Reviews from

in the past

This one was just for achievement

This is where Bloons really started to come into its own as a series. It was the first to add a support unit in the form of the Beacon, it introduced the first ability in the series, it added MOABs, and it even has multiple tracks. It was also on Cool Math Games back in the day, which made it a smash hit in the computer lab.

Cool Math Games went hard in middle school. Everyone would get on that website in the computers.

I remember it being good. This was the true start for the btd series greatness :)

This bad boy can place enough tack shooters to crash your school computer lab

Best version of flash Bloons by a mile

the cannon can be upgraded to a missile launcher!!!! xD

Definitely the point where the series started figuring itself out, first one I can say is still worth playing.

this is when the btd series started to officially grow, but not fully mature just yet.

Flash game, fun but you would not enjoy it yet.

As everyone has said on the reviews page and I will say as well, Bloons TD3 is the first entry in the series to really strike gold. The towers were expanded upon, the maps begin to take on far more unique appearances from each other, and the game begins to get more of a strategic edge to it.

where the biggest strength of the series (the huge variety of options) comes into play, still pretty slow and basic tho

The BTD series picks up from here on out but this game still can't compare to BTD 4, 5, 6 etc

With BTD 3, we start getting into the territory of peak mainstream flash games, with NinjaKiwi further refining their formula to what I basically consider its limit in this particular iteration. The track number was kicked up to 8, individual difficulty modes for each track were added as well as new enemy and tower types yet again. These tracks in particular I need to give props to, as there was enough variety at this point that the designers could spice things up a bit by having certain maps cater more towards certain towers more than others. This provides some required strategic diversity between maps and spices things up considerably, making the player consider much more carefully where they ought to invest their money per round.

This strategic depth is further increased in the additional upgrades you can give each tower, not only making each individual unit feel more powerful, but providing further avenues for the player to weigh up the value of a tower, along with encouraging more strategic placement to maximise the fewer number of towers you'll be getting, rather than the spam that was strongly encouraged in the first 2 games. This also feels like the first game where there are a wide array of viable strategies for certain tracks, which lends itself to a strong sense of player agency. Careful positioning is further encouraged by this being the first game with the introduction of a support tower to further boost your other ones, even further adding complexity to the game despite there being fairly few elements, signifying a very well designed experience where each element was given careful consideration.

This game right here is where the series started to become a classic in my eyes, I remember back at school people playing this and just being incredibly excited for the looming presence of BTD 4 on the horizon, and looking back at it, it's not too hard to see why this of all the games was a classroom favourite. Extremely tightly designed flash game with a wonderful aesthetic and all in all one of the most fun experiences with a small scale tower defence game I've had, even if it's still not really my preferred sort of game and still suffers a bit from the limitations that flash games often possess, but even so, this one's a good time.

A big improvement on the previous installment.

Very fun, holds up super well especially when compared to other flash games. Tack shooter is kinda broken here.

BTD3 is a fun game in a series that clearly hasn't reached its full potential yet. Just wait for 5.

Bro I was GOATED at this on Coolmath, y’all have no idea

got to round 44 then my game crashed


the game crashed on wave 4 but over all it's better then the last 2 6/10

This is where the series officially started

Simple tower defense flash game where you build + upgrade monkey and monkey-adjacent "towers" to stop the bloon invasion. This was the go-to on CoolMathGames for playing during elementary school computer class, where I learned in many a 20-25 minute run that the Super Monkey was busted and the tack shooter is a worthless garbage investment.

The best of the legacy Bloons games. The series really starts to show its protentional here, but doesn't really get going until the next game.

Big improvement over the last 2 games. Way more stages, now there's different difficulties per stage instead of each difficulty having its own stage. Some of the stages are also pretty interesting and ask for different playstyles, like the one where the corridors between the track are super narrow, or the one where the track is just a line shaped like a monkey and you have much more freedom to place your towers.

There's not a huge amount of new towers but I like the ones they added, like the tower is a purely support item which can also unlock a screen wipe if you save up enough. It feels like there's just generally more options and ways to complete levels now. The pineapple bomb is also an unique weapon as unlike everything else, it requires active participation in the middle of a round and good timing to make use of, but if you use it right it's better and cheaper than roadspikes.

I like the inclusion of the new balloon type, MOBA, since it basically provides a boss battle. I do think the difficulty spike when it first comes out in round 37 is too large though.

Fuck the last level by the way.

Instead of doing school work, I played this on the computers... no wonder I failed at life.