Reviews from

in the past

Me when I buy a physical map on my holiday

Historia simplona pero bonita como excusa para un juego de puzzles de mover y girar casillas para poder pasar o que ocurran cosas. No está mal, si bien hay algunos puzzles donde he usado guía y ni así me he enterado del motivo de que la solución sea esa. Creo que la curva de dificultad es más una montaña rusa.

Such an innovative game, I loved how much they created from a single mechanic and the concept of maps. The art is so pretty, but the story is kind of generic, I wish it would've been more interesting. Also, even though sometimes I did have to think to solve the puzzles, I kept wishing for a harder one.

fun cute game, some puzzles were too difficult or maybe I am just stupid

A lovely, short game where you rearrange map tiles to solve puzzles.

The core idea is great and has a lot of potential but the game shies away from anything too complex which is a bit of a shame.

The art is quite nice and the story is simple but heartwarming.

Provavelmente um dos jogos mais fofinhos já feitos na história, Carto é uma pequena aventura de uma garotinha cartógrafa que tem que achar sua vovó enquanto anda por um mundo diferentoso. A principal mecânica de achar quadrados e montar mapas com eles é usada ao extremo, sempre apresentando coisas novas e desafios interessantes. É praticamente um Carcassonne Wholesome Adventures e eu amei.

This game has a clever core concept and is very pretty, but I feel it goes on a bit longer than it needs to.

a nice puzzle game for people who arent particularily into puzzle games (me)

Small child unwittingly rearranges tectonic plates, untold damage caused, apocalypse nigh.

I loved this game. Very cute, cozy, and wholesome. A puzzle adventure game with a good narrative component.

This game is cute, has great art and a simple story. The way the puzzles work in this game is very creative and I like how much variety it manages out of a simple mechanic. Part of me wishes some of the puzzles had been more difficult, but the ways the mechanic was used were full of variety and there were many moments I thought were very clever. A really solid puzzle game you can finish in about a day, but if you seek a difficult or challenging game this probably shouldn't be your first choice.

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked (1,000G). Not a word that I'd usually use, but "chill" is the perfect description for this charming little puzzle adventure, based around the novel mechanic of manipulating the environment by re-arrangement of map tiles within a square grid. This is explored to an impressive extent - while it starts off fairly simple, by the end of the game there's a definite level of challenge here, with restrictions to map arrangements require edges of tiles to match up to others of the same type and it's satisfying to see layouts come together effectively. As a simple early example, a gentle dialog hint might suggest that a person is located in an area surrounded by flowers, and arranging four flower-lines tiles in a square around a central gap makes a new central tile appear with the sought-after character. A touching story ties the whole experience together, centred on themes of family and friendship.

The puzzles never get hard enough to enjoy them

A very casual and chill puzzle game, with charming and endearing characters to boot!

relearning the lesson 'if a game isnt fun you can just stop playing it' on a daily basis

Cute and creative puzzle game. The whole premise is about finding map pieces and moving/rotating them to open up new paths or uncover secrets. It could get a little frustrating when you feel stumped on the solution but when you feeling get it, the feeling is next level.

The art style is definitely one of this games highlights, everything looks great. Characters are adorable and the maps and scenery are gorgeous to look at.

Story is good for what it is, it takes you to a variety of different settings which keeps it interesting over the game's short playtime. Not much replay value but the initial playthrough is enough.

Despite the occasional roadblock and lack of tutorial/hints, Carto is a great little comfort puzzler. Would recommend.

A very short game with a fun mechanic. The game was not very complex, but I think some parts of it could be explained better. There were a few of the puzzles that actually required you to think, which was nice. The story was kind of generic, but all of the characters had their own personalities and it was clear that a lot of care went into this game since it seems very polished.

[Reposting my old reviews from another site for archive, and updating them if needed]

This took me 1 month to finish, which might sound weird considering it's just 5-6 hours in length. This is one of those games that needs a specific kind of mood to enjoy for me, and honestly there's a part of me that wants this game to not end yet because it's just so goddamn lovely. I'm very, very impressed by how this good this game turned out to be.

The game's main mechanic is connecting a bunch of map tiles in certain ways to be able to progress. It could have very easily ran out of steam early on, but it just keeps adding interesting twists in each new level, which is enough to keep the game far away from being boring. It successfully makes you feel like you have this all-powerful ability in your hands, while also offering a sense of adventure from exploring new and strange places.

An aspect of the game that really surprised me is the story and world lore. The game sets up a cohesive and charismatic world filled with neat and memorable characters, and each time the game presents each new bits of the story as the adventure goes, it feels so exciting to me. There's a good variety of biomes to explore, and each new area has it's own community with it's own culture and stuff. By the end of the game, I actually got attached to many of the characters, despite most of them not having a significant amount of development, since y'know, it's such a short game. There's also some very touching moments in the story, and I almost cried at one point.

There's also a particularly cool aspect in the story that not only adds an interesting layer to the way the player views this world, but also supplements all the side story arcs in the game in a satisfying way. I don't want to mention it by name to avoid spoiling it.

Lastly, the chill and jolly vibes of this game is very palpable. From seeing various events that happen in the story, and the way they're presented, it's clear to me that the devs intended this game to feel uplifting. The way the many of the characters talk to each other, the art style, the music; everything in this game is just built to make me smile and it's very lovely.

This is an easy 4.5 stars for me, and the only reason I won't give it a higher score is because I know they can do so much more with this world and gameplay concept. I feel like they're holding back at times, but it still turned out to be wonderful.

I really like the art style, it's probably my favorite aspect of the game. It looks so painted and friendly. The characters are all so adorable. My favorite part of the game is the little island in the beginning or the forest where you meet the Mother caretakers or whatever they're called, I forget.

This game is so cute. It's such a charming lil game and the little twisty-turny map pieces are so fun!

Acho que foi um dos melhores Indies que já joguei, embora o jogo seja bastante pequeno, é muito legal a mecânica de exploração que colocaram, mexendo nos mapas e alterando tudo, os puzzles não são muito difíceis, mas são interessantes.

Carto is such a cute game. Very relaxing with beautiful watercolor art. The seasonal/climate changes in locations were so fun to see and explore. The puzzles were challenging but not too difficult. I loved this cozy game!

Blog post -

Carto - First Playthrough🌲

[Before buying/starting for the first time]

I have been interested in this game for a while now!, It looked really cute, had some interesting quirky gameplay mechanics and just had an amazing artstyle, I bought this game along a few other indies that looked great, I will play and reflect my thoughts on them here on Backloggd... Though I do actually write reviews in my note app since I tend to write during gameplay, I do the same when watching films, though in games it's easier to take breaks and doesn't break up the flow as much as during a game, atleast not during major sections of a story-heavy game.


I finished the game now after 3 sessions in total!, it was quite short but pretty sweet, it grabbed me emotionally towards the end. I just wished you could continue playing some post story content but it's all right.

The game was worth my money!, Carto had great humor, one of my most liked things about it. The map mechanics kept it's charm, except on the iceberg area, that was the only part where I actually didn't have the will to figure the right placement out and where I ended up googling. Other than that I had fun with the various puzzles, not super complicated though.

I think the music was a little simple and didn't have enough distinct themes based on the area you were in. But it was sweet and I can see myself listening to it on spotify!

I enjoy short games like this, it was what I expected , maybe more emotional as I was expecting a more simple puzzle game with a map gimmick to unlock secret areas, I have realized in the past that I don't love quiet main characters, it makes it harder to relate to them emotionally, but I also think the payoff of a silent character talking towards the end of the game in strong emotional moments makes those moments feel more special.

I would say that it just felt a little empty and dull, and the areas felt really short.

The cutesy indie game habit of sanding every conceivable edge off is frustratingly in full force here. The map-orientation-based puzzle gameplay shows some promise early on but Carto is afraid to truly follow through on this and show the real potential of these mechanics either because it doesn't know how to or because it's afraid that doing so would risk alienating some of its audience. The overall quality of the game is honestly better than this rating indicates, but I found the experience to ultimately just be so disappointing in how underdeveloped and utterly toothless it is.

This was so sweet! I love me a good puzzle game that isn't super difficult it's such a fun time

Endearing, charming and wholesome. A simple but cute little puzzle game with a unique mechanic that's used in inventive, if not particularly challenging, ways with a lovely little story of exploration and following your dreams

A fun adventure/puzzle game, where you literally control the layout of the world around you. Brilliantly done. A charming and intriguing adventure worth your time.