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in the past

It was really weird for me to step into a game which a lot of people called "a complete failure, with lack of nice characters" to be proven kind of wrong by the game. Maybe it was the complete idiocy of AC2 and ACB's writing that burned me out and brought my standards really low, but the characters in AC3 are one of the strongest points to me.

Finally, Assassins' and Templars' motives are both in a rather morally grey area, as both will be highlighted to have fallacies (as opposed to AC2 and ACB where templars are literally only crazy dudes who want to rule the world and ezio just goes "haha u get the blade brrrr").

When it comes to the weakest point, I'd probably pinpoint it to two main factors:

- A lot of game mechanics aren't well explained. The stealth in this game is rather horrid and expects you to analyze your mission with a lot of attention if you don't wanna get caught, even if the game presents itself as action-packed. There's also a lot of changes that felt really good to the movement and killing system! but since the game doesn't tell you a lot about the game mechanics (about how exactly enemies get triggered, at what distance, how you can avoid it, etc etc) to be stealth actually meant to try and satisfy the game's engine and its buggy features. A step in the right direction for the movement, a step in the wrong one for the stealth.

- Side missions had close to no effect to the personal upgrading.
I get it, side missions are actually meant to tell a story, but It'd be nice if the upgrades that you get exploring and doing those missions actually meant something - but they do not. You oneshot enemies as soon as you parry with the first tomahawk you get in the game; any enemy, unless those who need a guardbreak. The hunting was also pretty cool, but again, no need other than completing sidemissions that will eventually unlock weapons and cosmetics. Surely better than the Ezio trilogy way, aka "hey uh oh there's a new sword in the shop, randomly", but still a rather wonky feature.

They fixed the remaster I guess.

Good story, glitchy gameplay. - Platinumed.

Probably the worst AC game I've played. Dull story, dull setting, dull gameplay.

Meu Deus que lixo, como que eles conseguiram fazer um jogo tão chato?

this is so fiddly and unfocused as to be incredibly annoying. killing anglos is always fun tho.

Admittedly flawed, but this is the second-best game in the Desmond saga, regardless of how badly it wraps up what its predecessors were building towards. The main story is definitely a little too long but others' complaints seem to be different than mine. I don't mind the opening Haytham sequence and anyone who says it makes up half of the game is just being hyperbolic. The story is a pretty well-orchestrated criticism of colonialism and utilizes the setting and historical figures as a way to show their hypocrisy. Gameplay-wise, combat and parkour are more fluid (going to town on a bunch of Redcoats with a pirate axe is always a blast). Really fun game with a ton of side content to keep you busy, some worthwhile (Homestead/Peg Leg/Naval missions), some boring (TOKW DLC). Connor is a great character and despite the game's flaws I don't think I'll ever understand the hate it gets.

Among all of the AC games I've played, this probably had the weirdest story to me. The constant time change to intersect with American history seemed like terrible writing and it made Conors transformation from a boy to an assassin disappointing. There was no training scenes, montages, he became an assassin just like that. Moreover, I'm not sure if this might just be me and my unfamiliarity with the controls but the parkour sucked ass. I quite liked AC 4 parkour better, but the setting in AC 3 would have been the best for parkour.
When I first played this game, I had an open conscience, no reviews, no recommendations, no expectations. Perhpaps all I was expecting was to have fun. In the end, it was disappointing to me. I didn't like the characters, the plot, the parkour. Even Haythams end fight was terrible. In spite of playing as him and seeing how he could easily storm a fort, his fight with Connor was humiliating. When I say a game could have had potential, I probably Ean this game.

“Compromise. That is what everyone has insisted upon, and so I have learned it, but differently than most, I think. I realize now that it will take time, that the road ahead is long and shrouded in darkness. It is a road that will not always take me where I wish to go, and I doubt I will live to see its end, but I will travel down it nonetheless. For at my side walks hope, in the face of all that insist I turn back, I carry on. This.... this is my compromise.”

Every AC game so far has been really easy to articulate my thoughts on but considering the direction the series takes, this is definitely the diverging point in multiple ways.

This is the first AC game where its premises start clashing and the overall package feels deeply torn when it comes to what it’s trying to be.

Attempting to start an entire new animus storyline during the climax of the Desmond saga was a REALLY stupid move. If you ask me AC3 should’ve been a game taking place entirely during modern day, giving proper closure to Desmond’s arc and wrapping up his storyline in a satisfying manner which was a NECESSITY given the nature of how much build up each successive game had so far towards the conclusion of the modern-day plot.
As is we get a half baked and kinda awful Desmond storyline tacked on to a really cool new ancestor tale that connects very little to the modern-day scenario. The only connection really is how thematically in line Connor and Desmond are, both being forced to join the Assassins regardless of their own will and constantly arguing about the morality of such a thing when it’s fundamentally against the very Creed they follow.

AC3 is a mixed bag even if I do like it quite a lot. Its highs are REALLY high which is why I still personally put it above Brotherhood, it may have lower lows but it does strive for higher peaks instead of feeling satisfied with walking that middle ground. This game is ambitious and the shortcomings are genuine creative missteps.

Considering everything built up so far I’m pretty certain the original idea was to have a proper Desmond focused finale for this era of the series but AC had established itself as the “historical fantasy game” at this point so a solo modern-day Desmond entry was out of the question and with no Ezio to rely on they’d have to find a new time period to implement as the main draw. If a good excuse was presented, I’d be fine with it but it’s literally “Oh man Desmond we got to the final destination but the door is locked so we gotta fuck around for 10 hours and find a few mcguffins to open it later”. It’s not only lazy but a complete bore, the Desmond shit in this game is a pace breaker, Vidic is defeated in the lamest way, Daniel Cross is a joke (even with the far superior comic characterization to compliment him here) and the laughably unsatisfying finale does not help (I enjoy the moral dilemma Desmond has to face but the way everything is executed is so rushed that it really doesn’t matter much). Real wet fart of an ending and Desmond deserved a way better final go.

With all that negative criticism you might be wondering “Damn how do you even like this game?”.

Well, the animus storyline REALLY carries this one for me. It’s flawed but the ideas and overall storyline are SO GOOD.

This is the first game in the series that actually characterizes the templars in an interesting manner. AC1 attempted that but only succeeded with Al Mualim which I would argue is not a templar (at least not in the traditional sense). The main antagonists are set up wonderfully at the start, humanizing them in a way that makes you actually feel something when they inevitably become a target of Connor’s blade later. Their ideals are presented in a gray light and the ideological/ethical debates are stronger than ever. Calling Haytham in particular amazing is a whole ass free thinker behavior but yeah he’s fucking stellar.

A big issue people have is how long the tutorial chunk of the story is which I do agree with to some extent. It didn’t bother me much but having essentially 2 first acts is indeed wacky. The payoff for the Haytham set up is worth it tho.

I adore Connor Kenway. I think he’s one of the most misunderstood and fascinating characters in the series by far. I love his personal struggle against the destiny imposed towards him, his struggle to find a place in a war where no matter which side he fought for, he’s still fundamentally not in tune with his allies and his people will still suffer and be decimated. It’s all so tragic but the way he keeps going after so much pain and suffering is truly inspiring. This man fights a literal one-man war against an entire templar order that destroyed the previous assassin brotherhood and still succeeds through sheer force of will. His naive nature is constantly addressed and punished which just makes me so confused about the critiques thrown towards him. People who say Haytham just decimates him morally in particular are really stupid when THE GAME CLEARLY SHOWS HOW HAYTHAM’S WAYS ARE AWFUL IN THEIR OWN WAY AND CONNOR GETS TO CLAP BACK AT HIM FOR IT BUT NONONO HAHA “SOUR GRAPES AMIRITE”.

I do think sometimes the story feels contrived to follow certain historical events but overall, it’s a great time. I have no idea WHY THE FUCK they deleted Connor’s fucking stellar final monologue tho, if you’ve never heard it please do yourself a favor, it’s so fucking powerful

Characters are great. Connor and Haytham stand out the most but others like Achilles and all the homestead residents are fucking great too.

Speaking of, some of the side missions in this game are quite average but DAMN THE HOMESTEAD IS MAYBE THE BEST SIDE CONTENT IN THE WHOLE SERIES. THEY’RE SO GOOOOOOOD.

Gameplay had a big overhaul. Combat is a trillion times better than in the previous 4 but parkour is more mixed, some improvements are welcome but other changes feel like downgrades. Boat combat is introduced here and it honestly kinda sucks, the Aquila definitely doesn’t play nearly as well as the Jackdaw or the Morrigan. Hunting and crafting are straight up awful tho and idk how the hell that happened considering Ubi made Far Cry 3 the same year.

Tyranny of King Washington has some cute ideas and the premise is insane in a fun way but it’s disappointingly boring at times, the animal powers are sick but they don’t carry enough.

The OST is a banger, I twerk to “Trouble in Town” daily.

The setting is top notch as always, roaming through the frontier is wonderful and the nature aspect is so beautiful that I’d be stopping to contemplate the visuals all the time.

Assassin’s Creed III feels like the beginning of the end concerning what this series represents but as a die hard fan it’s hard for me to be mad about it. The way Desmond’s story wraps up will forever be lame but I adore Connor’s tale in a vacuum and it’s just a really fun game. Pondering on what this could’ve been will forever be intriguing but the final result is still very much a worthy entry.

Ritmo truncado, cenas sem peso e emoção, talvez o jogo mais fraco da franquia

A great Assassins Creed no doubt. It's a great entry in the franchise, compared to what comes after the first 6 games (Assassins Creed, Assassins Creed 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, III, IV: Black Flag) Everything that has come after has drop in quality.
But this definitely is not a bad entry in the franchise, just not as good as it's predecessor 2 and it's successor IV: Black Flag. Still better than Syndicate and anything is better than Unity lol.

Bastante sorprendente, y con ideas Interesantes. Fácilmente mi favorito de la saga. Salvó por los horrorosos bugs.

Uma boa mudança de ares, depois de 4 jogos em épocas relativamente antigas, agora estamos nas colônias norte americanas no século XVIII. O protagonista é bem construído, apesar de que o início do jogo se arrasta um pouco mais do que deveria. O parkour ganhou uma nova roupagem e continua um dos maiores atrativos da série, e o combate é bem simples, mas divertido. Sobre o lado negativo, as figuras históricas não são tão marcantes quanto eu esperava, o quê é uma pena, já que o jogo se passa em um momento fatídico da história dos Estados Unidos. Aqui também foram introduzidas ideias que só floreceram mesmo em jogos futuros, como o combate naval. Como a parte do Desmond não foi levada à frente nos jogos seguintes, seu desfecho aqui é bastante decepcionante. De qualquer forma, esse é mais um jogo sólido para a franquia.

Beaten twice, once long ago via OG on 360, once again via PC remaster.

It's my favorite AC purely because of the setting. American Revolution is kino and Connor is a badass. Plus it has my favorite design of any AC suit.

The streamlined combat and climbing also is really nice. I also like the modern segments with Desmond. Wish there was an entire game centered around it tbh. And no, Watch Dogs doesn't count.

Great game. This game is one of those games that did things that were new to games. Never really got why people hated it so much, because I really liked everything about it. Graphics, story, sound, gameplay, the gunplay/swordplay was magnificent.

Maybe the story wasn't THAT good, but still, it wasn't bad either. Especially the time it was set to, I really liked everything about it.

Would definitely replay again for the 3rd time!

So my nostalgia for this is kinda ruined now.

What was once my favorite AC game, and the reason I got into the series, is now kinda….not great? The pacing is fuckin terrible, you spend half of the game in a tutorial thats a slog, in addition to bullshit trailing missions now theres bullshit eavesdropping missions which are even worse, and the story while interesting on the surface (the founding fathers dont know what the fuck theyre doing! the native american people got fucked over! Gotta hear both sides!) it seems real rushed because half the game is about fooling you about what Haytham is, and who could possibly care. Connor is annoyingly naive and too stoic though I guess that makes sense in context of who hes supposed to be. The modern day stuff kinda came together though, I sorta understand what the point of it all was. Its really gone off the rails in the, like, 6 games since this, but the stuff with Desmond was pretty ok at the very least in retrospect. RIP Desmond, you saved the world but you destroyed the future of modern day.

Gameplay wise its pretty much the same as the last 3 but now you have a tomahawk and it fuckin rules. Idk why but just fuckin hacking at people is so much better than using a sword. I didnt do a lot of the naval missions just because I know I have 4 coming up in a bit here and theyre a lot better there. The Homestead stuff is good, having a home base that you can grow is a thing I love in basically every game. The economy is terrible, crafting and trading sucks and costs too much money with not enough ways to make it. and the Underground is pointless. Theres not enough climbing and jumping puzzles.

In terms of the remaster, a lot of it looks better (general environments and textures) but a lot of the character models and especially the animals look terrible and plastic.

There were elements of a good game in here, and I wanted it to all sync up but alas. Probably still the best of the last gen games so far though. Fuck I want the tomahawk in every game.

Now onto the Tyranny of King Washington (Counting it as a seperate game i dont care) and then Liberation, which will probably benefit a lot from the remaster treatment.

TYRANNY OF KING WASHINGTON: Had I just played this linearly, straight through the story missions, this wouldve been great. Its a super interesting concept, and it introduces neat gameplay elements that wouldve made some of the sloggiest parts of the main game a whole lot better. But I ran around trying to do the little radiant quests that popped up, and open treasure chests, and all this other shit, compounded with the fact that part one is during the winter in the snow which is extremely prohibitive to the spirit of these games made it a real unenjoyable experience until I started actually playing the story.

only 3 more of these fuckin games left then I’m free from this prison

LIBERATION: This game introduced a lot of interesting mechanics that have since been abandoned and I rushed through it

overall narrative is garbage, both the present day events and revolutionary america have pretty flat characters and terrible writing. the voice acting can be okay but at times verges on comical.

encountered a ton of glitches with this too, some minor stuff but a couple of times getting stuck in geometry or falling through walls which forced me to restart missions. wouldn’t be too bad if this wasn’t a remaster of 7 year old game, i would have expected these to be ironed out by now.

the setting (the reason i play these games) is well developed, but not as compelling as renaissance italy or revolutionary france.

the gameplay loop is good, and i actually really like the combat system of the earlier assassin’s creed games, but some of the tailing, chasing, and eavesdropping missions are incredibly monotonous, nor did i really find the ship captaining very fun.

overall pretty mediocre, though i kind of expected as much. is the side content for this supposed to be good? i never found myself itching to do any of it.

visually, meh.
gameplay wise, good.
narrative, story, sucks.
constant cutscene interruption.

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my favorite part was benjamin franklin talking about milfs

but for real i wish you could skip missions after failing them a certain amount of times (yeah stealth/eavesdropping and attack but not kill enemies missions i'm looking at you)

Even after forcing myself to push through the technical flaws and brokenness, the game itself is arduous and feels completely linear. "Go exactly here, do exactly this." Yet another cutscene, yet another insufferable stealth sequence, one after another. It's also permeated with garbage design such as collectibles that disappear after a few seconds, and using an enemy to shield yourself from a firing squad attack as something that works only some of the time.

Returning to this game after playing it when it came out, I find I still quite enjoy it, warts and all. I like the setting and I think Connor is a good protagonist despite him not being well liked among the fanbase. Haytham is great too. Overall, the story it tells is satisfying even though it manages to be really slow in some parts and then feel rushed in others. I appreciate the willingness to portray the founding fathers in a negative light and point out their hypocrisy.

The combat has a bit more flair compared to the Ezio trilogy but the stealth feels a bit broken and unusable. The Homestead portion of the game is wonderful. The naval combat is fun and I enjoyed it more as a side activity then when it became a full feature of the following two games. Boston and New York can be a little dull to explore but the frontier is a cool location.

same shit as i said before. 10/10

I Don't Play the non remastered so i can't really comment on the difference. cool new concept for homesteads and sailing is kinda fun.

This ended up growing on me story-wise (specifically around Sequence 8, when it gets a little more personal), but I still think Connor is one of the weaker protagonists this series has ever had, and I find the open world to be a chore to get around. I didn't really do any side content because I didn't like interacting with the world.

Not as bad as some people claim.

Had a blast with this one. Not much different in the quality of life updates with it being the "remastered" version. Benedict Arnold and Evil George Washington DLCs weren't much fun as they were basically just a gauntlet of "face a hoard of enemies" for most of the missions, but I did enjoy the new Animal Spirit powers. It would be cool to use them in the main game after completion of the DLC.

Bounced off it the first few times due to the long opening, but surprisingly quite good. The American frontier is so fun to explore and the snow mechanics are great. The towns feel like outposts in the best ways. The American Indian influences are great. The combat is simple, but visceral in a satisfying way. However, the climbing, moving around, and story can all falter at times.

By far my least in the series so far. Worst story, worst characters (though Haythan and Charles Lee were pretty good), somehow the most frustrating parkour, and the less visually interesting world.

connor is so fucking boring holy shit, Haytham da goat tho

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this is the worst one so far lmao.
the new running mechanics are cool, feels a LOT smoother, being able to aim is also very cool. i think the AI was a lot more intense and the buildings were further apart so I actually didn't climb around that much compared to previous games. I don't like how they added the massive red triangle to show when you can counter, you don't have to pay attention to the enemies, which makes it boring. i never touched the side stuff, the beginning you're doing haytham stuff and then you're in a tutorial for about 10 hours but when you get out the games like "the templars must die NOW" so it feels like there's never time to do the side stuff so it went untouched. I never felt the need to go treasure hunting, forts etc and I normally do side stuff.

the story is the biggest con and the biggest pro. the fake out beginning was neat and did actually shock me. once the game stops dragging your feet with the tutoriel connor's story actually gets really good. all 2 and a half stars were won by connor. him trying to navigate the american revolutionary period aginst the British and The Templers against the soon to be Americans who are Not Fans of native americans and being fucked either way, just one less fucked. That being said, in the early bits it felt like the game was ticking off events from a checklist. It kept on dropping names expecting me to know who these dweebs are. I'm not American, none of this means anything to me. I can hear a manager telling programmers to make sure their American Revolution Era Assassin does all the really famous stuff like the Boston tea Party, Massacre etc.. or that mission where you ride around on a horse with a guy, i think that's some famous event but it meant nothing to me so it was just a really boring mission lol. It's something I'm really afraid of with other games which take place closer to modern day. It's more limiting so it might just become a checklist of historical events. I had forgotten about the axe in the post, neato. what possessed connor to bury the key in the child's grave btw. Was it juno pulling shit. Basically, the new story is nice (once it actually starts) but all the stuff from the last games? Holy fuck they dropped the bag so hard.

First things first, what the fuck happened with Lucy. In brotherhood Desmond gets mind controlled and is forced to kill her, he screams out trying to stop himself. In revelations Desmond repeatedly expresses regret over what happened but knows he was being controlled. Alright. Then 3 turns around and just, pretends like none of this happens and the exact opposite happened. Everyones hanging out and then Desmond goes “yadda yadda everything sucks, i killed my friend who was actually a templer and was going to kill us all” and i went oh, ok? Assuming this was when Desmond lived in New York. but then later on he turns to Rebecca like “hey why do you think Lucy was going to betray us and kill everyone.” which as you imagine confused me but i mean, this is the next game in the series so it must explain it at some point. Then Desmond's dad (who sucks btw) is all like “soz you got mind controlled by God into killing Lucy, even if she was evil :///” only for Desmond to turn around and say “NO DAD I WASN'T MIND CONTROLLED… I KILLED HER AND ID KILL HER AGAIN SHE WAS EVIL.” which is like what the fuck is going on. At first I thought the apple was doing it but no one disagreed with him, it's like it's always been like this. So I Googled it. Turns out this “twist” (it's a retcon lmao) was featured on the Revelations DLC The Lost Archive which btw, does not work ubisoft connect wont let me play it when i tried. And then the game just assumes you played the weird side dlc using the gameplay of the worst of revelations. Why did they put the twist there and why did it assume I played it. Twist doesn't even make sense.

And then there's the ending. It's shit. THAT'S how Desmond's story ends???? No fanfare just bleh. How did they do Ezio so right and Desmond so wrong? I had gotten over the lucy bs but the ending was like, genuinely upset me it was that bad. I know they like their “WHAT WAS THAT” endings in this franchise but this was not it.

TL;DR the updated gameplay is nice but it's a bit under used as it's harder to run around like previous games, new additions are pointless. The game spends 60% of its run time in the tutoriel and ticking off American Revolution checklists but when Connor’s story gets going it's really good. It fucks up REALLY badly with Lucy, assuming you played a forgettable DLC which featured a retcon for her character. Desmond's death(?) is awful holy fuck.

Graphics is very good although sometimes the execution fails in the form of glitchy animation. The aesthetic at some parts of the game is quite bland. Other times though it can be visually pleasing, especially at the city sections. The story are quite alright but sometimes very awkward in delivery. Gameplay mechanics might get repetitive but mission structure are different enough to maintain engagement.