Reviews from

in the past

Extraordinarily charming rhythm game. The soundtrack is crazy and good. There's only a few levels, but on the ps3 or ps1 you can put in CDs and it'll generate levels for infinite playing. Will definitely stick with you.

Would be a lot easier to like this music based game if the music wasn’t awful

It's pretty charming with solid gameplay, but the fact that you can import any song and get a procedurally generated level from it really makes this game stick out. There's an endless supply of content here if you so desire.

practically everything masaya matsuura made is unique in its own little way

Прикольная игруля на Ps1
Но лучше поиграть в нормальные игры, чем в это

Tiny but extremely original rhythm game, very chaotic to look at, listen to, and play. it is very strange to consider it in the context of its era, since it could very well look like an independent project released in recent years, in a time when it's much easier to experiment and take creative risks with such distinctive works. Cute, fun and quirky: perfect for taking a couple of hours off and dance while mashing convulsively with 4 buttons

this game kicks my fucking ass whenever i put in djion or hyperpop

i love the funky squiggly rabbit
unfortunately couldn't play much since i played via an emulator on the vita so i can't put in my own cd or anything

El juego gráficamente va durísimo de cojones, lo que pasa es que como tal no trae mucho contenido, ya que la gracia es que metas un cd de música y el juego pues te genera niveles, cosa que no he podido probar, la verdad. El gameplay es simplón, pero vaya, que esto lo dice la persona que le tiene 400h al audiosurf, así que supongo que si le pudiera poner mi música viciaría un montón. Recomendado si lo puedes jugar en físico y tal, porque el juego como tal tiene a penas 6 canciones.

I LOVE the music and the little bunny girl sounds like miku and its the cutest

One of the most charming games I’ve ever played

Kinda hard for me to decide on a rating for this because on the one hand, I don't think it's very good as far as like, playability--it's just too unforgiving and the way the game adapts to custom tracks never felt quite right. But that aesthetic! That MUSIC! Man, it's good. I would listen to the soundtrack any day of the week.

Hidden gem. An amazing but very short rhythm game with a banging OST and well appreciated custom soundtrack option to add replayability. At such a low price on PSN in comparison to the disc, I can't recommend it enough.

Vib-Ribbon is one of the few games where the magic can only be understood on the original hardware it was meant to be played alongside. The main campaign of the game is more a demonstration for the real reason you would play the game, which is to insert your own music CDs to play. Even if the auto-generated tracks that Vibri walks on can be hit or miss when choosing difficulty, it's fun to experiment what kind of auto-generation can occur when switching between different music genres. It's that exact gaming experience you cannot replicate through the emulated version and through the unique circumstance of how the PS1 hardware functions. This is not to discredit the content that already exists in the game, as the core soundtrack of Vib-Ribbon is satisfying enough. It's some of the happiest, poppy, and child-like tunes you will encounter on the system.

joguinho estranho com musiquinhas fodas
zerei em 1 dia, curtinho e gostosin

while vib ribbon lacks much built-in content, it does have an adorable and creative artstyle, simple but fun gameplay, and a phenomenal soundtrack. while i can't test the custom track feature (due to playing on emulator and not wanting to deal with the messy process) the game gets mad respect for having a feature like this all the way back in 1999

also both vibri and the tutorial itself are so cute omg

Jogo curtinho e bonito com uma ideia bem criativa. Se você se interessar com um pequeno trabalho dá pra jogar suas próprias músicas, nunca tentem jogar money machine do 100gecs, maior erro da minha vida!

Played this through an emulator, and while it's super awkward to play now, it's a pretty cool concept. I feel like a modern version of this could honestly go pretty hard.

When your friends want you to listen to their mixtape you might aswell listen to it inside this game

Este juego arruinó mi posible vida como dibujante, me hizo abandonar muchas cosas (? Pero lo recomiendo.

i can never remember what buttons do what even with a tutorial right in front of me, but i keep coming back

This game is so fucking cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Contained in this game so tiny the entirety of it fits in the PS1's RAM is one of my now favorite albums of all time, Laugh and Peace. The style of the game is super badass with its almost unnerving chaos and having only two colors, its wavelengths and static and the little noises connecting it all. Vibri's little quotes and bits of dialogue are super lovely. You can have your own levels autogenerated from your OWN CD. Beautiful beautiful.

I have a lot of time for Vib Ribbon and I need someone to make a new version today that links up with your Spotify and makes levels based on your music so I can make the little bunny jump over things to my objectively radical musical choices.