Reviews from

in the past

Catherine has always been this really odd title that I knew off for a pretty long time, yet never actually took the plunge into, I think the main thing that always put me off from it was the cover art(s), it kinda just made the game look extremely horny and immature, like obviously I heard it was really good, but that preconception always stayed at the back of my head.

As they always say though, don't judge a book by its cover.

I ended up liking Catherine a lot, it's a really interesting and unique title that surprisingly experimental, while also providing a far more compelling narrative then I was expecting, the premise by itself is really out there and something that would definitely stick with you for just how weird and unique it is, the main puzzle gameplay itself I honestly wasn't really into, it's fine, but just, not really my thing, but I stuck through with it to see how the story concludes.

Vincent ended up being a lot more compelling then I was expecting, and in particular I really enjoyed how, sorta flawed his relationship with Kathrine was. I do kinda wish Cathrine ended up being a more compelling character, all of the stuff with her just ended up feeling way too far fetched by the end, and while I've never been in a relationship, I don't really see how relatable the direction of her storyline felt for most, but then again I guess maybe it worked for some metaphorically, who knows.

Endings were a bit hit or miss, but there were still some that left me feeling pretty happy, while falling the trap of having one of them being clearly definitive, the balance is overall great.

So yeah! While not really being my cup of tea 100%, I really appreciate Catherine now, it's a really neat Atlus title, and it's little to no wonder why it is such a cult classic.

The time I'm writting this I'm stuck in the middle of the game. The history is great and the symbolism too but I feel like I won't complete it very soon. And me as a achievment collector wanted to see every ending. No thanks for now. I'd rather watch someones gameplay for now.

It is sad for me because I really wanted to play Catherine.

Still, my masochistic side tells me to play and my rational side tells me to stop and forget about it for some time. Maybe someday I will be able to finish it (x-x)

The realist, horny game that I like to treat as a prequal to p5.
This game is extremely fun as a puzzle game and as a story.
Defo play this before fullbody.
Vibe outside of gameplay is the same vibe as chilling in a bar with friends, getting blasted and talking shit.
Wish they'd do something like this again.

Tried playing it for my past self because I loved watching playthroughs of it until my mom grounded me once. Idk why but I couldn't keep playing it

Şu saatten sonra ice tea e bile buz atarsam oevladıyım

This story is not one for everyone, its weird, and can be offputting for many, so I totally understand if someone were to not enjoy this game. With that being said, I enjoyed just how much choice there is in the game. I enjoyed how every character in the bar appeared in the dreams, and that by talking to them you could save them from themselves. The gameplay is also amazing, I love playing the multiplayer mode whenever I have the chance.

Replaying Catherine in PC and in full HD certainly was an experience that I wish I done sooner. I already played the base version a long time ago and playing it again as an adult and understanding the whole focus of the game definetly made my previous rating skyrocketed.

Catherine is a 'coming of age' game where the age already came and no one was ready at the slightest. Everyone here is an adult with own responsabilities, desires and regrets - and, of course, literally no one deal with that in a good way.

I have to say it now: the best ending possible after playing this is Vincent being alone, without Katherine and Catherine. Katherine's relationship with him is toxic and she also lied about being pregnant to pressure him to take the next step (not cool!!!). On the other side, Catherine is clouding his mind and making him stuck in an egoistic-horny-powertrip-ish situation, where he just goes deeper and deeper in cheating Katherine.

But honestly, Katherine's ending is the best for me personally. It's really satisfying to see Vincent growing as a person and dealing not with ONLY himself but with people around him - I'm not sure if you can save the other sheep in the True Freedom run, so I'm just assuming the Katherine's route is easier to that.

About technical stuff, this port is really good! The soundtrack is better than I remember and it's HARDER than when I played in my teenager era (I suffered SO MUCH in this game it's not even funny) and, of course, I really love the gameplay - the level design is frustratingly perfect and it's really nice to see how other people finished a stage differently than me.

Overall, it was a really nice revisit, specially in the moment that I'm right now. I'm still waiting for Full Body's port to PC, though.

apenas o final bom finalizado.

Going hard through my Persona-Adjacent backlog and decided to start with Catherine, I like puzzle games and have been wanting to play it since the release of the original. Glad I finally did! only got 2 of the endings because the last stages are really annoying even on easy but I'll get back and get the rest eventually, or I'll just play Full Body not sure yet.

Great game! I would love to see Atlus do more like this. Some more ~10 hour games with their music and art direction combined with unique gameplay would be great while still having a connection to some themes from a bigger franchise of theirs.

Gameplay is a rollercoaster of feeling like a genius and feeling like the dumbest person in the world. Ignoring a few absurd annoying difficulty spikes (1st playthrough was on normal) you do feel like you're getting better at understanding how to approach and solve new situations of each tower and when you're able to speed through a section you feel like a god. My only real gripe is the boss fights. I'm fine with the bosses having weird effects and attacks to look out for but the speed at which you have to climb the tower on these stages gets really frustrating and I ended up making bullshit moves just to undo them to give myself more time to climb. It reaches its worst point when you have to climb the tower while also worrying about Katherine and her slow ass climbing up for her so half the techniques you've learned don't apply to the stage with the boss speeding its way up. The final boss being the most annoying because he'll just change a block you're climbing onto into a spike killing you before you can react. Fuck those levels.

The story is great too! I first met Vincent in my play through of Persona 3 Portable which is a fun easter egg/ad for Catherine, shame he's not in Reload from what I've seen, and guy who beat the game on his 30th birthday voice hey he's a pretty relatable guy. Going in I knew it was about Vincent dealing with his guilt of cheating on his girlfriend with another woman with the same name but I didn't expect it to turn into managing getting older and moving on into the next steps of your life. Vincent is stressed out about his girlfriend Katherine's talk about getting married when he thinks things are perfectly fine as they are, leading to him cheating on her with the younger Catherine after his friends leave him alone at the bar. The constant, and comedic amounts of, piling on of stressful moments afterwards is really effective. From Katherine visiting unnanounced while Catherine is still at his apartment, to Katherine telling him that she's pregnant you feel the tension that Vincent is feeling especially paired with the art in the game which just makes him out to be the most distraught man in existence. The sound cues when you read text messages from the two girls are really funny too with Katherine being the most bitchy Sigh anyone could come up with. The story is mostly linear except for text messages and the final chapter where your choices for texts and confessionals will impact your ending. (they also impact Vincent's dialogue in some cutscenes but doing two different playthroughs they don't change enough for it to be of note.) My first run I got the regular Katherine ending and in my second run I got the True Catherine ending. The tertiary cast is cool, feels like the kind of people you hang out with when you're 30 and the kind of people you'd see at this kind of bar. Most of the people you encounter there you also find as sheep in the nightmare segments as they're all dealing with their own personal issues that you can help them throughout your playthrough (though I fucked up and only was able to save the cop). The stuff with Erica feels weird though.

Music is great, Art is great, Voice Direction is Fine. It's a little distracting having so many of the same voice actors from Persona that I just associate with those characters instead and also I'm a hater and don't like Troy Baker.

good game, play it sometime.

I'm literally too stupid for this shit. I want to see the story through too, but I'm too damn stubborn to spoil myself on it without finishing the game.

А ведь эту игру сделали разрабы Персоны.....💀💀💀

Playing the bad ending would make me feel like such a piece of shit.

- Catherine or Katherine? -
Recuerdo que cuando eran adolescente le tenía cierto repudio, años después me aníme a probarlo ya que ahora si me llamo la atención y estaba barato.
Después de jugarlo y mirar sus puzzles, finales, estilo, arte, diálogos y modo de juego, me quede muy impresionado, es uno de esos juegos raros que son muy buenos y solidos en practicamente todo :).
Logre su Final bueno y ojalá algún día pueda jugar la version Full body.

It's a hard puzzle game, but you get to deal with an incompetent sleaze who "cheats" on his girlfriend. It's peak though. All you really do is slide blocks to climb up to the top, and the rest gets worse from there. It's somehow really satisfying and addicting, but easily frustrating. The story was pretty good, and there are different routes you can go depending on your choices. Graphics are akin to ATLUS's Persona 5 since Catherine came before the hit RPG, it's very familiar but somewhat still clunky. The music overall was solid, I would definitely listen to it regularly. I'd highly recommend this if you want to test your brain out while controlling a sleaze's relationships. Can't wait to play Full Body!

Good puzzles, funny story, interesting all around. Unironically a good 1v1 fighting game.

J'aime beaucoup le gameplay et les musiques. Le plot est surprenant et l'ambiance du jeu en général est bien maitrisée. J'aime bien le principe de poser des dilemnes à chaque fois pour avoir une fin différente même si je suis pas le genre de personnes qui va refaire le jeu 400 fois pour avoir toutes les fins. C'est aussi cool que il y ait les mêmes voices acteurs que persona 4. Le jeu se fait assez rapidement si tu focus la main story donc c'est pas si chiant que ça de le refaire et maintenant que j'ai un souvenir assez flou de l'histoire je me le referais bien.

Really enjoying this one so far, has a captivating story and challenging puzzles.

lindo jogo q ensina q não se deve trair uma mulher 👏🏽

cara de vdd msm, achei q ia ser uma game play suspeita, mas me confundi completamente, o jogo tem sim sua forma de humor mas nada q va prejudicar a sua game play, a historia me fez acreditar, desacreditar e duvidar de muitas coisas, ele tem uma ideia de historia mto foda e cm uma moral q so é explicada no final cm mta sabedoria, na minha opniao, grande parte das pessoas q gostam de uma game play mais complicada no sentido logico, deveriam tentar catherine, o sistema de puzzle foi uma coisa q me fez mto bem, no sentido de raciocinios rapidos e logicos.

persona but with adults also with no personas but adult drama instead pretty solid game (if you choose k you're stupid)

I want to love this game more than I do, but it just isn't as good as it could be. I love the music, I love the concept, I love the gameplay. However, this feels like a rushed project. The story is my favorite part, but as I played, it felt like these characters were never going to be fleshed out. It doesn't feel like the choice between the two Catherines is much of a challenge at all, because you spend a significantly larger amount of time with one of them more than the other. And associating one Catherine with "good" decisions and the other with "bad" decisions is a weird way to make the player figure out which one Vincent should end up with. And as much as I love the tower mechanics for the puzzles, it feels like the difficulty spikes are completely random, and after spending half an hour on a floor, you'll just end up watching a walkthrough on Youtube. I really love parts of this game, but it became an increasingly frustrating experience the longer I played it.

I was not expecting to enjoy this game as much as I did. I adore this. Great story, a great main cast of characters, and some great side characters with their own interesting side stories. Gameplay is super fun too, it feels so satisfying completing the stages, especially the tougher ones and boss stages. However, there are some small complaints I have towards the end of the story, I feel that the endings all feel a bit off and could be better, and there were multiple audio issues in my playthrough.
Final score: 8/10

I would have so many babies with Erica, what a woman

Great game bogged down by a few issues. Despite being a remaster of the original, the game's flaws are mostly defined by trans panic handling of a great character, and the fact that it was clearly an engine test for Persona 5. The game is a bit short so the difficulty rampup is quite intensive, and the side character stories are cute and fun but the good ideas established are underexplored.

And yet, I can't help but love Catherine. The paranoia that the main plot induces and the secondhand cringe is complimented so well by an almost jittery tone. Vincent is almost always sweaty and freaking out, he embodies the game's tone, and I love it so much. There are a bunch of little touches that show the love that was put into the game. It's impossible to mention the game itself without talking about the puzzle mechanics. The game is incredibly well designed and the gameplay loop is genuinely crack cocaine. I would've played hundreds of more levels exploring different ideas and concepts related to dreams and regrets. Unfortunately, we haven't heard much since the release of Full Body. Vincent's story may be over, but I sincerely hope the ideas of Catherine are not forgotten about by Atlus.

Review EN/PTBR

An incredible story and a unique charm, Catherine has a unique style that I have never felt in another game, at the same time as it is nerve-wracking to do puzzles at high speed under the pressure of falling and dying, you also have super relaxing moments in a bar drinking with friends and this creates a greater bond within the 2 situations that are well scattered with each other
I recommend it at least once to all my friends to play this unique wonder.


Uma incrível história sendo muito bem acompanhada de um charme único, Catherine tem um estilo único que eu nunca senti em outro jogo, ao mesmo tempo que é desesperador fazer puzzles em alta velocidade sobre a pressão de cair e morrer você também tem momentos super tranquilos e interressantes em um bar bebendo com os amigos e isso cria um vinculo maior dentro das 2 situações que são despersas uma com a outra
Recomendo pelo penos 1 vez para todos meus amigos que joguem essa maravilha única.

one of the best puzzle games i've ever played, at first i didn't expect to enjoy it at all but it was truly a nice and fun experience
although i'm still not used to the whole "multiple" endings schtick from games, but maybe some other time

Le jeu est plein de bonnes idées mais également rempli d'incohérences en termes d'écritures.
Il aborde beaucoup de sujets sérieux, explicites et peu habituels comme la question du mariage, la fidélité/tromperie, les responsabilités de chacun dans un couple en étant adulte, le sexe, le consentement, … Le tout avec des phases de puzzles assez difficiles entre chaque passage où le scénario se développe. Les musiques sont très bien et la direction artistique aussi. J'ai bien aimé malgré les éléments principaux traités de façon assez maladroite, il reste intéressant et sort de l'ordinaire