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in the past

my cousin is still getting filtered

It's good enough? Honestly this is not my type of game and I was just clearing my backlog and I wanted the gold points from PS Stars.


It's yet another 2k game! NBA2K23 honestly feels a lot better than 22 and 20 overall. They added a neat little feature to MyLeague and brought back the Jordan challenge which are both cool.. kinda. The MyCareer is fucking stupid but that's common 2k shit.
What really disappoints me this time is the shooting. If you aren't getting greens EVERY SINGLE TIME you are probably missing.. so that sucks. It's a little better if you're just messing around with friends on Semi-Pro but bleh. I did get the greens on a lot of jumpers down so it's not... terrible... i guess.

2k is always pretty fun if you have someone to play with. This game is no different. Not amazing though and $70 is INSANE!

i got it 70% off :p

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I threw an alley oop to J Cole and my character is a white rapper

Her yıl bir şekilde oynayıp mikro ödemelerine, zorlama hikayesine katlanabiliyordum NBA 2K'in ama bu sene gerçekten son damla oldu sanırım. Düzenli olarak MyCareer oynayan biri olarak zorlama hikayesi, saçma sapan kaykay görevi yaptırmadan NBA maçı yaptırmaması, karakter geliştirmenin para vermeden aşırı kısıtlanması ve daha bir sürü şey şişirdi beni, 150 küsür GB yer kaplıyor bir de utanmadan konsolda. Değişmesini istiyorum ama hiç de değişeceğini düşünmüyorum maalesef.

Everytime I play this game, I get pissed off and then I switch over to another game and instantly have a much better time.

The best part about this game series is being able to customize players and teams in MyLeague, I've spent 20x more time customizing than I have actually playing the game.

Ridiculous. NBA2K22's re-skin. No next-gen on PC. Several relevant players without Face Scan. Boring offline mode. MyCareer forces you to buy in-game currency all the time, which is very expensive outside the US by the way. You pay the full price of the game to get frustrated in the first 50 hours, because at the beginning it's very hard to level up MP without the in-game currency and the appropriate animations. When you get a level 90 character it's kinda cool, but it doesn't last long. It used to be better, they really ruined the career mode. It's repetitive, events are irrelevant, no major updates, the community lacks engagement and the grind is extremely tedious. I only had fun playing with friends, but it didn't last long either. It's a slot machine, stay away. I won't play the franchise on PC again until 2K updates to Next-gen, since 2K24 still in Current...

i mean... its not a good game but ive played an ungodly amount of it. its pretty fun to make your own guy and have a basketball career. ive gotten pretty good at it and when you love basketball like i do its fun to play it as a game. that being said it is not a well made video game at all.

The core basketball gameplay is really fun, but everything else about it is embarrassingly janky and the aggressiveness with which it pushes microtransactions on you is very off-putting.

Hadn't played a 2k game in a couple of years, and the gameplay felt exactly the same with the exception that jump shots are now extremely difficult to make. Even when your player is wide open, the release window is incredibly small and it just felt almost unnatural. My friend and I played three games, and the winner was determined by who had the most points in the paint, since shots weren't falling from anywhere else on the court. Only reason I give this 2 stars is cause D Wade still goes hard on the 05-06 Heat.

Having a lot of fun with this game. Feels like they made a lot of improvements from 2k21. Either that or I'm somehow just playing better. I have been playing My Eras with the classic Pistons. You get four jumping on points: 1983, 1991, early 2000's (I forgot the year) and present day. Started with 1991 and am refusing to let Jordan win another title. Might get more into this game as I get better.

2k completely fucking up player progression in current gen mynba with the shittily implemented boom-or-bust system that takes me out of the immersion of rebuilding teams that the previous entries had.

Played for the career mode, it's good if you want to kill time but honestly I could have just replayed 2K20 because for all I could see things did not change much

Pay for VC, or spend 6 months grinding to max out your mycareer player. It's so bad. So happy I only paid 15$ for this because 60 is a scam. When you start off mycareer, you literally cannot hit a shot unless its green its so bad. I will only play myleague on it and its still mid. idk if ps5 is better but I doubt it's cheaper to upgrade ur player on ps5 with how greedy this company is.

this shit better than fata morgana

I don't follow the NBA very closely so I tend to buy 2k every other year or so, and this year's 2k is like every year I buy 2k: whatever the newest 2k is is the best basketball video game there's ever been.

I don't want to sound too hyperbolic or anything; there's stuff in here that I don't like. But when it comes to the pure on-the-court basketball? Whatever the newest 2k is the best it's ever been.

Are the newest 2ks my favorite basketball games? It's tough to say, but probably no--that would go to Dunk Kids I think.

Basketball is a skill game--it's tough and wonderful and joyful to watch; I think spiritually it's America's soccer. But the sort of individual skill we see our favorite players display is incredibly had to replicate unless you've got a powerful engine. It's why, for as much as I love NBA Jam, you don't get to feel like those guys like you do in every newest 2k.

If you like basketball, grab this and have a blast. It's incredibly easy to ignore the obnoxious microtransaction stuff.

Plays a lot better now. Would be higher if the microtransactions weren't so predatory

Nâo senti praticamente nenhuma diferença desde o 2k20 (3 anos atrás), mas o fato de terem servidores brasileiros no MyPark, já me deixou bem mais confortável de jogar.
Tem os mesmos defeitos de literalmente todos os jogos de esportes anuais, serem exatamente a mesma coisa que o game do ano passado, com algumas mínimas mudanças em times, e claro, por Full price.
Uma coisa que quero pontuar é que esse jogo acrescentou uma grande variedade na criação de personagem, então da pra fazer várias combinações.
Não tem quase nenhuma mudança ou adições do anterior, isso é um saco, mas não aguento mais reclamar disso em jogos desse tipo, as empresas simplesmente nunca vão mudar isso, então fod4se.
Eu me divirto jogando porque é meu esporte favorito, além de ter um grupo de amigos que jogam bastante, então da pra curtir, mas se você não se importa com o online, e tem qualquer um do 2k20 pra cima, pode ficar neles mesmo, provavelmente só terão mudanças significativas lá pro 2k26.

Broken ass game from nearly 10 years ago with two awful main modes that require microtransactions to work and with another game mode that asks you to spend several hours (mygm) before letting you do the cool shit that you actually want to do and that is plagued with stupid fucking incessant micromanaging garbage like talking to your players to keep their morale up or whatever. Most of the money seems to go to the fucking mycareer cutscenes that most people either don’t care about or actively hates. Every little thing they tried to do to make the game cool and hip is boomer nonsense that messes with the actually cool things of a basketball games, it just gets in the way between the player and a decent sport simulation. The engine is slow as shit and now you can’t even TAKE FUCKING JUMPSHOTS because the margin of error is so slim that you have to actually like get the timing down to a frame BUT EVERY PLAYER IN THE GAME HAS A DIFFERENT ANIMATION AND A DIFFERENT TIMING SO IT IS SEEMINGLY ONLY OPTIMIZED TO BE FUN IN A COMPETITIVE MYPLAYER MODE BUT BREAKS THE REST OF THE FUCKING GAME AND YOU CANNOT CHANGE THIS WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS STUPID ASS SHIT I DON’T UNDERSTAND PLEASE SOMEBODY TELL ME!!!

got my Knicks 2 rings and am now ready to sell my soul for the next installment of this broken busted ass piece of shit series that I can't stop playing for some reason

i think at this point this a version of self harm should i seek help ?

i played this game a simpleton, i didn’t learn how to do anything other than the most basic pass and shot u could do, and i didn’t know how to defend, and i don’t really understand the admin side of basketball, but with that being said, i still had fun playing

Ahahaha… no

The half star because it’s the same game as last year and it does nothing new. And it’s just as bullshit as ever

some fun modes but gameplay just isn't as fun


This is worse than FIFA, at least EA tries to change that shit a bit every year. 2k has been the EXACT SAME since 2018 and they only made it worse year by year. But this one is the cherry on top. Scoring is impossible, you have to green every single shot or it's not going in and everyone feels sluggish and clunky. Mycareer is just filler cringe stuff that it's forced down your throat, and my team is way too grindy for anyone who has a life. I don't know what to say, I didn't think it could get even worse. Waste of money.

The main reason I got this year's iteration is because it came with a year's worth of league pass, and I've definitely got my money's worth in that case.

I only really play this is my career mode. The last few years have all been absurd story's about rising stardom, dealing with off court distractions and improving your game. And while that's not changed too much, the approach in this one seems a little different. Almost abstract at times. There were parts outside of playing actual basketball where I couldn't tell if the voice acting was badly edited, or if there were pause for effect moments. The amount of bad puns, street slang and general awkward delivery made it seem like it was taking the piss half the time, and being genuinely sincere the other half. I'm gonna assume that they were all self aware things going on, because outside of getting good at basketball, this is a really stupid career mode. From rapping, skateboarding and fashion quests, to various other side bits, I felt second hand embarrassment playing this sometimes, but if you wanna get that delicious in game currency without paying real life money, those are the hoops you've gotta jump through.

Laborious story mode quirks aside, the game has never been better in terms of the actual basketball. And this season you could draft to any team you want to, which was great because 2k22 sent me to the spurs and they sucked shit. One man does not a brilliant basketball team make.

I managed to throw a few more alley oops and get some 3 pointers in, as well as the usual acrobatic dunks etc. The recent 2k games have been the best basketball video games I have played in terms of the actual game. Unfortunately, everything surrounding that seems to drag it down.

I know they need to keep things fresh and exciting for each annual installment, but the pay to win aspect is bullshit when it comes to playing online. I probably won 2 games in total, because I simply refuse to pay anymore money than what I bought the game for. Plus I like the grind. Playing a your rookie season and seeing those improvements is great. Although if you want to pad your stats, your gonna need to increase the game length as there's no way you're getting more than 25 points a game or a few assists if you don't put the quarter length up to at least 6 mins.

I spent a surprising amount of time racing go karts in the basketball game.

Solid entry, there is a lot to do which is refreshing in this generation of gaming, but as a PC player next gen is a must at this point so that's the reason for the score.