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in the past

Juzgar a un par de DLCs despues de varios años de jugar al juego base es medio dudoso sin duda, pero qsyo. Estan piola, The Foundation me aburrió un poco y no me interesó tanto pero el de Alan Wake está entretenido, sobre todo sabiendo maome que onda la historia del juego. Tiene gameplay divertido con lo de evitar la oscuridad pero tampoco nada excepcional. Que haya pasado tanto tiempo de jugar Control hizo que esté re frío con los controles (cuack) y el gameplay loop en general. Igual, están piola qsyo. Control me gusta mucho.

It's alright, nothing amazing but it does tie up certain aspects of the story while adding further ideas here and there. Combat and puzzles are still good as always.

A expansão superior de Control, e olha que eu sou bitchezinha de Alan Wake

Don’t really have all that much to say about this without just repeating most of what I said in my review of the main game.

It’s more Control, it’s good!

Liked the new powers and thought the level design was pretty good, story doesn’t really make the ending of the original game feel less rushed or abrupt but there’s some interesting enough sequel bait stuff here involving The Board & The Former that I liked. Final boss was fun too

More Control, whether thats good or bad is up to interpretation

While it's just more Control, it feels like they threw some stuff together for a DLC and sprinkled in grindy quests. There wasn't really anything of interest, not with the new powers, not even with the notes or voice logs.

I had the worst time beating this one it’s so dreadfully boring

While I preferred the AWE expansion more, this was good because of the new scenery and the background story it started to unearth about the roots of the oldest house and the board. Wish they gave us a little more before the ending but seems like a solid enough point to leave for a sequel to the main game.

Can't believe how missable/optional the chasm sidequest/adventure/threat is considering that it's home to the best/worst altered item sequence in the whole combined game/package/product.

It's also extremely fun/frustrating how many answers/questions/pontifications this expansion provides indirectly - really gives the world that Remedy/██████ has built an incredible sense of depth/realism/insanity.

I'm Director Jesse Faden, and This Is My Favorite DLC on the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC).

This one really reminded me of how I felt about Alan Wake's DLC. A short addendum that explores an aspect of the world, but without bringing any major revelations to the table. The ending also felt like a bit of letdown, narratively, choosing to turn everything into a rehash of the base game's threat instead of fully exploring any of the unique questions being introduced.

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i am unhappy/pissed with the board/boss

meh didnt even care for the story

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Yeah man I just don't care. It was pretty clear that the board was made up of some not to cool dudes, and I guess getting some story for Former is...nice? I honestly forgot about Marshall until this DLC and her fight wasn't fun. That middle mission was also just way way too bloated. I liked the new abilities you get though. and control gameplay is still...fine.

Hikayede bir şey oluyor ama Sam Lake bile anlayamaz ne olduğunu böyle bir anlatım şekli olmaz. Oynanış yine keyifli de Awe'e göre bu ek paket çok sıkıcı. Oynanır mı açıkçası hiç gerek yok Awe oynayın yeter.

This could've just been a sidequest. It's not bad, but didn't really add anything for me

Pas mal même si je capte toujours qu'à peine la moitié des dialogues

A fun enough expansion, the new enemies it introduces are kind of annoying, the story does play on some very interesting loose threads from the base game and sets up some interesting promises for any future follow up in sequels, not much else to say, it's short, the story's interesting and the power ups you get from this are limited to just this DLC so it's alright all in all.

Ao contrário de AWE, a DLC The Foundation entrega bastante conteúdo, uma área nova original e alguns inimigos interessantes.

O ponto principal aqui é a expansão da mitologia da Antiga Casa e do Conselho, além de fornecer uma explicação sobre a fundação do Departamento e sua integração à Antiga Casa.

O único aspecto ponto da DLC é que ela se torna um tanto massante devido à várias e longas seções de plataforma.

É a DLC definitiva para quem gostou do jogo e quer saber mais sobre toda a mitologia envolvida.

4 horas de plataforma e combate que não são nem divertidos nem desafiantes, só chatos e repetitivos mesmo. Além, é claro, da parte mais frustrante do jogo inteiro: a batalha do da filmadora no trem.

O arco da fundação e do Conselho são interessantes pelo menos.

It’s a pretty good extension to the base game's playtime and I like the new crystal creation/destruction mechanics. They’re implemented really well in combat and puzzle solving. The new axe wielding enemies suck ass tho.

I think I like it more than the base game cause it has more fleshed out mechanics and doesn't overstay its welcome. Seriously, I really love the implementation of the crystals, I kinda wish it was longer, even the final boss uses them in an interesting way for environmental damage.

They forgot to put an ending into the main game and they put it here.

This is a review of the first DLC for Control. As such spoilers will be discussed for the vanilla game

For my critique of the base game, see

For my critique of the second expansion pack, AWE, see

The Foundation is an appropriate title, taking place in the bottomest rung of the Oldest House whilst Jesse uncovers the origins of the FBC HQ. Is it worth tackling? Well, considering it’s basically a post-story main mission, there’s no reason not to, even as the gameplay starts to feel repetitive.

Story-wise, Foundation plays like a glorified sidequest wherein an extradimensional threat is wreaking havoc on the Oldest House. This time around, the threat is an actual part of the Astral Plane, but functionally it doesn’t play out any differently from the myriad of Altered Items Jesse has had to quell before. It is a little nice learning more about The Board; however, unless you were really into the lore of the vanilla game, I don’t see that being a selling point for casual gamers. Regarding the discovery of the Oldest House’s past, that’s unfortunately divulged via more good old-fashioned tape recordings which somehow drag on longer than anything you’ll hear in the base game.

From a gameplay-perspective, Foundation adds two new powers to Jesse’s repertoire you’ll learn at different points of the game (no doubt done in a vain attempt at preserving the pseudo-Metroidvania framing of the DLC): one which allows her to summon forth crystals at marked locations, and one which allows her Service Weapon to shatter said crystals. Neither can be used outside of the new areas, nor are they utilized for intricate puzzle-platforming in spite of their potential.

A couple new enemy archetypes have been concocted, though only one really stood-out: pickaxe-wielding Hiss with deeper health bars. While they are a bit of a challenge when placed alongside other foes, they ultimately couldn’t help feeling like reskinned axmen from the first Alan Wake.

Visually, Foundation takes place in a similar setting to the base game’s quarry area, albeit one caked with iron oxide dust ala Mars. As a sucker for all things red, I considered it beautiful, the addition of dust plumes and footprints adding to the aesthetic.

But yeah, those are about the only fresh facets here. Foundation is a fine enough diversion to pass the time, and I did appreciate seeing a more confident Jesse, however I can’t say you’ll be recalling its contents anytime in the future.

-There’s a side mission that presumably sets-up the events of Control 2.

-No new music tracks.

nothing super interesting introduced that the main game didn't already imply, and jesse isn't a strong enough character to carry her own development

Pretty fun DLC with fresh story bits and new levels to dive into. There’s quite a difficulty spike in comparison to the base game but you’ll quickly adapt and might even welcome the challenge.

As for the story, this expansion works like a sneak peek into the sequel’s conflict. It’s not a must if the lore didn’t catch your attention too much, but they did a solid job expanding on it and weaving everything together.

I feel largely the same way about this that I did about the base game. Reinforced my belief that I would like this all more if it was a combat-free exploration thing. That's not really a "this game would be better if it wasn't the thing it was," just an explanation of why it didn't click with me personally as much as it could've.

very good, mostly. cool setting. if you wanted more control, you will enjoy this.

occasionally extremely frustrating combat encounter design. would have ranked a bit lower if it wasn't for the two standout altered item sections, which I thought were excellent.

um pouco lento demais, e meio repetitivo... uma DLC ok.