Reviews from

in the past

I liked ACIII a lot back when it came out but every time I try to go through the remaster I like the game less. Also I shouldn't have to boot up the game and change my console's settings every single time just so the lightning is normal.

A frustratingly inconsistent experience. There is some great moments and there are some frustratingly boring or annoying moments as well.

gastei uma nota nisso e valeu a pena cada centavo

Mais um jogo que eu tinha começado no 360 e acabei não dando seguimento. Sempre me interessei por revolução americana e pela cultura nativo-americana, muito por causa dos filmes e quadrinhos de faroeste que leio desde moleque. Então, pra mim era um prato cheio.

Não é um jogo ruim, mas ele perde muito. A história não é das melhores, ela demora muito pra engrenar (literalmente metade do jogo) e quando começa a ficar boa, o jogo termina. Connor é um protagonista que de início parece que vai se desenvolver em um grande personagem, mas ele segue de forma cega a ordem dos assassinos e por muitas vezes o jogo coloca suas ações indo contra os princípios e atitudes que o mesmo teve anteriormente. Sem falar que eu achei ele totalmente sem personalidade, ele consegue ser menos interessante que o Haytham.

As missões pra mim são o grande problema, o mission design do jogo é péssimo e restritivo pra caramba, e os objetivos opcionais muitas vezes só servem pra frustrar a gente, pois muitos para serem feitos não podem ser seguidos ao pé da letra, tu precisa seguir uma espécie de caminho linear que tu só vai descobrir olhando um guia ou depois de MUITAS tentativas falhas e mesmo quando tu descobre quando fazer, tu demora muito até fazer a ação de forma correta pro jogo registrar.

As missões navais são bem divertidas, apesar de sofrer dos mesmos problemas em questão de objetivos opcionais. Mas as mecânicas ainda são bastante rudimentares se comparadas às do Black Flag, onde são o foco principal.

No fim das contas, Assassin's Creed III é uma oportunidade, de certa forma, desperdiçada. Tudo no jogo poderia ter sido melhor desenvolvido e aproveitado, mas o que foi entregado pro público foi um jogo um pouco acima da média, mas fraco dentro de uma franquia que apresentou coisas muito mais vastas e exploradas tanto nos que vieram antes quanto nos que vieram depois.

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Honestly, I remember being really disappointed in AC3 when I first played it back in 2012. I remember disliking Connor a lot and finding Colonial America pretty bland.

It's been a decade, and yes Colonial America is probably the blandest setting AC has ever had. But Connor is a good protagonist stuck in a bland story.

Replaying this, I really do like Connor. I think he has a great character arc, but the story Ubi told in 3 doesn't allow him much room to shine.

Unlike Ezio, Connor doesn't really have any Allies that he can play off of. The allies that are in the game are around for a sequence or two and than they're no longer in the story.

Ezio had a ton of recurring characters that allowed you to see who he was outside of his mission.

The gameplay itself is a bit clunky. Neither the frontier or the two cities really allow Connor to show off his free-running skills.

The homestead missions are good. They're short and easy, but help add to Connor's character.

Also, as much as I love Haythem. I feel like the fact that it takes close to 6 sequences to play as adult Connor is also another reason why his story doesn't shine like it should. We get 3 sequences of Haytham. 2 of young Connor, and the young Connor sequences would have been better if they showcased more of Connor's relationship to his tribe rather than being glorified tutorials after already going through the Haythem tutorials.

Overall, I think AC3 is a lot better than I thought it was when I first played it. It's an interesting game, but flawed in its execution.

Also, Daniel Cross deserved a better ending.

not done, got pretty boring towards the end

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Summary: Assassin's Creed III is, at its core, a decent game, flawed by many delusions of grandeur in terms of story choices and size of the open world, which lead to the game's main problem: pacing. However, the combat system is good if not clunky, and the story can get good when it gets going. The remaster is ass on the technical side though.

It's a shame most people will have abandonned this game by the time it gets good. The pacing is completely off in this entry: the first 8 sequences suck, the last 4 are some of the best I've seen so far in an Assassin's Creed game. The main antagonists are great, the game really manages to present everyone in the game (except Connor) as morally grey, really capturing just how grand yet hypocritical the American Revolution was from a civil liberties standpoint.

However, those first 8 sequences are horrid. Firstly, you get your Assassin outfit 6 SEQUENCES INTO THE GAME. You do half an Assassin's Creed game, without being an Assasin. And it's not just that you don't have the (really) cool outfit that sucks, it's the story, the gameplay, everything really. If you took out 4 of the first 6 sequences of the game, the story would remain unchanged. The game doesn't use the extra time it gives to the origins of the villains to flesh their character out or anything, because it needs to hide their "evil side" in order to get the big reveal that you've been a Templar this whole time. So, most of the characterisation comes in the second part of the game where you hunt them down rendering the first half completely useless.
As for the young Connor sequences, the same applies: most of his journey from being a whiney, blindly optimistic teenager to a more nuanced and cynical adult comes from the second part of the game, and gameplay-wise, nothing good come sout of these sequences. But by the end of the game, I actually liked Connor. He got passed his borderline stupid optimism and became more nuanced, without being cynical. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that his character was inspired by someone like President Obama.

The gameplay blows hard. The open world is not interesting, ugly, and, for the frontier and the davenport homestead at least, is empty. The game also loves to make you run from one side of the map to the other just to watch a cutscene, making the size and emptiness of the open world stick out even more, so my tip is to abuse fast travel, you aren't missing anything anyway. The missions can be pretty good and original, but a lot of them are sluggish and uninteresting.
The combat is actually pretty great when it works, but as will be discussed later, the whole game feels sloppy and is quite glitchy, so that hurts what was, in my opinion, a great system that struck a great balance between Brotherhood's overly simplistic but really cool-looking combat system and the other games' grindy combat. Now, enemies will attack you even in the middle of a combo, so you always need to be aware and ready to counter. Also, the animations are great.
The climbing is faster, better, and climbing trees is a cool addition, but nothing amazing to be honest.
As for side content, it's just a worst version of déjà-vu systems. Recruiting assassins was really cool in Brotherhood, but this is the third game to use it, and it doesn't really feel earned story-wise. It doesn't really fit Connor's character to lead a Brotherhood as he's more of a lone wolf. Also, the Davenport Homestead didn't seem very appealing to me, a bit too complex for an Assassin's Creed game (I'm here to split heads open, not resell wood) , so I didn't engage with it but I will salute the effort to not redo the "buy shops" gimmick for a third time.
As for "special" gameplay scenarios, they are enjoyable. The desmond sections are fine, but they are so weirdly placed in the game. The first one comes right after you the assassin's outfit, which is such a pace killer. Putting one in the middle of the first part of the game would've been way better, breaking up the monotonous start to the game. The boat sections are great.

Finally, I want to talk about the "Remastered" part of the title. I never played the original, but even I can tell this is a bad remaster. There is this weird fog that appears so often, the characters faces look really weird sometimes, there a lot of glitches, especially in combat where inputs will be ignored by the game (maybe that's a skill issue). This is a shameless cash grab, that doesn't adress any of the game's issues, which is a shame, because there is a good game somewhere in there.

In theory setting an Assassin's Creed game during the American Revolution is a great idea, but in practice this game doesn't quite work. Our main character, Connor, is very dull, and struggles with motivations given he's caught between multiple different people and their intent to use him, which in turn robs him (and us) of agency. The cities of New York and Boston aren't particularly beautiful to explore, and free-running around the Frontier is finicky. The world is filled with lots of things to do, but most of it feels like busywork. Some things are good, such as the improved, faster combat and the smoother animations, but it's in a disorganized and sluggish package.

J'ai pas réussi à finir ce jeu de merde, rien ne va, de l'histoire à l'aspect technique rien n'est réussi.

I'll start with the good: the combat was really satisfying although one dimensional and a little too easy, the parkour was easy to do and felt pretty smooth but at times was frustrating, I really liked Connor as the main protagonist and thought the relationship with him and Haytham was pretty cool. The story was also pretty well written although a tiny bit basic.
The bad: The ending was annoying af having to climb and find what triggers the cutscenes which just took way too long and felt like an absolute horrible chore, the combat was really easy and mostly just pressing O and then square, the parkour although it was easy felt really janky at times, the stealth was god awful to the point where I could be hiding around a corner, whistle and he doesnt hear me, and then having to go around the corner to quickly kill him and he instantly spots me. Also, the modern day was kinda just ok and didn't really add anything for me.
Overall, the game is actually really fun and pretty overheated especially Connor. Definitely not my favorite Assassin's Creed but DEFINITELY not the worst like a lot of people are saying. Solid game that I'd give between a 7-7.5 and would recommend if you like Assassin's Creed

One of the one assassin creed games I didn't mind

Played for the story. It’s alright. Gameplay and graphics are dated. ubisofts remasters are very lazy. But HDR was bothersome until I turned it off and on and it was no longer all washed out. Decent 1 time game so I can fully experience the kenway/revolution saga.

(Review from Dec 2019) Great storyline, I’ve always dug the obsessive Charles Lee-Connor revenge plot, it’s one of the most gripping ones I’ve seen in the series. Gameplay is good most of the time, but there are some optional objectives that are bugged out by bad controls, and some challenges that aren’t entirely clear.

Es un bodrio plano y apático como juego y como remaster. El relato sobre la Guerra de la Independencia Estadounidense es demasiado blando, perfecto para aquellos bobos defensores de lo apolítico en el arte.

A remaster that's buggier and arguably looks worse than the original. It's shameful that Ubisoft charges for this.

Um novo ar para a saga mesmo sendo uma continuação da história no presente. Concluindo o arco do fim do mundo fiquei com a sensação que a história do presente pouco importa, o legal é ver a historia dos antepassados interagindo com toda essa temática de assassinos x templários.
O Connor não passa de um peão, faz isso, faz aquilo, mas pelo menos no fim cumpriu com a promessa dele com o Charles. A jogablidade fluida combina demaaaais com ele.
Tem a machadinha.

Remasterizado para os consoles da geração passada, Assassin´s Creed III possui uma boa história, personagens carismáticos e uma ótima trilha sonora.

Bom jogo para a época em que fora lançado.

tem q ter força de vontade pra jogar

The game's great, not going to lie.
Althouuuugh, The story and the graphics are incredible. But there comes the cons.
Frusturating gameplay and graphical bugs/glitches.
After so much gameplay, I still haven't figured out how to properly ride a horse, it suddenly starts riding faster, sometimes slower, sometimes bumps into a rock which slows me down 5 times, got to accelerate again. Combat is brutal and looks cool but sometimes it is just too clunky, the buttons look like they don't work accurately when you try to dodge and parry.
This is why the game felt frusturating and like a chore, most of the time I enjoyed the cutscenes more than the actual gameplay and therefore I haven't had the motivation or the need to do side missions at all. Most of the time I just want to play main missions and complete the game so therefore I'll seek just that.

I feel AC3 is starting to become more appreciated these days. I like the setting, Connor as a character and a more "grey" story. While the remaster is simple cash grab, it's definitely worth it if you get it through the Odyssey edition.

My Steam review:

I'm not sure how they botched this but certain characters look even worse in this remaster than the OG. Also overpriced which im assuming they think works out because you get liberation which is pretty much AC shovelware.
If you own the original there is no need to get this unless you are yearning for some dlc which is interesting I guess but not crucial to the main plot of the series. And this was the game where AC begins to fall from glory with the massive changes to free running and combat that are complete garbage and will be used for the remainder of the kenway/Americas trilogy. The story is good though with the minor exception of the endgame that ends up ruining modern day.

Спорная часть серии. Слишком длинный пролог и не самый интересный сеттинг. Боевая система очень веселая. За развитием Конора весело наблюдать

story was good but the game ran terribly on top of being horribly designed.

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I really wanted to like it but just couldn't get into it. maybe cause I'm not american and it felt like they expected me to know more about this period of history than i do? i'm not sure but we just didn't click.
i very much enjoyed haytham and connor as characters and i'm fucking obsessed with how they revealed haytham was a templar??? chef's kiss. but a lot of the game just felt a bit lackluster and unfortunately not very interesting.

Pros: Templars and assassins dynamic was cool, pretty good story, much more smoother in gameplay compared to the earlier games, combat is really fun and good, Connor and Haytham were really good, all the modern day stuff was good until the ending, personally liked Connor alot.

cons: ending was underwhelming and a disappointment, even tho parkour was smoother it lacked the "freedom" from the earlier games
