Reviews from

in the past

Juego maravilloso donde te enseña los valores de amistad y superación de uno mismo

This game is amazing; the art is astonishing, and the gameplay is really fun. It gets a little bit repetitive by the end, but it's really good. The story is interesting too, probably my favorite Bayo game (I prefer this genre than hack and slash).

Omg this game was amazing. This game feels like what they were trying to attempt with the Last Guardian where you control a large beast and a child solving puzzles to protect the girl from a world out to get her. The aesthetic of being a storybook was amazing, the twist final boss was a surprise (albeit a bitch of a fight) and just an excellent entry into the lore of Cereza as a whole.

After being disappointed by Bayonetta 3, I was kind of turned off by this game when it was first revealed and held off for about a year before playing it, but I really enjoyed this! It's full of charm everywhere you look, and the storybook presentation reminds me of Kirby's Epic Yarn in the best way.

You control two characters in this, being Cereza and the demon residing in her stuffed doll, Cheshire – moved by the left and right stick respectively. Combat is almost entirely left to Cheshire (although Cereza can hold enemies in place) who attacks with just the right trigger, but because this is PlatinumGames, it's turns out a lot deeper than you expect. Cheshire eventually gains four elemental powers that can be swapped freely by pressing the face buttons, and if done while in an attack animation, each transformation will produce a unique attack that can add to combos. These elemental powers are also tied to progression, because it turns out this game is actually a Metroidvania, with different areas being locked off until you have the right power.

Exploration can be a bit tricky in this game due to a lackluster camera which has a slight delay on it, and because this game takes an isometric viewpoint, hard to see paths felt unnecessarily tricky to spot.

Overall though this game was a delight, and if PlatinumGames really is planning on going all in on live-service, at least they made one final good game before they fold under the weight of however many Babylon's Falls they have cooking over there. Stop fucking around and make good games again please PG.


Finally i found it!
The Peak!

Esse jogo me agradou do começo ao fim, apesar de sessões frustrantes e o uso do gameplay as vezes.
Ainda assim devo dizer, que direção de arte maravilhosa, que storytelling bacana, existe um tato forte, existe uma sensibilidade que dialoga bem com a temática e não é falho para com o texto e isso é excepcional nesse jogo.

O quanto que a direção de arte e o estilo da narrativa carrega os sentimentos e a aventura nesse jogo é mil vezes mais interessante que os bayonettas anteriores.
A personagem da cereza aqui é muito afável, a curva dela é muito melhor que o que vi em bayo 2 e 3, tudo isso somado ao um bom charme e uma conclusão deveras tocante.

E a ost é muito boa também, ela faz um trabalho suficiente e bem funcional em condições mais sutis da transposição dos momentos e eventos.

Talvez esteja exagerando, mas esse camarada aqui salvou bayonetta pra mim.

Quanto aos defeitos, é deveras cansativo, controlar dois bonecos aos mesmos tempos, o combate não é ruim, mas não é absurdo (sinceramente não precisava, mas podia ser bem melhor), algumas boss fights poderiam terem sidos mais interessantes pelo fator gimmick o jogo limita um tanto certas coisas.

E é isso, mais um comentário básico sobre minha experiencia, não sei se recomendaria, mas foi um jogo foda!

If Bayonetta 3 left a bad taste in your mouth (not mine, personally), this is definitely a refresher. Fun and semi-challenging puzzles combined with a unique and beautiful art style made this one a blast to go through. Loved seeing Cereza grow into the Witch we've already known, and her chemistry with Cheshire was one of the most enjoyable parts of the whole thing.

Tried the demo. The game is adorable and charming, last game that reminded me of a similar artstyle was Little Goody Two Shoes.

ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! The water color graphics are pulled off so well everything in this game looks like a picture book! The story is wonderfully sad as all Bayonetta games.

4 stars feels a tad a too high, 3.5 feels a tad low so it’s probably in between there. Neat little game glad I played it. Managed to get this from the library after months of waiting as I was very unsure I’d like it. But has elements of Zelda and action combat with unique controls where on joy con controls one character and other joy con controls the other. Kinda like rubbing belly and head at same time. Combat doesn’t quite evolve as much as I’d like, and exploration when you gain new powers is usually a staple of a Zelda game and this game has it too but the world map and sign posting is all so confusing and very easy to get lost if straying from main path. I did zero backtracking which is a bit disappointing when I know the game wants you to. Challenge was on the easier side but ending got a little tougher. Think the game suffers from some pacing issues with the storybook telling and just slower gameplay. Glad I stuck with it about 10-15 hours to main line.

I mostly decided to play this because it was teased in Bayonetta 3 and I was curious to see if it makes Bayo 3's story make more sense (it doesn't)
Had an overall good time with it, it's a cute co-op puzzle game with a very striking artstyle but got quite repetitive at times

Such an underrated masterpiece.

I played this as a co op experience with my friend. I played with the left Joy-Con as Cereza and my friend played with the right Joy-Con as Cheshire.

I would recommend playing it this way.

Beautiful little game <3

Bayonetta Origins 🍒 es precioso y uno de los juegos de Nintendo Switch más especiales para mí.
Me ha encantado como evolucionan Cereza y Cheshire, convirtiéndose al final en un auténtico equipo.
Ojo con el episodio de Jeanne 😱

Muy buena historia y jugabilidad. Solo al final hubieron algunos problemas de fps.

Este juego merece más reconocimiento.

No es un juego que vaya a cambiarte la vida, pero tiene un cariño especial impregnado e incluso es accesible a gente que no haya jugado a la franquicia, como a los que sí, encontrando referencias a los anteriores juegos.

Para mí tiene la mejor historia y villano de la franquicia, los villanos de los juegos principales siempre se me hicieron excusas random sacadas de la manga ( excepto Balder ) para tener un malo, aquí los malos de la historia les veo un sentido de existir, no hacen las cosas solo por poder, las hacen por motivos personales.
La historia puede que le cueste arrancar un poco, pero a partir del tercer jefe todo empieza a ir mucho más rápido.

Visualmente es muy cuco, todo parece dibujado a mano con un toque acuarela en los personajes que recuerda a la serie "Chowder" donde las ropas de los personajes tenían un fondo estático y los que se movían eran ellos y no estos fondos.
Su banda sonora también es notable, sobretodo en varios jefes, se me quedaron bastante tiempo en la cabeza.

Los personajes principales son muy entrañables, les vas cogiendo cariño con el paso del juego y vas viendo cómo se desarrolla la relación entre Cereza y el demonio.
Hay unos secundarios que están en el centro del mapa donde deberás ir a veces pero dan bastante igual, también sirven de coleccionables y les irás rescatando por el juego.

Jugablemente sus combates no son la gran cosa, aunque se pueden poner difíciles si no controlas bien a los 2, cosa que al principio parece difícil pero con el tiempo te acostumbras.
Vas obteniendo poderes y combos con el tiempo que hacen que algunos tipos de enemigos sean más sencillos de vencer, aunque tampoco es un combate con una profundidad grande ni mucho menos.

Tiene coleccionables y extras que se desbloquean al pasar el juego por primera vez, en mayor dificultad, haciendo retos o explorando los mapas, aunque no están tan divertidos como los de la trilogía principal. Le dan bastante más duración al título que de por sí tiene una parecida a la de la trilogía original.

Los mapas intentan ser una especie de metroidvania aunque son un poco liosos de entender, aunque esto va más dirigido si quieres hacer el 100%, pues se te exigirá backtracking con futuros poderes para abrir caminos.
También hay zonas especiales del mapa que se encuentran haciendo esto mismo o investigando a fondo los caminos, estas no son obligatorias y es probable que te las saltes, para lo que más sirven es para ganar puntos para mejorar los personajes y tener más lore del bosque y las hadas.

Para mí está al nivel de Okamiden, un juego "menor" que expulsa una gran personalidad y más gente debería de probar.

Fun and somewhat comfy game. The ending was pretty interesting.

(Winner of the "Diamond In The Rough Award" for best game nobody played, speech below)

PlatinumGames has had a rough time these last few years with lackluster releases and Bayo 3 coming out to our collective indifference, so we didn’t expect this strange prequel game to be so appealing.

Cereza and the Lost Demon is a departure from the current fast paced action games Platinum has been known for, bringing us back to the kind of style and atmosphere Clover Studio games used to be famous for, taking what they did to japanese ink paintings in Okami and applying to a Celtic-inspired fairytale aesthetic.

Still on that idea of a slower paced game, it seems like PlatinumGames experiments with two simultaneous characters finally came to fruition here, by slowing down the combat and focusing more on exploration and puzzles.

Cereza and the Lost Demon isn’t just a good Bayonetta game, but a game that is enjoyable for anybody looking for a unique and gorgeous experience.

A fitting book-end to the "current" PlatinumGames, with their change in direction and Kamiya leaving, this might the last chapter for this type of old school style game. Looking forward to the new Platinum; let's hope they never lose their luster.

This game truly deserves more recognition, i'd even recommend it to non Bayonetta fans if it looks even slightly appealing.
This game feels like a mix of all sorts of games you already know but none are quite like it, it's also one of the prettiest game I have gotten to play

This game has no right being as solid as it is. Somehow more engaging than Bayo 3, and definitely had a better story. Combat does take a while to open up and sometimes the pacing feels slow, but definitely a must play if you're a bayo fan.

Bayonetta faces foes more dangerous than Angels and Demons; the Irish.

An endearing game with a whimsical fairytale storytelling that made me emotional and misty eyed on more than a few occasions. Seeing Bayonetta as a scared young witch who gains her confidence to become the woman we know later is great to experience.

The game design and art is so charming and is like playing through an animated book with its colors and unique art. I love the backgrounds of Cheshire and Cereza with the patterns that are stationary but the model moves within it. Really cool effects. The puzzle aspects are fun and it takes some thought to control two characters simultaneously. I enjoyed my playthrough immensely and after beating it I am trying to complete it to 100% to unlock the other costumes.

Lovely little storybook, and one which broke my brain repeatedly in the controlling of it. One of those where I felt like I was still learning how to play the game for the entire length of it, ha! And when the climactic segments suddenly veered into what I assume must be the more traditional Bayonetta experience I had a beast of a time getting a handle on those quick time event triggers. But on the whole, an enchanting play-through.

Normal difficulty playthrough with 100% of collectibles, bonus chapter also completed (not attempting time trials). The number of games taking inspiration from Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is frankly shocking, considering how effectively emotional that game was, but Bayonetta Origins is here to redress the balance somewhat. Following a young Bayonetta and her adopted demon as they attempt to escape an enchanted forest, the simultaneous two-character control is central to the gameplay, which is significantly more action-focused than Brothers. There's still plenty of puzzle-solving as you navigate the interconnected forest environments, but it's somewhat less bespoke than Brothers, while having combat encounters liberally dispersed around the game world. Inevitably the controls take a while to become familiar and the combat isn't especially deep, but overall the game's implementation of its various mechanics is commendable.

Perhaps the biggest detractor that I came across is that while the game's world is impressively large and diverse, away from the critical path (which has clear markers to help you along) it can become difficult to navigate, as the connections between each area aren't clearly indicated and require a fair amount of trial-and-error - which makes seeking out collectibles quite troublesome - even with a guide. While this means that the final part of the experience slows down significantly, overall Bayonetta Origins is an impressively novel take on this type of adventure game, which hopefully we might see more of in future.

Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon wirft Gameplay-Ideen, die auf den ersten Blick nicht viel gemeinsam haben, in einen Topf voll Wasserfarbe und heraus kommt ein erfrischend unkonventionelles Spiel, mit dem ich wahnsinnig viel Spaß hatte. Dass Bayonetta in dieser Form so gut funktioniert, hätte ich selbst nicht gedacht. Platinum Games ist mit diesem Prequel auf jeden Fall ein Risiko eingegangen, das hat sich aber absolut gelohnt.

Enorme sorpresa la de este juego. Acompañamos a una jovencísima Cereza en su paso por convertirse en la bruja de Umbra que todos conocemos y adoramos. Divertidísimo, diferente y con una BSO ES-PEC-TA-CU-LAR.

Bayonetta: Oomfie Edition is so good. At first I was hesitant due to the control scheme being much different from the mainline games, but it's quick to get the hang of. It doesn't go "guys remember the other Bayonetta games?" at all until maybe the end, but it's more of a reward for being able to make it so far than pandering. My only complaint would be the map. I'm not sure what direction it's trying to point me towards half of the time to be honest, but I'm also stupid so who knows. There's also not too many voice clips so bosses will repeat themselves often.
Art direction is solid, gameplay is too. Cereza's voice actress is really good. I like when she says "Cheshire, over here!"

The game has only three positive aspects - it's pretty, it has some epic music tracks (in the later part of the game - specifically bosses and credits song is just beautiful) and it has a really great final act with plot twists, emotional moments and spectacle.

Everything else is mid to horrible.
- The story is a nice fairy tale, but it picks up only closer to the end of the game.
- The map is one of the worst I have ever seen in my 25 years of gaming. No mini map. The camera angle always changes on its own, but the map screen is always fixed. And the elevation tracks very poorly.
- If you want to 100% this game, it WILL be hell. Since the map is so sh*t you will wander aimlessly for hours trying to figure out where you need to go to pick the collectibles.
- The game's has animations for everything, and they're not skippable. Won the battle - 10 second animation of victory pose. Opened a chest - 2 second opening animation, then 3 seconds of cutesy pose. Entered a dungeon - a loading screen and a 3 second animation. Completed the dungeon - 10 seconds and a loading screen. And it just keeps on stacking throughout the playthrough. I actually feel like I've spent an hour total in these same repeating unskippable cutscenes.

I would say I enjoyed it rather than hated it, but it mostly because of how the final act was really really good. I'd rather play a mid game with a banger finale, than a good game with a lame ending.
If the entire game was on par with the final stretch of the game, it would have been an instant classic.

Que jogo bom. Que jogo lindo. Tudo aqui é bom, o combate é divertido e, ligeiramente desafiador em algumas partes, os puzzles são legais de resolver, a trilha sonora é impecável, os personagens mt carismáticos, a ambientação é fabulosa, eu poderia ficar o dia inteiro falando bem desse jogo. Única parte ruim é que eu senti que poderia ser um pouco mais longo, algumas áreas e mecânicas poderiam ter sido mais aproveitadas.

The story-time style the game was developed in was so awesome and different and the gameplay was also something I have not experienced before. It was nice to see a different aspect of the Bayonetta series.