Reviews from

in the past

has the funniest gameplay decision of all time
fun weapons
hot bitches

a precursor to modern indie games that is still better than a lot of them 20 years later

this may be heresy but idk why people like this game so much

edit: just finished it and i take it all back, i get it now

The first game I ever truly "beat" as a kid, and man what a game it was. Everything about this game is simple and effective, from the game-play to the music to the story. I credit this game with giving me my love of games, and I come back to it and play through it a lot. It was the first game to make me cry, and I will always love it for that. It's beautiful that this great labor of love was developed for years and then dropped for completely free.

this game has it all, cool movement, diverse arsenal of weapons and enemies, incredible soundtrack, AND a robot I would have sex with (you can steal her panties too!) dont bother with any of the ports just get the freeware version on pc

The weapon level system in this game is easily my favorite mechanic from any game ever, it provides a really important reason to keep yourself safe from enemies even when your max HP is high later on. I have never felt such a satisfying jump arc in any other platformer. Fetch quests can drag the game down but after repeat playthroughs they become kind of a mechanical process. The weapons (almost) all feel useful and distinct from another in a way that creates practically infinite possibilities to approach any combat scenario. The booster makes movement extremely fun and completely transforms the way you approach areas you have already been to. The true ending steps are pretty cryptic but I wouldn't have it any other way, it fits very well thematically with the story. And of course, the music is unparalleled. A must play game.

Its unique for the time and its charming enough for me to come back and replay it multiple times. It has some difficult spots too that are fun challenges.

I have no opinion on this game.

Súper divertido y con musicote. Para haber salido en 2004 es una locura

Yeah, I'm not gonna finish that final boss. Not now, at least.

Mediocre Metroidvania-ish throwback with a decent atmosphere but unimaginative level design and exploration. Pretty sterile stuff. Undertale is down the hall and to the left.

amazing. also the fact the game has a genesis homebrew port

I beat the 3ds version when I was 11, someone remind to replay on PC

Couldn't finish this game for nearly a decade until I played a roblox port

beautiful game that has a lot of actual game design flaws. but idk sometimes that makes it more memorable

I have nothing new or insightful to say about Cave Story. It's a landmark indie game before "indie games" were a thing. If you like creative platformers, it's a necessity with fantastic movement and controls. If you love chiptune soundtracks it's pivotal (Running Hell is embedded in my skull). The story is compelling and often fucked-up.

Cave Story is a game that has transcended itself and due to its memetic status as one of the OG freeware indie titles that I've met less and less people who have heard of it, let alone have played it. It's freeware. If you somehow stumbled here having not played Cave Story, go play it.

cave story is what id call a true classic. phenomenal spritework, a great story, really tight gameplay, and it's freeware. if you like 2D platformers, cave story is absolutely essential.

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Cave Story fans when Undertale gets more popular because it doesn't rely on dumb fetch quests like finding dogs when it wants to be lighthearted; and because it doesn't have possessed or cursed enemies with no agency over their actions (like fighting you because eating some flowers make them violent or because a controlling device forces them to) so the story becomes dark in a sensationalistic way with a cartoonish evilllll villain, but instead willingly attack you because of empathetic and organic tragic world building reasons and the main antagonists have motives foreshadowed through the game instead of all the complexity being reduced to a character dumped at the last second:


But seriously speaking, I felt there should have been something more palpable when exploring the underground, given that the robot you control is considered throughout the game to have been once used to exterminate the creatures you encounter (although it's later revealed that your specific robots protagonists didn't have anything to do with the incident, removing the guilt that made then more interesting characters and which propelled them to help these things in the first place).

I feel there's only an instance of this feeling of hostilty you would expect in the final area, where the mimigas seem to be working for the doctor for their own protection out of fear instead of being forced by script manipulation tactics of singular characters to kill you, but this instance and that corridor with the deformed baby dragons you were expecting to hatch since the beggining of the game, which with no words leaves a very saddening impact equal to Crocomire's encounter in Super Metroid, are few and far between and the game doesn't have that attractive of an atmosphere to make up for how basic it felt.

What Titanfall 2 is to Sannicfann and Uncharted 4 is to Wesleylikesgames is what Cave Story is to me. This game has blown almost every game I played over the last year out of the fucking water. I could gush over this game for hours, but I'll keep it short by saying this is one of my new all-time favorites. My only real criticism is the massive end-game difficulty spike. Cave Story's typical final boss area might be the hardest series of boss fights I've ever completed in my life, with it taking 30+ attempts to make it to the end... regardless, it was absolutely worth the tribulation.

There are a lot of secrets in Cave Story, and I will continue to explore its world within the coming weeks. For the time being, it will hold a special place within my memory as one of my most unique experiences in gaming.

(P.S., it all comes down to taste, but I think the soundtrack is unfathomably good.)

i dont think id be doing music or art if it werent 4 this game. fucking incredible

Fuck Nicalis

All my homies hate Nicalis

The fact this game was made by 1 guy in 2004 and is as good as it is is the most inspiring thing I could think of. I first played this on the Wii via the demo when I was like 11. I had just figured out how to connect my Wii to the internet and I was looking on the Wii Shop Channel for free stuff to play and thats when I found the demo. I wasn't very good at it, and it took me a long time to figure out where to go, so I was like "wow this demo is pretty long this must just be the whole game in this demo woah!!!!!"
I think this might've been the first time I was exposed to non- triple A videogames
I'm glad I was finally able to beat it after all these years

Don't get fooled by it's age and look. It's the most fun gameplay you can ever find + the pixel art is just so charming and cute.
bonus: it can ran on any toaster at a stable fps, so you can give it to your grandma to play on her windows xp or 95 lmao.

This game is really great, I played it for the first time a few years back and I can confidently say it's still worth playing, even at present. [And you can get it translated for free, which is a plus.]

The game has a decent enough story, and the gameplay itself is very fun. The platforming almost feels a bit...floaty? But in a satisfying, unique way. I haven't really played any other games like it that control quite in the same way. Despite the perceived floatiness, it still feels very nice to control.

All of the weapons you can get throughout the game are pretty wonderful, and I like that some are locked behind certain conditions, meaning you won't experience them all in a single play through.

The level design is quite good overall, though I do think the back and forth in grasstown specifically is a bit obnoxious.

There's also plenty of very interesting bosses, that encourage you to figure out their weaknesses. Which I very much enjoy! They can be a bit hard, but the game rewards you for figuring out the proper way to approach them.

Additionally, the OST is incredible. I don't think there is a single song I dislike in the entirety of it. Each song is memorable, and fit thematically to where they play very well.

Great game, you should play it if you've the time