Reviews from

in the past

I'm only giving this a 5 star because I remember liking this a lot with playing my dad and friends as kid. It looked really cool for its time.

This expansion was really good. Not so big of a leap as vanilla to tbc, but still I think this is almost the perfect MMO experience, unfortunately things got very casual.

Favorite WoW expac. Great lore and got to do some raids. Northrend is my favorite new area.

Éste. Éste fue el momento exacto en que World of Warcraft destruyó mi vida y yo, encantado, acepté mi destino. Tremendísima expansión.

Now we're talking. Mi expansión favorita, mejoró mucho respecto a las anteriores, con Rasganorte y un lore que me encantan, de lo mejorcito del WoW. Además es la expansión a la que realmente eché horas.

TBC diehard here, i don't think this expansion was as good as people hype it up to be

BUT wrath was still damn good as far as wow xpaks go in spite of its flaws. questing and dungeons were great, ulduar and icecrown were fantastic raids, and dalaran was the best xpak hub to the point where they brought it back for Legion.

damn though death knights were broken as hell to the point where everyone mained one because of it

me included


The last good WoW expansion. I still absolutely adore the environments and world to the point that I sometimes boot up a completely empty private server that no-one uses just so I can have it all to myself for a few hours.
The base game was always giving you enough carrot-on-a-stick quests and items to keep you going for long periods of time. It's not "nice" game design that respects your time but who plays this for any reason other than to have a virtual project to sink your life into and forget about your real-life commitments that just don't reward you as frequently as this?
I enjoyed by time with this game a lot but in terms of getting back into that cooldown combat, killing 10 bears for a 33% chance of a quest item drop, joining dungeons and raids so people can moan at you for not playing in the one specific way they want you to (sorry to any guildmasters I made twitch with that one, lol), repeating all of that hundereds of times so you're able to progress to another area, I just have no interest in going back to it for that reason.
I got what I wanted out of this game when I needed it, and that time is long gone, but it's nice to know it happened.

A pesar de que no es muy PvPfriendly, es una pedazo de expansión increíble.

The King which all MMOs aspired and failed to be.

I wish the dungeons were harder.

Wrath of the Lich King is peak World of Warcraft for me and feels like the ultimate version of the original vision for the game.

While later expansions would add bigger and better spectacle, in my opinion they completely lost sight of the world in World of Warcraft, and instead replaced it with a theme park ride of event after event that does nothing except make the world feel very small and insular.

Wrath of the Lich King however manages an impressive amount of exciting set pieces, while still letting you feel like a small cog in a big open world, which to me is integral in making an MMO feel alive, and not just a single player RPG with other people running around.

I played WoW Classic and The Burning Crusade, but I lived Wrath of the Lich King.

The actual open world part of this expansion is amazing. Questing and exploring the lore in Northrend is just super immersive and easily the best part of Wow over the last 20 years. Ulduar and ICC have pretty interesting stories too. Fun to experience on retail just being able to outlevel shit and explore the lore and world.

Peak WoW before they completely ruined everything. Ulduar was kind of a stupid raid but everything else was 10/10 if you just gave up your attachment to the story making any sense or respecting the lore.

Considero que está bastante sobrevalorada, pero sigue siendo muy buena.

i played Lich King for a little bit over a year in the Warmane server, and it was very fun. i played a Warrior (like i do most of the time) and managed to get Shadow's Edge but not Shadowmourne sadly. recommended 100%

8/10 - ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Expansion content + WoW in 2008-2010

I didn't end up playing through The Burning Crusade while it was current so WotLK was my reintroduction to WoW after playing the original as a child. As much as I didn't care about the story and the Norse themes of the world we were in, being able to level my first character to max level and fully experience druid gameplay was amazing. I remember so many times being knee deep in elite level enemy territory just because I finally learned Prowl.

No es 5 estrellas por todos los años de vida que me robó

I probably got thousands of hours on this shit.

Completed all raids as current tier

This is the last good WoW expansion, but honestly I didn't really like it all that much? I don't know, there was just something about TBC that captivated me, that Wrath failed to do. I think, for me, it just had to do with every zone in Northrend being "snow" themed, to varying extents.

Спасибо Сириусу за топ наше сервер эвер

Odeio tudo que tenha o Lich King, odeio o Flagelo, odeio os mortos-vivos do Flagelo e odeio o Kel'thuzad. Odeio essa expansão e jogar ela é uma tortura constante. Poderia passar horas criticando.

The first point of snow is always the greatest.