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in the past

Rock of Ages 3 is a worthy entry for the series, but in many aspects it represents a step backwards in comparison to Rock of Ages 2. I couldn't avoid noticing many more bugs than in the last entry and levels are much more generic since special terrain such as lava and ice are almost 100% absent from the main campaign. Not to mention there's no coherent theme to glue together all the madness like in past titles.
Music is also less varied and I believe the renditions of classical music in 2 were more pleasant to listen to.
On the topic of gameplay, I feel like there's a greater enphasis on the tower defense aspect since it's normal to have more than enough money and lose 5 or 6 rocks during a game against the AI on later levels.
I'm only speaking for myself, but I expected more rocks and less wait. Also, for the first time in the series it's necessary to complete side minigames to progress the story. I appreciate the variety, but not the obligation, specially when certain ones, such as the Humpty Dumpty levels, are way harder than any stage in the main story.
To summarize, I believe Rock of Ages 3 is a good game, but if you have never played a game in this series then I recommend 2 to start out instead.

Mechanically as solid as the previous entry with more boulder types and a level maker. However, the levels and theming feel less inspired and I'm usually left wanting to play the previous title.

An sich ein gutes Spiel, es wirkt aber so als würde es 2. Schritte zurück machen im Vergleich zum Vorgänger.

played solely the multiplayer with a friend

while the basic concept is sound, the lobby system is abysmal and the host always gets a head start

a shame

The game is alright but its over priced if you don't get it on a sale.

I actually really liked this one, the game runs really badly though

I hate to rank the game so low, because this game's super fun. The rock controls beautifully. Levels are well designed, and the tower defense mode is a joy. It's also got a style I absolutely love and the bosses are absolutely ridiculous in the best way possible.

However, at least on Xbox one, this game is HORRIBLY buggy. There's stuff like visual glitches and frame drops. That stuff doesn't bother me. What does bother me is clipping, messed up hitboxes, freezing, random crashes, and occasionally dodgy physics. I implore that anyone that has a sensitivity to strobing effects does not play this game on multiplayer. The second player's screen is just one big strobing effect.

This game is extremely fun and has lots of charm, but it is a buggy mess on Xbox One at the end of the day. That saddens me, because if that wasn't the case, it would easily be my game of the year for last year.

7/10: Extremely fun, but a sometimes buggy, if not unplayable, mess.

Pretty mediocre. I'll admit that I had fun though. So it's one up on Dishonored 2.

My first hour or so playing, I thought it was a waste of money. It just seemed too weird. But since then, I can confidently say it was worth every penny, and I've actually enjoyed the game quite a bit. The ability to go through technology in various historical periods, the strategies you can develop, the choice of your different defenses and boulders, tons of game modes, and a relatively undeveloped game mechanic (Stepping outside of tropes like shooters and platformers) make it a very unique and enjoyable experience. Plus, community levels and online gameplay, and split-screen?

not as good as 2, but still decent.

To be honest I like 2 better. It's hard to put into words. Maybe I would like this one more if I wanted to make levels.