Reviews from

in the past

I love Yume 2kki as much as the first. This one is a huge expansion to Yume Nikki and I love it. Still as feverish yet comforting as the first. Even better music; far better, in fact.

one of my favorite fanworks ever made for a game. 2kki surpasses the original in many ways, but it wouldn't be as great as it is without the solid foundation set by the first and its many fangames. it's truly worthy of being crowned a sequel to yume nikki

original is better solely for the walking sound effect

I got stuck in the obentous world for 5 minutes and I never felt more suicidal

It's so good! I had a very serious 2kki phase for a while, getting almost every badge and all the menus, and now I have left it behind for a while now. I still think it's an incredible game with so many places to see, so much to do, so much to explore!! One day I might return to it but I hold very dear memories of it.

one of the best strand-type of games out there

not as good as yume nikki or .flow to me personally but still very good

also i played this on web browser through ynoproject but we dont talk about that i guess

O melhor Walking simulator.
Mudou a minha vida.
Foi importante pra formação da minha pessoa.

so aesthetic with a microdose of schizophrenia

literally a walking simulator, but I really love this game

Not as cohesive as Yume Nikki, but god damn if this game doesn't stick with you. There's so much depth to it, so many beautiful and equally horrifying things to find. I think about this game constantly

gostei dms! antigamente, eu curtia o .flow

music makes this worthwhile, the game itself is insanely thematically dissonant. will make you appreciate yume nikki more though

Yume 2kki is a fan game that keeps being updating to this day, if u loved exploring Yume Nikki, this offers a bigger, much more complete experiemces, it loses a bit the mistic, the mistery, but it has so much more exploration value

"Nah bro, this edible ain't shi-"


daqui a 5 anos eu conto como foi a experiencia de zerar

Certainement un de mes jeux préférés de tout les temps
C'est tout simplement une lettre d'amour à l'art, et l'art du jeu vidéo

J'ai toujours été fan du genre "RPGM Games" et 2kki représente tout ce qu'il y a de bon ET de mauvais dans le genre à LUI SEUL, c'est une oeuvre communautaire bien plus qu'un jeu, ou j'espère, grâce à mes efforts un jour, peut être même participer !

Tout simplement ce qu'il y'a de meilleurs.

Si je devais résumer en quelques lignes le jeu, je me contenterai de dire qu'il s'agit tout simplement d'un musée, gigantesque, ou l'on peut s'immerger et profiter des oeuvres des différents artistes qui ont participé à la création de ce tout.

Bien plus qu'un jeu, c'est un mouvement de foule d'une communauté entière qui vise à montrer leur amour du genre ! Se contenter de voir Yume 2kki comme une suite de Yume Nikki serait une grave erreur ! Car c'est en réalité la preuve de l'impact que Yume Nikki a pu avoir sur les gens, et sur le monde du jeu vidéo indépendant en général !

Que dire de plus que, c'est un 20/20 autant vis à vis du jeu, que de l'expérience communautaire qu'il représente

Et j'espère sincèrement pouvoir plus tard figurer parmis les noms des NOMBREUX participants !


a very overwhelming labor of love by a community of fans.....

accidentally opening up the explorer menu is the equivalent of stumbling upon 200 siofra rivers i cant deal with this shit

Cool collaborative project but theres just too much goin on