Reviews from

in the past

I told you dont, look what happened

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didn't know what to think of the game as a whole for a few days after playing but I can now say I for sure still like this game. I didn't like the ending, but it isn't game ruining for me. it very easily COULD BE if some minor things were changed, but thankfully that's not the case. besides the last chapter the whole game is still so so fun and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately it is still a good bit worse than any other danganronpa in several ways, hence the lower score. I really didn't care for the cast besides a handful of characters, I really didnt like the mastermind AT ALL, and some parts of this game just felt like too much to me (Kokichi, the meta ending, ect). Overall tho I still really enjoyed it and had a good time playing it, so its alright

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the plot twist being that the V3 actually means 53 is the funniest thing of all time

One of the most ridiculous and weirdly inspiring conclusions to a ridiculous and inspiring franchise. I don't get the hate for this game at all. The ending makes total sense after seeing all the ridiculous things the last 2 games sent us through. It has the best cast and the best trials by far. Nobody will ever convince me it's not the best game in the series.

Pacing is very good but it kinda disappoints me how it ends.

it wasn't a dream but something worse

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Esse jogo poderia ser o melhor de todos, se não fosse seu final META e que joga o resto do jogo inteiro no lixo.

The gameplay is great, but i feel like spike might've messed up on the story a bit.

De que adianta ter a melhor produção se os personagens são sem graça e os casos são mal desenvolvidos

Holy shit, this writing and story some hot garbage but I can’t stop playing. The characters are ok.

O fim de uma das melhores visual novels que eu já consumi, história muito bem feita e personagens carismáticos. O final do jogo pode acabar decepcionando algumas pessoas que curtem a saga, porém, eu amei e te garanto, é contado de uma forma que você nunca viu.

Nearly cried at the end, I swear !!!!

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El final mata todo el juego para mi. Idk.

In many ways this is the best Danganronpa. It's new and shiny and opulent in its spectacle. Characters interact more, everything looks better and there's more heart in this more than the other games. I feel the same way about this game as I feel about Dark Souls 3, I'm glad it exists because it looks and plays better, despite the flaws. The trials and mystery are complex and I enjoyed them, but things kinda get weird. You sometimes need the input of Monokuma or the cubs to advance the trial and the mistakes killers make seem very stupid considering their plans. I have more criticism for this game more than the other 2. I don't know if I hold this game at a higher standard or it's the game that hints and fails at something more complex. It's clear to me they wanted to end Danganronpa with a bang, especially with trial 1 and 5. Trial 6 is the contentious one and, although I hated it at first, I think it's really good. It's one of the few twists in this series that change how you see the events before it, and not in some metaphorical sense. The number of case files in your lab, some fanservice scenes, your experience with the other games, they all start mattering and you start making theories, exploring and engaging with the material. DRV3 is a good game, I'm glad it exists and I'm quite fond of it. Goodbye Danganronpa.

alguns casos muito bons e mecânicas novas legais

improves in a lot of aspects but does have a few dumber ideas in terms of how a case will solved a couple times

the first trial's twist was so good but god this game is hard to sit through

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o ultimate writer escreveu esse jogo (menos o caso duplo)

The ending is the only good part of this game don't @ me

easily my favorite danganronpa game of all time!

the story is the best one for me! it's really engaging and vibes are very unique compared to the previous games! the characters are also mostly very likable! my favorites are especially shuichi, kaito, and maki! the ending is definitely the most polarizing ending in the franchise, you either love it, or hate it. me personally i was mixed at first but i grew to like it!

the gameplay is easily the best in the franchise and has the best minigames (hangman is actually fun??) there's nothing else to be said except this is danganronpa perfected!

the freetime and side contents are also really good! especially the development plan! well there is one that im very mixed on but other than that yeah!

the artstyle is definitely different from the previous games while still has that danganronpa vibe and i love it! the executions here are the most brutal in the franchise! especially if it's a character you love. the soundtrack is all amazing! nothing else to be said.

overall this is easily my favorite and would highly recommend it!

it's honestly fitting how they perfectly predicted how people would react and everyone still lacks the self awareness to realize they are proving the devs right

i don't know what to say tbh. aside from it being the definitive peak of an already amazing series (probably my fav oat now) the themes in this game are incredible, it's a beautifully done work of art that i just..i just love it so much. thank you, danganronpa.

The characters are really interesting for this opus ! I liked the intrigue, but the story is too convoluted to really be invested in in my opinion.

KaiGod Monoma
GoatKichi Oma
Maki HaruCabra
ShuiKing Saihara
RantaGoat Amami
Kaede Akabratsu

O final que ninguem esperava mas que toda a gente merecia, adorei

los personajes de este danganronpa son GOD