Reviews from

in the past

Um bom jogo do batman para se jogar no Vita.

Overall a decent game. It wasn't exactly what I expected going into it, but once you accept the game for what it is, you can enjoy it. It's entertaining and challenging and has plenty of secrets for you to find and go back for. At points it was pretty frustrating for me because the puzzles or paths you had to take weren't clear. I'm not saying I expected them to be, but the game I don't think gave you much in the way of hints after you tried or went to the wrong area. So if you took a break and picked the game back up later, you'd probably get lost have to find a guide. Combat was basic I'd say but not bad. Still fun overall. 3/5

Para mi es un excelente traslado de la formula arkham a 2.5D, la historia no es gran cosa y como metroidvania tampoco destaca demasiado, pero es un juego mas que decente.

an interesting experiment on trying to emulate other arkham games on a system with a fraction of the power of home consoles but playing this game just hurts.

Метроидвания, в которой всрали все ключевые для жанра элементы, а кроме того испоганили и главные составляющие серии Аркхэм - боёвку и стелс. Игра просто не допилена.

Honestly batman arkham origins blackgate is one of the worst games ive ever played and one of the most miserable experiences ive had in gaming.

In terms of positives i have nothing good to say about this game. The only thing i can kinda credit is that the story is just meh however that is not what makes this game awful. They single handedly ruined what the arkham series is known for. The combat is absolutely awful they should of just not bothered making a handheld arkham as 2.5d combat for arkham games simply doesnt do the series justice. Another thing that frustrated me and made me bored as hell is the backtracking in this game. Obviously its a metroidvania type game so its to be expected but its just not fun and this game was a huge letdown for people like me who were really excited for the idea of a portable arkham.

I cannot stress enough how far you should stay away from this game and i will never ever be going back to it because it was genuinely just a painful experience. Just dont play it save yourself the pain

One of the worst games I have ever played

Desde que escribo estas mini reviews de videojuegos me enfoco en lo positivo que tiene para entregar una obra, sin embargo no me veo en la capacidad de decir algo bueno de Arkham Origins Blackgate.

Horrible game and a glimpse into what Batman may become once Rocksteady no longer works on the Arkham games (this wasn't made by them). The graphics and music are good. Everything else is awful. The story isn't anything to look forward too. However what makes this game truly awful is the gamepaly. The controls are just awful making the game a chore to play. The last fight is also poorly designed. There were a lot of good ideas in the game, but poorly executed.

I thought Batman on the 3DS would be fun. I was wrong.

the map fails monumentaly at explaining height difference and the power of the 3DS makes it hard to understand what you should be looking at. Don't even get me started on the combat, I don't know about the other versions, but the 3DS has a bit of lag behind it, which makes the time based Arkham combat infuriating at best.
The story isn't incredible either, you just have to beat the inmates in Blackgate while Catwoman helps you, and its told by a slide show of (in my humble opinion) horribly drawn images.

Just nope out of this mess.

Tiveram umas partes legais mas acabei não gostando muito desse jogo, demorei bastante pra me acostumar com o mapa (que é bem confuso) e não achei a gameplay muito boa... mas a história, o estilo da arte e os cenários são bons

No final do jogo eu não tava mais aguentando ficar andando pelo mapa (todo perdido ainda kkkkkkkkk) e pra piorar a última missão me fez ir pra vários cantos longes kkkkkkkkkkkkkk mas consegui terminar, amém.

All i remember about it was that the cutscenes were like drawings or something. pretty sure I got stuck at one bit and just didn't bother going back

Shit wasn't good, couldn't beat the final boss, and the fact that I was 12 at the time has nothing to do with it

Metroidvania decente. Só joguei porque tinha nada pra jogar enquanto meu cartão de memória pra PS Vita não chegava.

Metroidvania donde el mapa es casi igual allá a donde vayas, extremadamente lioso, con varios niveles, cambios de cámara, establecido sobre un IKEA diseñado por sádicos, y con un mapa creado por alienígenas que no conocen al ser humano más que de oídas. Dicho eso, el juego tiene buenas ideas, como algún combate contra un jefe, la espectacularidad de Batman al aparecer o el apartado gráfico, que creo que ha envejecido bastante bien (más allá de NPCs no moviendo la boca). El combate es bastante simplón y con frecuencia no sabrás por donde tirar para llegar a donde quieres, tu solo quieres salir de ese sitio lo antes posible. Curiosamente jugando a este me han dado ganas de darle a los otros Batman, porque no paran de recordarme a ellos, pero un poco peor. Probablemente sea también por el movimiento poco fluido que tiene Batman, ya que en pos de ser EL SEÑOR DE LA NOCHE te mueves como si los cojones le pesasen 12 kilos. Aunque el boss final es mejor que el de Asylum por ejemplo, tiene algún otro que he tenido que buscar porque no entendía que tenía que hacer o lo golpeaba de chiripa. El modo escáner también te obliga a usarlo bastante para pasar por lugares principales, perdiéndote aun más. Y a pesar de todo, creo que es entretenido, no se merece el hate que ha tenido. No todo al menos

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Its fine not for me personally


Como é possível alguns fãs da franquia gostarem desse jogo.

Olha, sem ofensas, eu até aprecio alguns momentos mas esse jogo é muito ruim e confuso PRA CARALHO. Algumas partes tu tem que ser detetive e tals, mas outras parece que o jogo é simplesmente mal formulado.

O combate é quase um evento raro, o que nem é um problema, nesse jogo você só quer acabar logo então, quanto menos combate melhor. O combate é basicamente a mesma coisa dos jogos arkham padrão (na base), só que o counter parece não funcionar de vez em quando ou tem um timing diferente, paia.

A história? Foda-se

Jeu créé dans le simple et unique but de faire du fric sur le dos de la licence arkham, un calvaire à finir.
La 2D est juste là parce que c'est beaucoup plus simple et moins coûteux que de faire un jeu en 3D.

Pouco intuitivo e o gameplay não é tão interessante. As cutscenes foram bem feitas e são o ponto principal do jogo.

Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate takes everything that works well with the Arkham games and dilutes it to deliver one of the most boring and frustrating experiences I've ever had.

The story is fine, we've already seen a much much better rendition of inmates taking over their prison within this very series. The larger plot is supposed to tie into the end credit scene of the main Origins game but as of now (2023) both of these threads have went nowhere. I will admit the new Suicide Squad game could address this, but the configuration of the team found within that game does not give me hope.

The gameplay of Origins Blackgate sucks. I totally understand that metroidvania games involve backtracking, but it should then be the focus of the developers to give us a world worth exploring and doubling back to. Blackgate is at best bland and at worst very ugly. It's extremely confusing to navigate with the map being layered over itself in mulitple areas. On top of all this, the game requires you to have to use detective mode to scan for weak walls, pullable panels, and consoles constantly. For Vita this is more annoying since you have to drag your finger all around your screen.

Having to do this 3 times (3 playthroughs are needed for 100% completion) seemingly had no impact on making navigation more enjoyable. It didn't matter that I managed to remember the layout of the prison, getting around was still sluggish and still required way too much stopping and starting.

Despite all this, it would all be somewhat digestible if the combat was any good. I find it baffling that they took one of the most beloved combat systems and managed to ruin it. Being in a 2.5D space does not suit Arkham combat at all. There were times during my playthroughs when I'd go to cape stun a bodyguard thug but I would either not move that extra inch closer or I'd connect with someone next to them, but only so slightly in front of them it's incredibly hard to notice. And I'd try to jump over a stun baton thug but instead would just roll past him. Gadgets are useless in combat too, so you're stuck with strike, counter, dodge, ground takedowns, and stun (which can lead to a stun beatdown) which is extremely limiting. I'd go into every encounter just desperate for it to be over.

I cannot recommend Arkham Origins Blackgate at all, I don't think there's anything worth experiencing especially when having to suffer through the bland story and extremely weak gameplay. If you want something similar to what this offers but better quality, I recommend the Assassin's Creed Chronicles games.

this game is terrible. they sold this on the wii u eshop and as a kid i thought that was it but you can tell it was made for 3ds and vita. the game just isn't fun though as the controls are really stiff, the map is shitty and confusing and there is way too much backtracking to pad the game out. you have to go through every area multiple times. don't play this unless you are really curious. its not worth it


Clearing My Backlog #13

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate tries its best to imitate an Arkham game, but fails horrendously in every single way; with its lazy boss fights, a disgrace of a combat system, and a baffling world design/map layout. I don’t know if I’ve ever played a game that was more infuriating than this one; it seems like every encounter, every hallway, every vent, is specifically designed to waste your time. There’s no depth in the combat system to warrant fighting the same groups of enemies in almost every room, there’s not enough diversity in the world to warrant you going through so many doors and vents to hallways and rooms… it’s mentally draining to even think about the layout of the map in this game— and I unironically believe I could create a better version of it than the professional developers… I mean fuck, anyone could! It’s really not that hard to create— at the very least— a comprehensible navigation system, I found so many inconsistencies in the floor levels that quite literally don’t make any fucking sense! Certain lines don’t match up with each other making it a gamble as to whether what you’re looking for is up or down; did they hire someone on fiverr to design this map in a couple of hours? I refuse to believe that this was made by actual game devs.

On a serious note though, Blackgate completely fails as a metroidvania. You know how they’re widely known for backtracking? Well this one takes it to a whole new level… When playing one of these, you would typically hope that it keeps rewarding the player with new upgrades and abilities that are impactful and make getting around the world faster and more convenient; what Blackgate does instead, is it doesn’t design the world this way at all— making it devoid of any shortcuts, you go through the world the same way at the start, as you do at the end; it takes forever to get from one side of the map to the other, and it’s probably the game’s biggest flaw. I would’ve had at least 20% more fun with it if they added like… five or so fast travel points. I could’ve probably cut my playtime in half. Another thing that completely halts any sort of momentum is the weird scanning mechanic, where in order to do literally anything, you have to stay in detective vision and then hold a button down to scan walls/doors/objects so that you can interact with them. The other Arkham games also had minor issues with detective vision, where they would incentivise it for the sake of convenience— although it wasn’t nearly as bad there because you didn’t have to scan anything and could choose whether you wanted to use it. Blackgate fucking forces you to use it, and it’s easily the second biggest thing that makes it so exhausting (combat is third).

The combat. Holy fucking shit… It’s bad, like really bad. It doesn’t have enough depth to even be remotely interesting for your 3rd encounter— let alone your 30th. There’s four different moves that you can use, and two of them are practically useless. I was honestly just using beatdown on every enemy because I couldn’t be bothered, and it’s even weirder that the sound design is so drastically different from the other Arkham games, which made the fights feel cheap and repetitive. Even the stealth is a dumbed down version from the other games, and is comprised of: waiting for goons to turn their back on you so you can do a silent takedown, that’s it! There’s nothing there to engage with. The controls aren’t very responsive either which makes these encounters even worse— the bosses too.

The boss fights are designed more so as puzzles than something that takes mechanical skill, and they’re all the worse for it. They’re mostly trial and error based which completely ruins the experience; this game has no way of delivering information to the player— leaving you guessing as to what the right move is, and if you mess up— you die instantly, having to restart from a checkpoint that isn’t even at the start of the boss fight. It’s also funny how the Catwoman boss fight is just straight up copy-pasted from the Bronze Tiger one… they’re not even trying. I did like the Joker one (even though it suffers from all the same issues), because it had some much-needed variety and obviously had the most effort put into it.

I was hoping that Blackgate would at least have an interesting story— which is something that every single Arkham game has gotten right, but sadly… it’s not really much of anything. There’s something in here that makes watching these characters interact fun (definitely due to the brilliant performances from Roger Craig Smith, Troy Baker, Grey DeLisle, etc), but there’s no overarching arcs or anything of substance. The closest it gets is showing the dynamic between year two Batman and early Catwoman, but it’s not explored anywhere near enough for their first-time meeting. There should be more here. I like what they were going for with the “comic book-y” cutscenes, it should’ve worked for a low budget Batman game, but it didn’t. Something akin to Infamous’ cutscenes would’ve fit a lot better, but for some reason they chose to go with the extremely low-quality concept art that isn’t striking at all. I even noticed that Joker doesn’t have the same design in the cutscenes as he does in-game, which leaves me convinced that these were definitely just concept art images with stock sound effects placed over them.

As for bugs, there was a bunch. I got softlocked multiple times forcing me to restart checkpoints, hits would not connect with enemies, I experienced loads of visual issues, and there’s also constant screen tearing. It’s crazy how this game is just a complete and utter failure in every regard— but hey, at least I can say I’ve played every single Arkham game now… minus the VR one (I’m never playing the VR game).

Playtime: 20.4 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Superhero Games - Ranked
Clearing My Backlog
Batman - Ranked
2013 - Ranked

it was really boring. i don't recommend to play it. you can try but i played it through only because i was a kid and thought that it will be better over time but it won't.

this game continues to sets up a plot from origins and it gets paid off in a really mediocre animated movie, love the cutscene style they went with and an early catwoman has some really fun dialogue with an early batman

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Admittedly, my first and only experience with this game was my seven year old self picking up my brand new PS Vita and plopping it in, but that kid did have a platinum trophy to show for it, so I still find myself qualified. Obviously, the hardware limitations of portables lead to the decision to make this a 2D metroidvania action game, and I think it delivered just enough on that front. Freeflow combat was preserved, and the stealth wasn't offputting when put into this setting. Some of the boss battles did well with this format, like avoiding Deadshot's lasers in order to take him out (which, might I add, is a better boss fight than his inclusion in the near-perfect Arkham City). The ending is quite lackluster, though, as the recurring idea of revisiting locations was amplified by having to deactivate Joker's bombs throughout the prison. This leads me to say that, narratively, this game is quite below average, but in its context, this is about the average Batman experience that one could get with a portable device at the time.

Solid translation of the Arkham games to a 2D action platformer. However it works a lot better in concept than execution. The map system doesn't show height and can be incredibly frustrating to navigate because of that. The game also suffers from laggy inputs making the timing based combat system a bit finnicky. The worst bit is the final boss fight against Catwoman where it seems like the input lag is doubled.

Despite all that, the middle portion of game actually kinda works for awhile. Overall it's not terrible but it's pretty rough.

This game is absolutely terrible. It feels like it was made by people who either hate games, or have never played one in their lives. There is seemingly no logic in the design and execution of the mechanics.

The map is confusing and poorly designed, I had to look up what the hell I even had to do about 5 times throughout this mess. Even the cut scenes don't work properly. An absolute shambles from top to bottom.

Didn't even finish it in the end, got to the end boss fight with Catwoman and got so frustrated with the counter system not even registering my button presses that I just closed the game and deleted it from my vita. I got this for free and I want a refund.