Reviews from

in the past

Omg. It’s so cool, bosses can be somewhat finicky, but that can be overlooked. Holy aura

the only souls game i can stomach

One of the best games i have ever played

Best FromSoft game, the setting and gameplay is amazing

Played this time for Return to Yharnam which is very fun and then I was like well it's over I will end the game but then I still wanted to play so I started another one a week later

Some of the boss fights feel more tedious than actually difficult but other than that perfect game.

better and harder than you remember

my favorite game of all time absolute 10/10

Honestly the base game is VERY overrated, but the DLC is fantastic. It's probably the best DLC in any game out there and is the best content the souls series has to offer.

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I intended to review the Fromsoft games in the order i played them but i have to talk about Bloodborne at the top because its the platonic ideal of what they offer.

Bloodborne is a masterpiece.

I dont quite know which angle to tackle first, so i'll start with what i find coolest- i fucking love how it subverts the tried and true formula that fromsoft had refined from Demons Souls to now. Dark Souls 3 would return to their bread and butter after bloodborne, and its entirely right and correct for that franchise, but Bloodborne does so many things right and none of that would be possible if the hunter was shackled to a slow and methodical playstyle hiding behind a shield. The genius here is the rally system, and reinforced within the lore of the game- youre hunting beasts, and theyre instinctive and primal and are trying to eat you.
The goal is to kill them before they kill you, it is not to survive them.

The gaslit streets of Yharnam are gorgeous, the slow creep towards Weird Horror and cosmic nightmares is delicately realized, and the fashion souls has never fashion souled quite as hard before or since.

The Old Hunters is in contention for one of the best DLCs ever made. Lady Maria is iconic, and they dragged her back out for Elden Ring (although reskinned as Malenia).

I think Father Gascoigne is one of the best bosses ever designed, a door boss that feels like "okay, this is bloodborne, and when i'm able to go bar for bar with this animal, i'm truly ready for the world to open up to me."

Every industry show I still, naively, get excited for Bloodborne 2.

If you’re a fan of pointy buildings you could do a lot worse than this game.

I bought a PS4 just for this game, it was very good.

this is the best game I have ever played, hands down. it is also the game that has stuck in my mind as an influence for the longest. I wouldn't change a single thing about it, besides maybe the framerate.

So far hella fun

I don't have the words to describe how much I loved playing this game. Aesthetically, musically, thematically, and gameplay-wise, this game felt like it was literally made for me. I am so happy I picked it up. Didn't think it would surpass Elden Ring for me, but it did, 10-fold.

Ainda não terminei mas n vou terminar tbm mas vale a pena ser jogado

my second favorite souls game but this game has the best setting and atmosphere out of all souls games

I loved it when John Bloodborne said: "It's Bloodborne'ing time".

They sould've stopped making games after this one.

OK yes Bloodborne is daddy Miyazaki’s magnum opus, masterpiece, remake when blah blah blah

But whoever decided to shove a humongous, multi-arm cosmic horror entity in a crammed ass dungeon, I HOPE YOUR PILLOW IS WARM ON BOTH SIDES TONIGHT. I did not fight an eldritch being to the death in a field of brilliant flowers just to get turn into a breakfast PANCAKE by the Amygdala’s own limbs 🗿

(On a serious note, pls play the game, it’s legit a masterpiece. 11/10 experience :D)

Obra de arte atemporal.
-A lore é vastamente complexa e interessante
-Gameplay dinâmica e viciante
-A pouca quantidade de armas é compensada pelas funções únicas de cada uma delas, sendo muito mais substancial que os outros soulslike
-aperfeiçoou as weapon arts

Simplesmente Jogaço of The Porra

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Mommy Maria

I want to live and die in Yharnam. Fear the old blood. Best game 10/10 chalice dungeons are kind of a slog though but just not my thing.