Reviews from

in the past

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If you understand or if you don't
If you believe or if you doubt
There's a universal justice
And the eyes of truth
Are always watching you

At the time of this review, there are three people who have this game on their wishlist. Just remove it, please.

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This game is awful result of making a game tie in for a film so bad it didn't make much at the Box Office. The Story is that you play a kid that goes around causing mayhem around a Themepark, the idea could be good for a game, but you'll see why that idea was destroyed. The Graphics are alright, but they don't look appealing. The Gameplay has you slowly move around to beat up some mascots and guards and until the screen lets you move to the next attraction, the punch is built up, so it's slightly delayed, you will need to know that if you decide to end the game fast, if you don't you can use a small punch to build up points and the enemies won't go down for a number of hits. The next game has you destroy falling glass, even though the baby dropping them is already causing enough damage, which means you doing damage to them won't change anything, first stage happens afterwards before each of the 5 attractions, and all attractions and paths to them have time limits that take you the beginning of the last path you played. The other attractions have you beating up employees dressed up as pirates, after this the vendors and guard dogs try and stop you, before you enter a staff storeroom where you beat up more staff to get to the end and the final stage is the same as the last, but with robot staff and a final boss, it ends with the park being destroyed, despite the fact that they only destroyed robot staff and some glass items, the only way this could have been good is if they crafted creative and fun ways to literally destroy the every part of the Theme Park, but no they decided to follow the movie instead, which isn't good if it's bad. The Music is just the same few beats over and over again and makes the stages annoying. Sounds don't do anything outside of being recognizable. The Bebe's kids game is disaster that destroys expectations before anyone could even think of how a Theme Park destroying game could work.

Once the game started it took me only 2 seconds to realize I was playing one of the worst games of all time.

Un... Fucking... Playable.

This game really wouldn't be that bad if enemies didn't take so fucking long to KO, it's a game breaking oversight that single-handedly kills any chance of fun the game could have provided, and makes it a total chore not to mention the time limit's not balanced to compensate for the tedious and drawn-out combat so you can't even make much progress without cheating or something. Can't think of a lot of games where a single flaw is crippling enough to sink a game to the bottom of the ocean but there you go.

Awful in basically every regard. At least you could play it theoretically. There is no reason why this game exists and why it plays so slow. Stay away