Reviews from

in the past

I'd pull this lever but I don't have arms, or a dad.

i one hundred percented the game as the five different characters for the secret end cutscene, because this game is worth playing 5 times over

Awesome! A period accurate feeling piece with a super sense of humour and really fun aesthetics and gameplay. Well worth a play!

platforming is trash. the world hub was cool. i like olives

Its pretty mechanically and aesthetically complex for a shitpost game jam game. You get 3 pretty complex levels, each with their own unique gimmick, along with a pretty developed visual and writing style. Also the first convincing argument I've seen as to how Hatsune Miku is basically the noid.

The most high quality shitpost i've played (but fuck Noid Dungeon)

This is something from another dimension. It didn't feel real and I absolutely loved it lmao

noid changed my life thank you noid

...I’m not gonna say it. Nope. I refuse. It’s too easy and predictable of a joke... Ugh, goddammit…


Yo! Noid 2 is one of biggest videogame anomalies I've come across in my life. It also has only one graphic quality setting, called ''Noid'', which is the single most menacing thing I've ever seen in a settings menu.

Under all pretenses, a game for a game-jam that seeks to be a false sequel for a game based about a forgotten Domino's Pizza mascot should have been nothing more than short, jokish experience, but no; instead it's an incredible 3D platformer, full of charm, wit and that it actually has a few things to say, although it's not immediately clear. This all not to say that games made for game -jams cannot be good, quite the contrary in fact, some fantastic experiences I had the pleasure to play were free, short games made for these little competitions, but like, c’mon, this one presented itself the ‘’lost sequel’’ to fucking Yo! Noid, I think that the initial doubt was justified. But any semblance or possibility of this being a ‘’shitpost’’game is wiped out the moment you start it.

It really sells you the idea of this being some kind of lost PSX game, visually it has both the style and even the little imperfections, like flickering, clipping or soft static (which it all can be turned off if you finding it too intrusive or bothersome), and while I’m sure a lot of this stuff couldn’t be done in original hardware, it really sells you that idea in the moment to moment gameplay, and that goes a long way in making this experience feel like a real, official game, which in turn it makes it even MORE surreal! Even if as the game progresses it becomes more and more apparent that its hiding something, at first it could really pass off as an licensed game: the advertising, the jokes and puns made by Noid (the fucker has a entire button dedicated to DAB and I both hate it and absolutely love it) and the charming, overly-cheeky presentation at points. The only thing that kinda kills the feeling of this being an ‘’ad’’ game is that, well, it’s actually good and fun, so they messed that part up, so much for realism…

I… I don’t know, it’s just… this game is extremely fun. The move set is fairly simple: at your disposition there’s only jumping, the wall-run and wall-jump, grabbing onto ledges and the all-mighty Yo-Yo, but that doesn’t get in the way of the amazing level design, one that, while it doesn’t really keep introducing new elements, it does keep it consistent enough to make you keep playing, and … it actually hard parts? Yeah, this game is actually pretty demanding, and it would fairly to call it one of the most challenging 3D platformers I’ve played; it askes of you both skill and patience, and the reward is not only the feeling of satisfaction, but also seeing these fairly simple and straight-forward mechanics reach their absolute limit. The punishment is never too harsh, and even in the frustrating bits, you want to reach that pizza, to taste the crust and claim victory. But a game that demands perfection need to give that perfection in return, something that Yo! Noid 2 doesn’t always do. The Yo-Yo functions surprisingly well, and locks on automatically to the nearest object you can use it on, but here and there I had moments where it just didn’t work, tho again, not enough times for it to be a big complaint. But in the realm of not working, the wall-run takes the absolute cake. It’s incredible unprecise, jumping out of it is super inconsistent and it just doesn’t feel good to use, which, considering the hardest level in the game asks of you to use it quite a lot, it made me completely hate it. I don’t know if this was intended, if it’s just me being bad or, as I believe, a genuine flaw, and the only thing in the game that makes parts of the levels unfun and unfair.

And oh sweet four cheeses the levels! Starting off with a tutorial heavily inspired by the first Yo! Noid, we are thrown into the pizza hut hub, and tasked by the toppings to retrieve the pizza-pie and reform the tower of pizza… a pizza tower if you will!.... I should just stop….

Each of the locations, accompanied by some incredible pieces of music, feel like real places in this cheesy world, each of them with completely distinct identity, challenges, and design. They all are fairly linear, but they still feel big and open enough for you to want to explore and discover every possible secret, which mostly consists of p i z z a and pretty charismatic NPC’s that got a chuckle out of me in different occasions. They went all out in the design department, and even if it sometimes can be confusing where to go or what to do (even the main hub is too big for its own good) it’s never enough to sour any of this linear 3D design marvels, and swinging across a cheese sea, uncovering the secrets of a pizza temple or into the very core of the planer are some fantastic moments I didn’t expect to enjoy so much.

And, again, what was I meant to expect? The Noid is a joke! An old joke. A forgotten joke…

Yo! Noid 2 it’s about something, and that’s probably the thing that surprised me the most about it. It’s about a past left behind, a place left to never be seen again, someone left to rot and to be replaced, even tho he doesn’t know it. It is for a reason, it was for a reason, Noid’s existence caused an extremely bizarre and terrifying case in which luckily nobody got hurt, and after that, it wasn’t long before Noid became nothing more than an odd thing from some old commercials, and that saddens me. It’s a guy in a rabbit suit that destroys pizza, a forgotten joke, one that I absolutely adore. Old mascots being left to rot or shunned away after some creepy thing or association happened (Oh my poor, sweet Mac Tonight, you were granted a horrible fate and legacy) seems like almost an inevitability, and Yo! Noid 2 is exactly about that, that its inevitable to be replaced by vocaloids or clowns, specially with such a past, and this game itself seems like something that never came out because of exactly that, it’s all a big joke. And maybe, that’s how things are destined to be, and maybe it’s for the best… or maybe destiny has other plans.

The Noid is back, to my absolute surprised, that fucker is still alive, and for a moment, I forget about the nostalgia bait and commercial purposes, because those are the reasons he’s back, and I just smile, smile that the funny red destroyer of pizzas keeps on going, am I a fool for it? We are all the fools? I don’t know, and honestly, it’s probably not even worth the headache. Or maybe it is? Oh god this one is a doozy.
The bottom line is, Hatsune Miku is defeated, and Yo! Noid 2 is a banger, an absolute recommendation and I wish I could have paid for it, this was some good pizza.

Now, with the Noid back… it’s time for the true king to return