Reviews from

in the past

Classic Bejeweled game! Really fun! I have to say that my favorite mode is easily the Butterfly mode!

Bejeweled is a classic Match 3 game that still holds up pretty well if you want a casual relaxing time. This iteration adds a bunch of fun additional modes, such as Poker where you make hands based on which gem color your matches uses, and Butterflies which has them move up a tile per match and you have to stop them from reaching the top. Quest mode offers the most variety, and includes various minigames to try. 3 also has an achievements system in-game to help guide your way through its various features, and offer additional challenges as well. Best of luck unlocking 3's ultimate special gem, the Supernova!

Overall it's definitely fun if you like Match 3 games, and remains a pinnacle of casual play.

This works great on the DS, just a nice pick-up and play game to waste a few minutes, or a few hours. Not super remarkable, but still really good

amazing game, but poor steam port.

Eight game modes. Most of them fun in their own way, although Butterflies, Lightning and Diamond Mine are my favorites. I thought there was really only so much you could do with a simple game based on multicolored gems, but I was wrong. Bejeweled 3 is one of the most engaging and clever puzzle games currently available. At times it's almost too intense and explosive, but I love the way PopCap always manages to hit the mark with modes like Butterflies, which can keep the tension high while holding tightly to that meditative quality that made Bejeweled a simply amazing game.

Se sacaron la polla cuando dio la luz este juego.

Mobile gaming hours after school. frfr

this games quest mode was pretty fun !! a lot of different gimmicks that bring a lot of variety.. Good

Até que é legal hein

O modelo de jogos casuais pode ter a sua melhor representação nesse título, pois o que ele fornece de diversão é muito grande. Parece um jogo que vc encontra facilmente no celular? Parece! Mas estamos falando de 2010 e nem sei se na época tinham bons jogos mobile pq eu simplesmente não tinha um celular. Então, pra videogame, em 2010, um joguete casual decente.

Ele apresenta um modo campanha com 40 fases/desafios distintos que crescem em dificuldade e mais 7 modos alternativos que são temáticos. Os meus preferidos são o Pôquer que justamente vc precisa combinar as linhas de cores e elementos para formar pares, duplas, trincas e etc, e o modo escavação que me lembrou o jogo motherload, onde quanto mais se escava, mais itens e relíquias vc acha para ganhar mais pontos.

É diferente do que a gnt vê de forma bem fácil por aí nos famigerados jogos grátis de celular que são cheios de anúncios.

Bejeweled 3 dá um BANHO em muita coisa tosca do mesmo estilo que tem por aí. Foi boa a jogatina, quase completei todas as conquistas, mas pra isso eu teria que dedicar todo meu atual momento nisso, então não.