Reviews from

in the past

Early linear below average exclusive shooter that is great for beginners to intermediate players. Nothing flashy; graphics, gameplay, audio and music all below average with a difficulty that is the same until you reach the final stage it bumps up a bit.

This game is very...limp. Very half-baked. It feels unfinished. It seems hard to mess up a shmup to this degree, but what do I know about programming?

What I do know is this game is not good. It sounds gross and feels gross, and is very likely (as people have said) the worst shmup for the console. It seems that this is Unipacc's only game as well. Good.

Bereft of creativity, pathetic sound effects, bosses that require minimal movement to defeat, and not understanding that player hitboxes should be smaller than your sprite are this game's worst shortcomings as far as I can tell.

That part where I feel like I've been in the business too long when I can say "I've smelled worse" even if pronouncing the title is more fun than the game itself.

This isn't the worst shooter I've played, and it's definitely not the worst looking, but it's up there with the worst handling and worst feeling.

I often love how it looks! It has very "looks like a PCE game running on a MD" energy, which I adore. But gosh, the sounds and the game feel? Yuck and ugh.

It says volumes how standardized and consistent the shmup genre is that the absolute worst games in the entire genre could still pass as just mediocre if you had no other frame of reference