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Pokémon, but worse. I feel it doesn't really understand what makes traditional monster taming games fun, and it doesn't really do much interesting or meaningful with the formula. I gotta say, though, the pixel art is really impressive.

Para quem gosta de bom designs de monstros isso aqui é um deleite.
O gameplay peca as vezes, mas desce fácil enquanto assiste um futebol, stream ou vídeo.
Já falei que os designs são de outro mundo?
Gosto um pouco dos personagens, bem carismáticos.
Serio, os designs dos monstros são absurdos, E AINDA SÃO ANIMADOS.
Vou sentir falta do Magmilus, do meu mano Eclyptor, o Bearealis, o sapo gordo... vou chorar no canto.

Really fun and well thought out game. Haven't been able to get into some of the newer pokemon games, but this absolutely scratched the itch I was needing. Has an "older" feel, but with a lot of thought and newer mechanics implemented to make this an enjoyable experience start to finish.

Really fun and diverse puzzles throughout the entire game, good difficulty curve and pacing, and smooths out a lot of gripes from the early pokemon games.

I did feel the game ended a bit.. suddenly. Felt like there should've been one more act to it. The "type" system has a good base, but definitely needs another layer to it.

All in all a really enjoyable experience that's worth grabbing - especially if you can get it on sale!

STEAM DECK SPECIFIC: Plays great, just hits a random spot after about an hour of playing where frames drop. Simple save and restart of the game fixes it. Apparently the devs know and are working on it.

Gran "imitación" de Pokémon. Narrativamente tiene los mismos problemas que su saga madre, y es que a nadie le importa su historia que se hace pesada, algo simplona e infantil. Además, termina de forma muy abrupta y el postgame es escaso, por no decir nulo. Este punto lo solucionaron mejor otros títulos como Nexomon.

Jugablemente, lo que te esperas que sea. Si te gusta el género Pokémon, te gustará este juego. Además, su forma de dirigir el tema de los PP me ha gustado mucho. Aunque tiene una carencia importante en cuanto a objetos equipables y otros extras que a mí me parecen bastante importantes.

Artísticamente es bastante feo, las cosas como son. No solo parece un juego de móvil, si no que lo es y eso no permite mucho más margen de maniobra. Aunque hay un buen puñado de diseños entre los Coromon muy bonitos y que perfectamente podrían formar parte de un juego principal de Pokémon.

It was a total ripoff of Pokemon but Pokemon is great and it was a high quality ripoff. There were a few things that annoyed me about the game but overall I enjoyed my time with it.

I might come back to this one, but the main reason my interest dropped off is because I kept having to resort to tiresome grinding because the wild Coromon levels curve faster than you level up. It has a built-in fast-forward function but it only speeds up the process so much. Just kinda gives me a newfound appreciation for modern Pokemon's EXP-all, even if it's too far in the other direction.

Went back and finished Coromon. I think if you're a Pokemon fan there's a lot to like. It's pretty much a more challenging Pokemon game with good spritework. Some of the mechanical changes it experiments with are great (revised EV/IV/shiny system), while others fall flat (modified type chart). The mid-to-end game lull that usually happens in Pokemon games is present here too. The most entertaining part of the game is the first few hours when you're capturing the Coromon you want to use in your party. I did appreciate the larger level gap between evolution stages. So you don't already have your complete party of fully evolved Coromon a third of the way through the game.

The quest tracking system was a bit frustrating to navigate-- especially a certain part of the story that requires you to do tasks for multiple people. The logbook wasn't descriptive enough to remind me what needed to be done after a long break from the game.

If you have the Pokemon itch this will 100% scratch that itch, but I don't think it has the level of polish required to be a full-on imitation.

If you like pokemon you'll like Coromon