Reviews from

in the past

I'm sorry Gumshoe... but this game... is pretty crusty......

every case minus the flashback one were largely uninteresting and the last one took decades to actually wrap up

this game gets cleared hard by every other game in the series

Spin off de cristos. Quizá el final es algo mejorable

Warning: The final case of this game takes up approximately 1/3 of the play time

A small offshoot from the main franchise about the magnificent Miles Edgeworth. Having a non-standard approach to court cases, we now decide everything on the spot, because justice must be swift, like diarrhea, but confirmed with mega-sharp evidence, like a possum that is afraid.

Небольшое ответвление от основной франшизы про великолепного Майлза Эджворта. Обладая нестандартным подходом к судебным делам, мы теперь все решаем на месте, ибо правосудие должно быть быстро, как понос, но подтверждая мега резкими доказательствами как опоссум который навонял от испуга.

Pretty interesting spinoff of the ace attorney series and i honestly expected a lot worse from it

This game main differences from the usual AA game are
The setting,now you go entirely into investigations and now you are basically doing detective work,this has its pros and cons,on the good side you get a lot of knew mechanics like normal logic and you get a lot more in depth investigations with a big pro to it to being not on first person,that was always a problem with the original trilogy so getting throwned into this game with its overview camera its so good it gives you a much better perspective on how the scene is going,

also another pro is that you get a lot more variety on the settings,you solve crimes on a flight,on a police themed park,on a prosecutors office you get the deal and it is really refreshing than always being in the courtroom

The only real con to this is pretty big and that is that there is much less tense,like sure you do get tense situations but you know it isnt that instensity that you have in the courtroom battiling prosecutors

Another difference is the cast of the game,you now get to be edgeworth on this game,and apart from some funny moments with other characters i feel that his characterization feels a little weak,i feel that this also happens to gumshoe,he feels flanderized a lil bit,this is by far his dumbest appereance on a AA game i played so far,he still is likeable but i prefered is characterization on the trilogy,another weak point in the cast is kay,and i dont think she is bad,but comparing her to other similar characters like maya,you really see that kay is a little one note.

But most of the rest of the cast is pretty good,i like franziska both on the past and in the present,i also liked lang and yew,i really liked badd,i think most of the one chapter characters are a little on the weaker side but nothing horrible.

My biggest problem with characters though are the cameos,there are way to many returning characters that give nothing to the plot and only serve to bring bad fanservice,example ema skye.

i think this game biggest problem is that it can be a little boring even though is pretty consistent,like i just spaced out sometimes especially on case 3 but that also happened during jfa especially during 2-3 and let me tell you that case is worse than that one,much worse.

The ost i know a lot of people like it and i think is good,but not that good,i prefer T&T ost for example over this one.but sound design is about as good as in the original and jfa.

On the cases this game is pretty consistent,there is not an s tier case,but i also dont think are any f tiers,just a lot of c tiers and some b tiers.

Case ranking

5:The Kidnapped Turnabout
Only bad case on the game,cool setting,plenty of characters introductions like kay and lang,and i liked the first parts of the case,but as the case goes on it just becomes more boring and more boring,and by the point you get to the ending im just hoping that it ends because it was overly complicated with the whole mirror business and i just didnt care about any of the characters that werent main cast,the victim,the killer,the wrongly accused,i was just bored.
Other problems from these cases are:useless cameos,pacing problems,obvious plot ¨twists¨ and just being uninteresting in general

4:Turnabout Visitor
Is fine,maybe a little on middle on the road,but is fine,honestly i will put it as the second best tutorial case i played so far,not overly complicated plot,easy to grasp new mechanics,decently interesting mistery and setting and a decent launching point from the game,not a lot to say though like in most tutorial cases.

3 & 2:Turnabout Airlines and Turnabout Ablaze
I think both cases have their pros and cons and are pretty close in quality,but i think i will give maybe the edge to airlines because is more tight

Turnabout Airlines is just a very good case,fun banter between miles,gumshoe and franziska,interesting one time characters like rhoda,a really interesting setting,good pacing,decent villain,decent mistery and is just fun and doesnt overstay its welcome.

now Turnabout Ablaze is different,is much more ambitious but it drags on a bit,most plot points are ended decently especially the yatagarasu,yew again is a very good villain,again you have fun dynamic with miles and franziska,i really like lang in this chapter,i think kay and gumshoe dynamic is interesting,gumshoe being kind of like an uncle.

but again the case does drag on and its a little boring from time to time,but it does feature some really good scenes like yew cross examination.

At one point there are so many last minunte hold its that it becomes kinda like a parody,its absurd just how many obvious fake endings there are,and just in general the last confrontation is so long it feels a little bit like parody,and that made it more enjoyable for me.

1:Turnabout Reminiscense
Best case in the game,is just a really fun case,and i dont the fanservice puts it down.

I really liked the cast,yew is a really good villain that isnt instantly obvious,detective badd is extremely fucking cool,i like franziska dynamic with miles (imo the best sidekick in the game),i liked manfred even if he appeared only a little i though his characterization was well done and consistent with previous games and is interesting to see how he talks to franziska and miles,cross examining the judge is fun,i think this is kay best part in the game and i liked gumshoe (especially the beige coat is sick af).

And the case can get pretty tense,especially on the last cross examination.

The biggest problem with it is Miles characterization,he just feels off for being his pre 25 year old self,especially when he was 20,miles was a fucking asshole that really resembled manfred,and it will have been really interesting to have a protagonist like that,but for some reason instead of exploring that he have his goody truth finding present self,and it just feels off,i still like his dynamic with other characters though.

overall,honestly expected a lot worse because of how controversial this game is but i honestly like it more than jfa
Strong 6 to Light 7


Within the opening minutes of this game, as the simple synthesized electronic soundtrack played and the 2D portraits posed on my screen, I felt nostalgia wash over me. THIS is the Ace Attorney series I love. It's not the strongest entry in the series, but the twisty mysteries and quirky characters are all present. To me the series lost something in the transition to 3D, the models felt more lifeless than the comic-like 2D portraits, the more orchestra-centric soundtrack was good but had less character than the simpler electronic versions of those songs. Great Ace Attorney in particular felt more wordy than ever, with every element excruciatingly over explained, in this already very wordy series. Investigations too feels long in the tooth by the end, but I enjoyed my time with it, and I loved returning to an earlier stylistic era of the series. I'm looking forward to playing the fan translation of Investigations 2.

Phoenix Wright > Trials and Tribulations > Justice For All > Apollo Justice > Investigations 1 > Spirit of Justice > Dual Destinies > GAA2 > GAA1 > Layton x Phoenix Wright

this game gifted us with kay and shi-long lang and i forgot everything else about it LOL 😭

i got through a lot but my computer died ( rip ) ill replay it again...

A game starring Miles Edgeworth, one of the best characters in the series, should have been more compelling than this.

Eu amo a gameplay desse jogo mas o caso 5 é TÃO ENROLADO e os outros casos não se destacam tanto assim. Dito isso eu acho interessante a história num geral, mas com certeza é a menos interessante dos jogos que eu joguei até o momento(ace attorney 1-4).
Enfim, o jogo se salva de não ser o pior da franquia pra mim pela gameplay incrível e a história ser centrada em alguns dos meus personagens favoritos da franquia(Edgeworth, Franziska e Gumshoe) e os novos personagens principais serem muito carismáticos também. Mas no final o pacing é meio esquisito, especialmente a partir do final o que piorou minha jogatina consideravelmente.

Pior jogo da franquia, sinto muito.
Ainda sim, 3 estrelas ó, ai como amo Ace Attorney

كثير من القضايا نوم بس اللعبة نفسها كوول حبيت كيف أنها مختلفة مرة عن اي شيء قبل
القضية الرابعة من المفضلين عندي بالسلسلة كلها

j'ai plus trop de souvenirs mais ct cool

Mainly played this to get prepped for the second game, which I heard from the fans that it is better. I'm hoping that's the case because this game had a ton of parts that dragged. I also can't help but feel that pretty much every character in this game is so dumb that they essentially need to be spoonfed information about something that is literally right in front of them.

I get that Gumshoe can be very absentminded but he does try his best to help in the previous games. Here, it's almost like he has permanent brain damage, all to make light of the fact that Edgeworth's "superpower" to solve cases is basically logic. No magic magatama or bracelet to guide the characters' process to peel through the layers of the other character's head, just basic propositional logic.

Case 3 is the point where the game drops the ball. Not only is the case uninteresting, but it drags on for far too long due to circumstances that felt like they were forced in to make the episode longer than it needed to be. The game does pick up in episode 4 and the first half of episode 5, but then it drags on again in the latter half of the last episode.

When presenting evidence, there will be times when you present evidence that can logically fit with your argument. However, it isn't the correct piece that continues the conversation. The game expects you to present things that are pretty far-fetched to a testimony, yet the game will try to shoehorn its reasoning by making it seem like you're tackling the argument from a different point of view that doesn't flow through the conversation well.

It's like "yeah, I know what happened here at the scene, but how does the game expect me to explain it if the evidence related to the line of reasoning penalizes me?" And then it's a process of saving your progress before presenting evidence and then throwing everything until the green penalty bar moves out of frame.

Basically, the game had some good ideas that put a new spin on the Ace Attorney formula, but the writing in this game is not up to par with the rest of the series. At times, it really tried my patience with the constant "Not so fast, you failed to mention this!" bits that almost seemingly didn't end. We'll see if this game was worthwhile playing before GK2.

The best thing I can say about this game is that this song absolutely slaps:

The final case was the only huge disappointment after 4 previous stellar cases. I know the sequel is better, let's hope so...


The weakest Ace Attorney game I've played. Just so nothing. Apollo Justice has a lot of actively bad moments but at least they're interesting. Three and a half cases of Investigations are just so boring. Being on the ds means it's also just a real slog waiting for text to scroll. The case with young Edgeworth was fun & the final case was at least cool from a gameplay perspective.

"aRE yOu A COp?" Ruled tho

I-1 is ok, I-2 is ok, I-3 is terrible, I-4 is good and probably the best one in the game and I-5 is fine.

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth commits the biggest sin any game, let alone an Ace Attorney game, can commit: Being Boring.

The excellent characterization of Edgeworth, Gumshoe and Kay is the only light at the end of this miserable tunnel, with completely mediocre stories, a shockingly forgettable soundtrack by Ace Attorney standards that basically just asks the question "What if Great Revival was the only leitmotif we used for an entire goddamn soundtrack?" and gameplay that only stays fresh for a single case before ending up just being repetitive and mindless.

I usually like all the Ace Attorney games on some level. Even some of the more disliked entries like Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice particularly I found plenty of enjoyment with, even if I disagreed with several storytelling elements present within them. I was unable to find any joy playing this game. I dredged through until the oppening cutscene for the last case, at which point I gave up and spoiled myself on the content of the final case through a StrategyWiki guide for the game so I could end my suffering as quickly as possible.

If you have respect for your time, don't play this game.

meu primeiro contato com a esquizofrenia foi ficar HORAS andando por uma caralha dum corredor sem saber o que fazer NA PRIMEIRA MISSÃO DO JOGO e nunca fui capaz de pesquisar e sair dali pq eu só jogava nas aulas do 3° ano no ds do meu melhor amigo (hj eu faço direito, APRENDE MILES EDGEWORTH)


but, can you prove this game drags to long?

This game has a ton of issues but I will always be it's biggest defender.