Played once.

A good gameplay for a really weak history, characters are not so good here too, will get better with the time.

A good old-fashioned adventure story! The charm and sense of spirit is here but it's crippled by really sluggish controls/combat and annoyingly endless hordes of enemies. Anyways, as advertised, this is Indiana Jones: The Game so its still pretty cool

Drake's Fortune's gameplay displays great heterogeneity by cycling through shooting, puzzle-solving and adventuring segments to keep the adventure varied and entertaining. However, the quality of the individual elements is mediocre at best: shooting is extremely limited with few weapons, little enemy variety and basic maps, puzzles are awfully bland and adventuring sections boil down to a tedious sequence of buttons presses. The story is serviceable, merely existing to justify the action.

n é ruim mas tmb n é mt bomkkk

Está guay, en cuanto a historia es interesante y las relaciones entre los personajes están muy bien hechas, el único problema es que el combate ha envejecido bastante mal, por lo demás, todo bien

Que gameplay ruim. É o primeiro da franquia, então entendo toda a dificuldade, devia ser uma engine nova, uma nova aposta da empresa, mas acho que tanto a história quanto a gameplay não se sustentam. História muito infantil e cheia de frases de efeitos "vamos pegar o tesouro!" o tempo todo e a gameplay travadona, a mira das armas não funciona direito, não me diverti nem um pouco jogando esse jogo.

love the part that becomes a bit scary

l'histoire n'était pas très intéressante et le gameplay n'était pas très bon... mais c'était amusant quand même ! jtm nate <3

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune delivered a memorable and enjoyable experience, combining cinematic storytelling with engaging gameplay. Despite a few minor flaws, it’s a solid start to the franchise, earning an 8.1 out of 10 from me