Reviews from

in the past

13 year old me got so bored playing this and decided to play the sequels instead. If I played these now as the grown ass adult that I am, I would still do that.

Muito bom o jogo, principalmente pelas mecanicas e história.

While Creating a Fantasic formula for future installments. The Original Uncharted just doesn't hold up like it's sequels

(I'm doing an off-memory review of this game.)

I know this is the first Uncharted game, but it didn't age so well, especially against its sequels. The combat is fun but parts of it aren't very good, and some of the later enemies are very spongy on top of being fast, which got me killed many times.

It goes without saying, the final boss is just bad. Disappointing, clunky, and I finished it lickety split. There's nothing much to add to what others have said about it other than it's disappointing all around. It almost ruined the experience of the game for me. Almost.

There's still some good in this game, and I guess it has some nostalgic value to it, but it doesn't compel me to go back to play it. I don't like "movie-like" games that much as well.

Drake's Fortune's gameplay displays great heterogeneity by cycling through shooting, puzzle-solving and adventuring segments to keep the adventure varied and entertaining. However, the quality of the individual elements is mediocre at best: shooting is extremely limited with few weapons, little enemy variety and basic maps, puzzles are awfully bland and adventuring sections boil down to a tedious sequence of buttons presses. The story is serviceable, merely existing to justify the action.

is it even a hot take to say this game is kinda bad? i mean the story is cool and fun whatever, but the gameplay is just NOT fun

n é ruim mas tmb n é mt bomkkk

Está guay, en cuanto a historia es interesante y las relaciones entre los personajes están muy bien hechas, el único problema es que el combate ha envejecido bastante mal, por lo demás, todo bien

Que gameplay ruim. É o primeiro da franquia, então entendo toda a dificuldade, devia ser uma engine nova, uma nova aposta da empresa, mas acho que tanto a história quanto a gameplay não se sustentam. História muito infantil e cheia de frases de efeitos "vamos pegar o tesouro!" o tempo todo e a gameplay travadona, a mira das armas não funciona direito, não me diverti nem um pouco jogando esse jogo.

You think a game that's mostly a movie wouldn't be great but its awesome. Good start to one of the best series.

Terra meter: 60%

Story/narrative - 3/5
Gameplay - - 2/5
Sound/music - 4/5
General presentation - 3.5/5
Overall enjoyment - 2.5/5

l'histoire n'était pas très intéressante et le gameplay n'était pas très bon... mais c'était amusant quand même ! jtm nate <3

What a disappointing trend this game would set for my favorite developer during the PS3+ era. This game is mega-overrated and if you like it, I question your evaluation process and standards. It's barely a game, and it's not compelling enough as a story to hold my attention. Good dialogue and direction isn't enough, it needs to be fun to play. Uncharted seems totally uninterested in being a video game.

Greatness from small beginnings. The perfect way to describe this game is a quote from the game. Although the later games brought a lot more to the Uncharted series, this game was a fantastic gateway to one of the best franchises ever.

It isn't bad, neither good. Well let me explain my point... If you enjoy an adventure game, indeed you ll like It. It have a Lot of cool adventure features, and a Nice shot gameplay. But It can be repetitive sometimes.

yeah alright I guess, don't really remember it tbf

pretty good, first game i ever played(played in remastered collection)

love the part that becomes a bit scary

The beginning of the 3rd Naughty Dog Franchise and I will say that this game is actually quite good. It set the foundation for what the gameplay would be in future Uncharted games and even for The Last of Us in certain aspects. The story was also pretty fun for what it was with quips I forgot how funny they were. There are dated aspects to it. The game seperates itself between Platforming and Combat, The sensitivity is not the best with it not having my prefered sensitivity, the final boss is one of the worst final bosses in any game period, and I found that for the first Playstation 3 title to be worth a damn, there wasn't that many big bombastic moments in it. Still a fun time.