Reviews from

in the past

я где-то 10 минут смотрел как данко играл и понял что это 10 из 10 игрушка

Fun little game, really cool visuals and a fair bit of replay value.

Free game, good vibes. Not as scary as I'd expect it to be, but I smashed through this the first time. You can easily play it free via website browser. Just a good, immersive vibe.

Jogos de aposta não tem muito merito não minha opinião pq viciar os outros com aposta é a parte mais facil, mas a tematica desse jogo é bem legal. Jogo bem curto, o desafio é vencer seguidamente.

Hype da internet, mas dps que pega o jeito é bem fácil, quem perde pra isso é legit burro

For a game that was only 2 pounds, I enjoyed it. Gave me some good inscryption vibes but it lacked depth and a hook factor for me, after an hour I already felt like I was done with the game. but for 2 pounds I'm not complaining.

An interesting game with a pleasant proposal for the universe of games, but it is short and quite repetitive, which makes it a game that in a few minutes mastering its dynamics it is possible to get a high score to "finish" it, which does not make it anywhere near an easy game to abandon, but I hope they add local and online co-op modes, As it would be fun to play with friends and with a master of the table, it seems to be a fun scenario.

very simple clicking game, a great game for gamblers

For three dollars (in 2024 on steam) you get a fairly well put together and somewhat arcadey "roguelite". Its fun and simple and when youre going for a high score pretty intense. Even at the price though its just not enough. I cant see myself coming back to it often if ever. Its just very simple after an hour or two of playing and you'd already seen all there is too see at the half hour mark.

The perfect mix of entertaining and addictive—Buckshot Roulette is as straightforward as it is compelling. Transforming Russian roulette into a video game was a sharp move, and the way BR wears its style and personality on its sleeves is nothing short of commendable. With infinite replayability, simple mechanics and gambling-like gameplay, this game has everything I need to have fun; I will be sure to return to it regularly for a quick dopamine hit, as I crack open a cold one.

I've played several of Mike Klubnika's games and love the diegetic nature of his works. Everything is a physical button, menus exist on pieces of paper or touchscreens on a computer, etc.

Whilst his work isn't necessarily "scary" in the traditional horror sense, Mike's distinctive gritty and dirty style leaves me feeling as if I'm experiencing something I wasn't really meant to see.

As for Buckshot Roulette's a fine game in its own right. It's much more "gamey" than Mike's other works as evidenced by the Double or Nothing gamemode and the presence of a traditional scoring system. Buckshot Roulette offers a fun little romp you can come back to occasionally for a few rounds of fun, but I feel it lacks the depth to be an all-time classic. That isn't a slight on the game itself however, as the low price of entry of $3 is more than justifiable considering the quality of the experience.

Above all, I hope the widespread popularity of Buckshot Roulette as a "streamer game" gives Mike the funds he needs to create a full-scale horror experience in the same vein as his other projects (if that is something he so desires).

(Also, can't wait for the multiplayer. That should be a load of fun)

I always like a short game that completely knows what it can offer to you. It's a concept game, and a very well rounded one, and you can finish it in abt 20 minutes or so. Or you can keep playing if you want. You don't have to though. Plain and simple with a very good concept and great mechanics, sound design and artistic direction

Fun and short game that takes some stratergy and thinking. I would reccomend this game a lot it is really cheap on steam for the amount of enjoyment you get out of it.

finally a game for people like me (gambling addict, mentally unstable)

People without gambling addictions (dorks) will give this a 3 or less.

Very Short Game and i mean it, beat it on my first run, and the second harder run too. But that doesnt mean its bad.

On the contrary, its hella fun and addicting, predicting the pellet cycle and absolute banger of soundtrack

An addicting lil game with a simple premise, you take turns with some guy shooting either other or yourselves with a shotgun. There's a bit more to it but that's the gist. It's also set up to look creepy and while I can't say I ever felt perturbed by the experience it does do a good job setting an atmosphere.

It starts you off in a rundown bathroom in a night club. The mirrors are so dirty you can't see into them and one has "AFRAID" scrawled across it in like a black spray paint or something. The world has this brown gradient look to it that really sells the idea of being in a seedy place. You kick the door open and find yourself on a walkway above what is clearly a night club. Music pulses and lights flash from below. A guy is peering over the railing on the path ahead of you. You walk past him, kick open another door and find yourself face to face with The Dealer. He's a grotesque floating head with holes for eyes and needles for teeth. He pulls himself forward from his end of the table that fills the room and has you sign a waiver. Then the game begins.

So the core gameplay, as I mentioned, is taking turns with a shotgun either using it on "the dealer" or yourself. How it works is each "round" the table gives X amount of live shots and "blanks" (blanks here being dummy rounds as actual blanks would have more of an effect than what's on screen). The dealer then loads them in a random order and then places the shotgun in front of you to start.

From here, you are then give two items from a pool. These can range from handcuffs you apply to your opponent to skip their turn, magnifying glasses you use to see what round is next, a saw to saw off the shotgun and do more damage for a turn, and a few others. So there is some strategy to it to be sure. The Dealer also genuinely seems to not know what order he loads the shotgun as well as I had several attempts in which he ended up shooting himself.

As you go through a run and take turns having goes at it your "chances" go down by one for every hit you take (or two for the sawed off) and there are defibrillators that "bring you back" somehow lol. When you get to the final round though and below a certain amount of "health" the circumstances change and you can no longer see how much health you have left or do anything to be revived and such. However, when you "die" in this game you come back to do it all again and you get to start from the round you died in. Generous little thing.

All in all it makes for an addicting lil risk/reward experience. It's probably as much fun to watch as it is to play so I'm guessing it's bigger for streamers than anything. After you beat the game you get a screen in the starting bathroom that shows your stats for runs and overall. You get items too that can affect the game but this is basically the core of the game.

It's enjoyable enough for the $3 it costs. I got a successful run after one death and all under like 30 minutes. Would love if they added like a multiplayer or something but I won't hold my breath. Definitely something I'll play around with when I have some time to kill now and then or if I wanna show friends something fun. Easy recommend too do to the low time and cost commitments. Simple and effective.

Temel oynanış döngüsü bağımlılık yapıcı olsa da birkaç turdan sonra sıkmaya başlıyor. Oyundaki nesneler nicelik olarak yetersiz. Nesneler arasındaki sinerji de yetersiz. Şu haliyle bile piyasadaki birçok AAAA oyundan daha eğlenceli.

arte do jogo daora e mecanica interessante, mas bem curto

About Double or Nothing mode:

90% of the gambling addicts quit right before they´re about to hit it big.

So, listen kid:
There are several addictions in this world, and most of them are condemned to hell by those pegi bastards.
But you know what kid? Gambling? Gambling is nothing for them.
You'll see all over the place, lootboxes, random skins, "drops", all the good shit for those gambling addicts.
And violence? Oh boy, serve yourself. They'll even give you all the guns you can wish for?
Sex? Drugs? Alcohol? Smoking? Listen kid we don't do that here. That's a no-no, pegi 18 kid, don't go snuffin' around.
Really this game is great and my biggest pro is that it just says "fuck that USA love for guns and violence but extreme hate to any more soft issue that is in truth a way to demonize the poor".
The alcohol and cigarettes are just the last of your fucking concerns in front of a fucking shotgun.

The dealer shot himself in the first round despite there objectively being no blanks left, then the game whiplashed by not giving me any cigs until after my defibrillator was cut in the final round, making them worthless and netting me my singular game over.


Solid game nothing special about it

Gameplay bem gostosa, estilo inscryption, porem muito curtinho, queria mais

o jogo é bom, tem boas mecânicas, só achei meio curto, mas pelo preço é oq eu esperava.

Interesting is the best word I can think of to describe Buckshot Roulette. At a low price tag, the game is worth what you spend on it. It does not have enough content to keep you hooked or coming back unless you were really charmed by the game. It's simple to understand and the overall vibe of the game feels fitting for what the creator seemed to want to create.