Reviews from

in the past

I’ve always wanted to play this game growing up and i finally got to play as an adult. This is definitely a top 10 game for me and probably a top 5 JRPG too.

A "man" type game for sure; I seriously look forward to know why Chrono Cross is so divisive.

لعبه ممتعة ولكن منفوخة بشكل كبير

i loved this fun, whimsical story and despite this game being a million years old, the gameplay has aged gracefully. ive never been drawn to old SNES titles but this was a welcomed surprise for me. ive always heard great things about this and im glad i got to experience this journey.

After playing this I fully understand why it's a first ballot JRPG hall of famer. The storytelling is fantastic and tightly-woven, combat is incredibly fun and offers the chance for so many possible strategies, and the music/artwork heightens the already great experience into an amazing one. The fact that they were doing this shit in 1995 makes this even crazier. How it took everyone else so long to have bench leveling and remove random encounters in their JRPGs is beyond me. There's absolutely no padding to this game, each part of the game is fun and meaningful.

The story is killer. I love each of the characters so much that I'm not sure I could pick a favorite. Their personalities show in the writing and the spritework and it made the adventure that much more charming. Doing all the side quests right before the end was some of the most fun I've had in an RPG ever. This is really where the interaction between party members stood out. I didn't use Robo or Lucca too much until late game but after seeing them take the spotlight in some of these side quests, I used them way more often and really appreciate their characters way more. I wish the whole game had that level of party interaction, but it's just fine without it. At the present I have not gone for all of the alternate endings, but if I find myself wanting to return to the game, I think I will.

Getting to explore the world and uncover all its secrets was also very cool. The way the time-traveling storyline wove together the different maps and different characters was awesome. There were big, obvious connections, but also small, hidden ones that you only found if you looked. Every detail was meticulously planned out, which I admire a ton

Since there was no need to grind, and bench characters gained xp, I was trying all sorts of party combinations to tackle different problems. The Tech system is so sick, and it was cool to see what each character combination's Dual and Triple Techs would do. I loved how the combat was conscious of space too, and rewarded you for choosing attacks that beat certain enemy formations.

In terms of old games, it doesn't get much better than this- and it's better than a lot of newer stuff too. If you're even considering playing this game, I highly recommend trying it.

Chrono trigger is a game I’ve already played! A couple years ago in fact, but it did not do it for me at all. However, after becoming a huge dragon ball fan last year and hearing about toriyamas passing I thought I’d give chrono trigger a second try because I always thought it looked great visually and I figured it could be my tribute. Well apparently toriyama (and the fine folks at old square) does it again because this game actually rules pretty hard. This combat is excellent, the battle positioning and having to play around that, the animations and most of all the tec/part chemistry makes even dumb grunt fights feel pretty engaging and undoubtedly entertaining, it also helps that all the moves are cool as shit. There is not many satisfactions greater than watching chrono melt a couple imps with Luminaire. This game overall looks excellent also, doing a great job of separating all the times periods not merely by architecture but also environmental tone like how they make 600AD gloomy and cloudy and they make the future ashen and shadowy. On the note of sensory presentation this music sounds awesome. Every battle gets you into it immediately with that katana-unsheath-sound and the bass line coming in. All the music in this game is excellent and reeks of 90s SNES charm. While I wouldn’t call it ambient, the music accompanying the various over worlds in this game is perfect. It doesn’t compromise the games style ever but still makes the player feel like the sound is appropriate with their environment (corridors of time is the best at this for sure). The story is a mixed bag in my opinion however, some aspects are interesting and I like the idea of how time travel is done here but, first off, I never really like time travel, and second off, it’s nothing mind blowing or shocking narratively. The most I can say about this game stories are in its characters which I will talk about now. They are not super strong to be honest. In terms of using them and whatever, no character is lame but writing wise is different. Chrono is actually awful, he looks super cool for sure but he has actually nothing, even the dialogue you can pick for him isn’t doing him any favours. Luca and Ayla are pretty weak and basically have nothing except Luca and her mom (maybe) getting crushed by some big dumb machine. Robo is sweet and whatever but his story is nothing insane, still good tho, he’s the worst of the good. Marle is probably the most charming and I like that. The only two GREAT characters are Magus, who is very twisty and fairly layered (also cool as hell) and frog who is just the complete goat writing and all. Chrono trigger is an excellent classic RPG that I’m glad I revisited. For how long it takes and for how much effort the devs put into it (especially with the quadrillion endings) I would recommend it to everyone if only for its amazing presentation and perfection of SNES era combat. Please play!

At the time of this review, I've not played a lot of classic RPGs. Outside of Pokémon and Persona 5 I haven't rolled credits on anything else like Chrono Trigger.

I actually had a hard time finishing the game towards the end when it opens up from its linear structure (as of now this also when I shelved the original Final Fantasy 7 after leaving Midgar). I eventually used a guide and got the best ending. I'm very reluctant to open a guide and follow along in games as I grow older, perhaps because I don't have the same patience, but I'm happy to say it was worth it to see the side objectives before finishing the game. Only around 20 hours per run is also welcoming, not a lot of grinding from what I remember. Other RPGs wish they had as tight an experience provided by Chrono Trigger.

This game is legendary because of it's characters, time traveling set pieces to fit the narrative, and a legendary OST. I also enjoyed the fresh real time turn based combat as a mechanic. Absolutely an all time classic from the Super Nintendo. My favorite is still Earthbound, but an easy number 2 I'll no doubt revisit.

Maybe the greatest 2D JRPG of all time. I consider it one step up ahead of the masterpiece that is Final Fantasy VI, on the technical side. Gameplay full of exploration and action, incredible soundtrack, memorable dialogues and characters, character design by Akira Toriyama, graphics so detailed and full of color. Truly a once in a lifetime achievement of human history.

Simply one of the best JRPGs of all time. We follow Crono, a young lad who takes a nice girl to the local fair when she falls through a wormhole in time and he (of course) wastes no time in leaping after her. So begins a massive journey through time as Crono and his eventual party of adventurers move back and forth across their world's history to defeat an ancient evil that survives throughout the aeons. Easily one of Square's most creative efforts, with myriad endings and quirks to proceedings, many of which show off a keen attention to detail with respect to time travel. The DS version is an expanded release that adds even more welcome content to an already dense game, and winds up the definitive version of Chrono Trigger.

So far a standard JRPG experience for me, but enjoying some of the story beats. Will see about returning to this one within the next few months.

Que jogo maravilhoso cara, F Akira toryama

just as good as i remember, jrpgs peaked here. its perfect length and amazing gameplay makes the whole experience fresh and worth seeing through the entire thing. simplicity is its biggest strength as it really does nothing wrong imo. characters are all likeable and fun and the story isn't the greatest story ever told but it does its job very well and succeeds at what it goes for. probably the most perfect game ever made in my opinion.

Es una obra maestra. Se juntaron los mejores y el trabajo del dream team se hace notar. Su arte es hermoso, sus personajes tienen un desarrollo excelente, su dificultad es más que justa y su diseño de mundo y de combate encaja a la perfección. Obra maestra, nada más que decir

Eu conheço Chrono Trigger há anos e nunca fui muito com a cara do jogo, assistia vídeos de gameplay aleatórias, lives... Nada do jogo me interessava, apesar disso, ver tantos elogios despertavam minha curiosidade em tentar jogar uma vez, então finalmente decidi dar uma chance, e é, continuo não indo com a cara desse jogo, acho que não é pra mim.

I wish I could give this game a 10 stars, 20 stars, 30 stars, 50 stars!

The funny thing is that Chrono Trigger must not even be in my top 5 favorite games, hell, it might not even be in my top 10, but god, I would recommend ANYONE to play it, even if they don't play video games.

The game made me cry a bit, not because it was too emotional or touching; it was just that it is so well-rounded that it made me cry a bit. It was like eating delicious food that was made with care, and it ain't too much, just enough to make me feel perfectly full. I literally cried from peak.

The story is simple, the characters are simple, but everything is almost perfect; just play it, please.

Finally played this in light of Akira Toriyama's death. I think the writing is shallow but the game makes up for it with great presentation and pacing. The only time I felt "ugh, can we move on?" is when I played the optional DS areas. It's very ahead of it's time with inactive party members getting XP, enemies being visible instead of random, and multiple endings.

I played Undertale & Deltarune before playing this, and there's a lot of overlap between the games. The dungeons are short & stylish and the tone is a blend of humor and melancholy. Indeed, Toby Fox listened to this game's OST when designing Undertale. Anyone who likes RPGs should try this, but if you're a Toby Fox fan, this should definitely be on your list.

Simplesmente o portão de entrada dos JRPG, o pilar que segura a fanbase do gênero. É o que todo mundo já falou. Masterpeça absoluta. Ainda mais com as cutscenes. Jogasso lindo da porra em todos os sentidos

It's pretty good. Kind of bummed that the main character is flat as hell and a lot of the time the party members (especially the 7th) don't have a whole lot to do. The final boss, while interesting in concept, kind of sours in execution it's just fight after fight after fight after- you get it. Other than that, I liked it. Marle is the best party member btw

Mais um rpg de turno ao qual eu AMEI, que experiência boa que foi jogar esse aqui.

While not my favorite RPG on the DS, this game has a huge place in my heart after I finished it.

I wanted to write a nice and long review about how incredible this game is, but like, what the fuck do I say? It's fucking Chrono Trigger. It's fucking incredible.

In honor of Toriyama's passing, I replayed this game since my first time through years ago. This really is one of the greatest games of all time, with one of the best soundtracks I've ever listened to. This is now entering my top 5.

Há muitos anos atrás, quando eu ainda jogava em emuladores, já havia tentado jogar Chrono Trigger e avancei até depois do julgamento parando bem no chefão que fica na ponte que da acesso ao saguão do castelo. Acontece que como eu não manjava nada em inglês e mal sabia o que estava fazendo na internet, não sabia se já existia uma tradução ou algo do tipo. Fico nisso...

Joguei até ver quem era realmente o Frog e sempre gostei do tema dele. Eu consigo sentir um cavaleiro muito bravo chegando pra acabar com a m**** toda que está acontecendo na tua frente. Não sei dizer o que sinto ao ver este personagem e como ele é importante para mim. Sempre usei este avatar (usei até no MSN) dele mesmo antes de finalizar o jogo e estava corretíssimo: ele é muito presença.

Assim que eu zerar o jogo vanila, vou ter que dar um tempo e voltar ao jogo naquela hack do Chrono Trigger+ só por causa do Frog e realizar até mesmo um sonho de jogar com ele na forma humano, mesmo sabendo que ele é um bootleg barato do Gohan.

Enfim, introdução feita. Hora de falar a real sobre Chrono Trigger: MASTERPIECE.

Nada teria acontecido se a mãe do Crono deixasse o menino dormir e ele tivesse dado para trás com a Lucca. Absolutamente nada. Deveria ter um final assim, onde o Crono só dorme.

Todos os personagens aparecem na party da maneira que deveria. Cada um possui sua história por trás do porquê e para quê estão ali naquele determinado momento e como a importância dele pro futuro é tão importante para a ficção do jogo como um todo. Sendo assim, ninguém poderá ficar fora do tempo em que estava quando foi recrutado ao grupo e isso acabou fazendo eu lacrimejar horrores com o Robo e a Lucca.

O jogo é tão dentro da ficção que até mesmo a introdução nem parecia ser algo tão complexo por simplesmente parecer tudo bobinho e alegre ao mesmo tempo. Do nada, algo toma forma e tudo vai ficando cada vez mais escuro, deixando você com aquela pulga atrás da orelha do que está acontecendo e quem fez tudo isso parecer uma trama ainda mais confusa.

Dentre estas idas e vindas, você deverá batalhar com inimigos que não aparecem de forma aleatória... talvez alguns, mas grande parte deles estão na sua frente e caso queira brigar, é só relar neles. Todas as lutas não são difíceis porque o jogo é simples até nisso possuindo apenas três opções: atacar, técnica e item.

Atacar é simples, você vai usar sua espada, arma ou até mesmo soco. Já a técnica cada personagem possui a sua e terá a opção de juntar ela com a de outro personagem, ou até mesmo juntar a técnica dos três. Os itens são tão simples que desde o início, você recebe 500 poções.

Tudo é muito simples. Tudo é muito lindo. Tudo é muito audível.

Este jogo é simplesmente uma obra de arte. Apenas jogue.

La copia pirata no iba, algún día podré jugarte

I prefer the Steam version. The extra content here is of middling quality.