Reviews from

in the past

Early brawler with some frustrating gameplay, decent graphics, and mixed bag of audio.

I... Actually had a hell of a lot more fun with this game than expected. Sure its a bit on the clumsy side and theres a real amount of guesswork when it comes to actually making progress once you hit the fourth set of levels but overall its a pretty fun arcade action game where you punch guys in the back of the head to make them explode and jump on gun toting penguins and floor teeth.

Yep. Its very weird. But it somehow manages to still be pretty addictive thanks to some pretty fast action and a rather addictive gameplay loop. I likey more than I expectey.

I can certainly see the appeal of Kung Fu Heroes. It's a constant barrage of enemies you need to beat up and playing co-op can be really fun. The controls are a little wonky, but consistent so really the only problem is that this game doesn't explain how to kill all these enemies very well, and while it's not a problem once you learn, trying to figure it out is frustrating to no end. Even after beating the game, I don't know how to get rid of certain enemies. The fact that one of the techniques needed to kill enemies uses ammo is also a testament to how frustrating it can get, and doing all this solo with the enemies constantly going after you can be very exhausting experience. While I don't think Kung Fu Heroes is outright a bad game, it certainly has it's warts, and it probably better played as a co-op due to the simplistic nature of just killing enemies on the screen. If you are really looking for another beat'em up to play on the NES, you could do worse.

Eh maybe it's because I played with infinite lives but it wasn't the worst thing I've played. Kind of wish the hitboxes were better and my god those big monsters have the most obnoxious noise. In fact the voice samples are kind of bad. It's a fairly simple kind of score attack game. It would be the birth of what would become the Super Chinese series so you gotta start somewhere I guess. Can't really see myself replaying it though.