Reviews from

in the past

Wonderful lil game. Very cute story and was insanely beautiful BUT it was quite janky and difficult to play at times. Puzzles were neat though and it was a fun experience for my long-distance boyfriend and i <3

Parece mais um curta-metragem ao invés de um jogo, só é fofo e aconchegante, apenas isso. a melhor maneira pra se divertir é ir com baixas expectativas e com alguém pra jogar (isso deve ser horrível de jogar sozinho..)

A short and rather charming game with beautiful visuals, but is borderline unplayable in single player unless you have godlike coordination and multitasking skills.

Play with a friend. It’s a much smoother, prettier and funnier experience.

I was very excited for this and it didn’t really end up being what I expected, but it’s still a wholesome and visually interesting little walk. Frame rate tanks pretty frequently on the Switch however, so I would suggest a different platform.

This was a cute little platformer! Relatively simple gameplay but absolutely gorgeous art direction. The mechanic introduced in the back half of the game led to a lot of frustration and kinda dragged the game down a little though unfortunately.

Ultra chill low-stakes adventure game. Sleepy and perhaps a bit meditative. Really just a vehicle for you and another person to zone out while sitting next to each other.

I couldn't figure out how to get color to work :/

Blanc is what it is, a little, kindhearted, playable storybook made to be experienced with another person, especially your SO or children. As so, you shouldn't expect any complex puzzle or even a mean twist in the story, perfect for a relaxing and cuddling time.

Sometimes the camera gets a little crazy and you might face an isolated puzzle or jump with weird hitboxes, but nothing that breaks the experience. With a length between 1 and 2 hours, it's the perfect game to beat in a rainy evening with your partner, period.

Blanc ist ein schönes, kleines Abenteuer, welches hauptsächlich von seinen zuckersüßen Vibes und hübeschem Grafikstil lebt. Das reicht um durch die ca 2 Stunden lange Reise von Reh und Wolf gut zu unterhalten.
Gameplay-mäßig kriegt man hauptsächlich simple Puzzle zwischen Laufpassagen geboten. Diese Puzzle sind meist zu einfach, dadurch aber nie frustrierend und heben teilweise den Koop Aspekt des Spiels schön hervor. Vor allem Tierliebhaber kommen hier voll auf ihre Kosten.

blanc é um jogo esquisito.
por um lado é um jogo com uma direção de arte incrível, uma trilha sonora emocionante, e uma história que é contada mesmo sem nenhum diálogo.
É bem bonita a imagem queo jogo passa de que ninguém pode fazer tudo sozinho, e que mesmo esses dois sendo meio que opostos, a caça e o caçador eles se ajudam pelo objetivo em comum.
Mas, por outro lado a gameplay é péssima, se você está jogando sozinho, como é o meu caso, os controles são meio confusos de controlar os dois ao mesmo tempo, mas eu entendo que o jogo quer que vc jogue com outra pessoa, e não sozinho, mas msm assim, não é uma das melhores experiências de jogos 2p.

The best way to approach Blanc is with low expectations and a friend to play with.

Blanc is very cute, the visuals are simplistic but effective and the music pleasant. I'm always on the lookout for low commitment co-op games and this seems to hit that niche.

Unfortunately performance on Nintendo Switch is quite poor. I could push through that but it also has weak checkpointing. Me and my partner played through about half the game in a sitting, but when we booted the game up the next day, we lost progress on the last section. Which normally I would be fine to replay but it was the worst sequence in the game, a dreaded escort mission with some dumb (albeit cute) ducklings.

Wasn't grabbed enough by the first half to want to trudge through that sequence again, especially with the performance issues.

it's a decent time, but there's not much to it

would be a pretty cute short film instead of a mid game

A really cute co-op game that I really really liked! The visual style is some of the best in any game I've ever played, the music is amazing, and the story is incredibly emotional and heartwarming! I almost cried at points, it's genuinely really cool.

Granted, the puzzles in this game aren't incredible. They're fine and fun enough for two people, but something like It Takes Two takes it's co-op concepts a little further. And I think the reason why is because of the main issue I have with this game. It's incredibly short. It released today and I'm already 100%ed it after about 3 hours. Now, granted the experience with playing with a friend of mine over discord was super fun and nice, and I think the replayability of that aspect will definitely help the game going forward, but I definitely wanted more out of this game.

But despite it's fault, this is probably the definition of a comfort game. It's cute, it's gorgeous, it's fun, and it's short enough to breeze through with a buddy in one sitting. I, ironically, just feel super warm when playing this game.

Feels like it was created by artists and not game designers. Excellent art style and sound design, uninteresting surface-level gameplay throughout with a hint of technical issues making it frustrating (could be from me playing on launch day though).

tres beau a faire en amoureux mais full bugs (on a arrete d'y jouer car soft lock)

This game can be a little wonky in terms of camera and direction, but the sincerity and beauty of its story can - at times - overshadow these issues. Of course, it would be nice if there were a bit more length to it, but the game is very charming for what it is.

lindo e fluído, até chegar a porra da parte dos pato, fez eu quitar, é muito ruim

A fun, cute little cooperative game. The art style is charming and the story that the game has is adorable, but sometimes it's hard to figure out what way to go. Sometimes the game just isn't too clear about what needs to be done. But, it's still not too bad, and isn't too long. It was a fun game to play with my wife, despite some of the game's frustrations.

Blanc? More like Janc.

I really wanted to like this but despite the inherent cuteness and nice music, the gameplay makes it a chore at even just 3 hours in length.

Platforming and movement just doesn't feel good, especially if you're playing solo as you'll probably end up constantly confused about which side of the controller is piloting which character.

The game isn't hard but some parts could've used better signposting. It doesn't help that I had to reload several sections due to glitches - either an event not triggering or my character straight-up disappearing off the map. In one case I reloaded and the game skipped a puzzle lmao.

Checkpointing is also really poor - I reloaded a level and had to play through a whole 10 minutes again.

Hated the part with the ducks - it went on way too long. Enjoyed this way more in the early going when it was just a simple traversal game. Also the fake-out peril moments did nothing for me.

Throw in not-great controls and an awkward camera and this just feels hugely undercooked. Shame.

At some point during Blanc, I stopped in my tracks and asked the question "Should this have been a Pixar short film". And regrettably, my answer is yes. The main themes, blatant as they are when you're bombarded with them over the course of several hours, could've served as nice baselines for a story told in 5 minutes. The game elements, i.e. the cooperation stuff, all feel stilted and too mechanical for their own good, another argument against using such a limiting medium. The artificial attempts at introducing some level of tension all fall flat, because the game never really follows through on any of them. The limitied number of interactions, the awkward controls, no part of this game really justifies its existence as something other than an animated short, with the nice visuals being the only thing holding it up. Also, I had to restart it multiple times because of bugs, which certainly didn't help.

It's a sweet little game. It's mechanics are simple but combined with the short length it does not get repetitive. A cute story of unlikely friends working together, with the "story" and gameplay seamlessly woven together through your actions. It's such a short experience I do not want to spoil, it's better to just experience it.

The price might be a little high for a 2 hour game, but I appreciate a game that can make it's mark without feeling padded. No moment felt wasted, it did exactly what it set out to do and ended.

I love the little fawn and pup, love this little story, made me cry (but that's not exactly hard to do lol).

One of my top games of the year so far.

My girlfriend (who does not play many games) and I went in expecting a cute and fun little story. While it did give us that, it was a buggy mess most of the way through. The camera never feels like it's in the right spot, and there were multiple times where we thought we broke the game (one where we actually did right near the end). Luckily it's such a short game that it's easy to focus on the fun over the jank.

its a pretty ok game,in my vision,only the artstyle stands out in this game the rest is pretty ok

I've just played this short co-op game with my wife, and we loved it. It's beautiful. The music, design, the art, it's all great. The story is simple but cute, tender, and so endearing and magical. We ended up caring for these two animals. I just wanted them to be ok and survive the winter and reunite with their families. The only bad thing, maybe, is that some of the puzzles take a while to decipher (those damn ducklings!), but maybe it's just me being dumb. Overall, it was a great option to play with someone not really into games like my wife, she really enjoyed it. Finally, if you love wolves, fawns, animals in general, and cute stories, this game is mandatory.

Sometimes you don't need to play a remarkable game, just a cute and comfy one and thats exactly what you'll get with Blanc

i rlly wished that goat actually died