Reviews from

in the past

A fairly underrated arcade game brought to the Game Boy. Even its brief cutscene interludes are pretty nicely rendered. Its difficulty is a bit too punishing, forcing you to repeat entire stages if you die at any point during them, but the stages themselves, despite their lack of real "theme" or memorable bosses, have a nice curve to them and don't go on for too long.

The key thing that sets this game apart for when it came out was its core possession mechanic.
Over a year before Kirby's Adventure, and 25 years before Super Mario Odyssey, this game has you play as a spirit with the power to possess enemies occupying the levels. You have two bars: a health bar and an energy bar. Both bars deplete to some extent as you take damage, but moreso the health bar, and when you lose all your health, you have a couple seconds to possess another enemy before your energy goes down. And there's quite a number of enemy characters to chose from. From gangsters, to fire breathing coyotes, to robots, to ninjas spinning nunchucks, shirtless floating men, what appear to be cat wizards and even warrior women, you get a lot to work with. Each enemy has different weapon range, movement speed, health and jumping physics, all fairly advanced modifications for its time. Inevitably you'll find which enemy best suits your playstyle and go to that, but it leads to a bit of risk/reward when you're low on health based on if you're close enough to an enemy in one place.

This isn't a game that'll blow your mind, but for what it is, it's a solid template for an enjoyable game concept.

A cute GameBoy platformer where you’re a ghost that can possess the enemies to advance through a stage, but dies when left exposed for too long. The challenge is just right and it's short and sweet.

A good platformer on the Gameboy with really bad box art. The ghost possession mechanic is cool and works well within the simple-level designs. The music is also quite good for the GB. This game is expensive, but if you love the Gameboy then you gotta at least try it out, its that simple.

another one of game boy peak right over here

The possession mechanic is a neat concept. Needing to play the levels over and over to figure out how to beat the bosses made me develop paths through with who I want to posses.

Cute oldschool platformer. I had fun but I wouldn't necessarily recommend this to anyone.

How good can this mob family really be at crime if they can’t beat even a single little ghost with all the ninjas, wizards, cyborgs, dominatrix ladies, weird floaty yoga guys, and mutant earthworms that money can buy

I connect with this game on a spiritual level.

Avenging Spirit is an action platformer with an emphasis on experimentation and exploration. The various bodies you can possess are fun and interesting, although it can be frustrating to get trapped in a suboptimal body for a given section. The game is really brief but encourages you to try challenge runs and find secrets. My only real complaint is that it's just way too hard. I also don't really relish the idea of missing an important collectible and having to start the whole game over, even if it is this short. It's really impressive how much was done on such a limited handheld. If you're a fan of Kirby but want something tougher this is the game for you.

Un jeu de Plateforme Gameboy où tu joue un homme mort qui va posseder des persos pour utiliser leurs capacitées et aller se venger. Le jeu est pas mauvais, juste daté. J'y retournerai un jour, car le principe est très fun et original pour l'époque. La difficulté m'avais fait arrêter d'y jouer tho car j'avais 11 ans

Played for a little while using mGBA on my modded Wii. The possession mechanic is cool, but the game failed to hook me, so I will not be returning to it.