Reviews from

in the past

Um simulador completo e definitivo da vida medieval, focado no roleplay romantizado e as vezes realista

Probablemente el mejor juego de la historia

One of the best strategy games ever, if it wasn't for the outrageous DLC it would be 5/5.

this game is so bullshit and so awesome love all the mods

I have around 1000 hours logged on this.
I've never reached the actual end date.

Thought about marking it shelved but realistically never coming back. I really felt like this would be a game I'd like but ultimately just can't be bothered spending the hours learning how to play.

A game that is notoriously hard to get into, but once you start grasping the basics the experience begins to snowball and suddenly you realize 3 hours have gone by in an instant.

It didn't take me long to realize that this isn't Civilization. No, the primary appeal of this game isn't to expand your empire until you come out on top, it's the journey your character goes along the way to achieve this - or, whatever goal you set. You aren't bound to any particular play style!

My first campaign saw me trying to become the king of Ireland (dubbed "noob island" by series veterans because it's isolated setting makes it ideal for learning the basics), and while that was certainly my end goal, I quickly came to realize the story my character and their dynasty were going through was the real appeal of this game.

Suddenly my starting character dies, but the game doesn't end. Now I'm playing as my granddaughter who was set to inherit the thrown only to find out I'm in a civil war for control over the kingdom with my own father (the son of my original character) who felt his birth right was stolen from him. Moments are like this were brought about by the choices I made when I started my campaign. Couple this with random events that shake up your character's narrative, stats, or even the lives of your vassals and you have an experience I can't say I've had in any other game I've played.

Выебал деда чтобы получить наследника, а тот сдох от чумы

the one grand-type game i can always come back to regardless of my how tastes change, it seems. game loop is simple and can be repetitive at times, but the rpg elements and propensity for stories to emerge are great facilitators for the sort of prompted daydreaming that i like to get from games and other media. lots of great mods and the focus on character-driven events means all you really need is a writer to make one - which isn't to say there aren't plenty of mods that add new mechanics or warp the entire world to model some fantasy vision. essentially the reason i keep trying paradox games even though they tend to get on my nerves nowadays

Tried to play this several times but it's way too complex for it to be fun. It's the epitome of "One Piece" gets good after 500+ episodes. You need to invest way to much time to enjoy it.

I am to dumb for this. It's fun imprisoning and executing your family though.

It's annoying that you need DLC's to have a good experience.

I like the Crusader Kings games more than the rest of Paradox's arsenal, but at this point, the amount of DLC tempers my recommendation.

The ultimate medieval role playing experience, over a decade of dlc, updates and mods and turned this into a scary game for beginners. However the stories the game creates are unmatched.

This may be one of the best strategy games I have ever played!
I do dislike the sheer amount of money one needs to pay to play the full game, with all the DLCs.

If you want to know exactly how hard it was to run a kingdom in medieval Afro-eurasia and don't mind questioning your morals to the point that you can't remember them, then this is the game for you. Countless weeks will be spent manipulating the systems around you by assassinating, ransacking, and marrying (with a sprinkle of incest) towards god-emperor status in a ceaseless quest for power. It's a stern reminder of how screwed up history is, and it's great.

I don't understand history . probably funny when you have more than 2 IQ.

This game has swallowed hundreds of hours of my life

A game I spent far too much time in.
Dangerously addictive but terrible to learn.
At this point, you should probably play CK3 though tbh, which actually teaches you mechanics

el peak del peak de los videojuegos

Complicated game at first, but once the mechanics are understood it will become addicting and fun.

you do the same things endlessly but its always fun. roleplaying makes it enjoyable in a different way too

66 hours and I still have zero fucking clue how to play this game

Заболел проказой и съел своего сына, потому что он стал еретиком.

This game is ass
The UI/UX is horrendous, turning a spreadsheet into a game *can work if the spreadsheet is actually interesting.

I played this masterpiece for the first time in 2013, and Crusader Kings II
is a game that has accompanied me since then.

Interface is terrible. It takes a really long time to learn the game because there is no proper tutorial. There's also not enough language support. There's too much DLC. You can't play the game without them. Paradox unfortunately sees their player base as a cow to be milked. The milk analogy here is of course money. Release a supposedly complete game in early access, then sell the features that should already be in the game separately in the form of additional packs to make the game what it should be. That's the way it's always been and always will be. One of the worst companies in this industry.