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in the past

Except for the most difficult reward (beat "the crypt" in less than 12 minutes) everything was too easy. The game is nice, eerie visuals (in coolest way). I could easily say it is a Tim Burton's game lol.
The story... well, I didn't get any. Lorewise it's a shallow game.

some puzzles are great, but at other times you're waiting 4x45 seconds for timothy trap horn to wheel by so you can try another permutation. i felt like i spent half my gameplay waiting for stuff to happen and i beat the game in 2.1 hours.

cool ideas but aesthetically and mechanically this game is not my vibe

Вот никогда не знаешь, какая игра из бездонной библиотеки Эпиков окажется золотом. И вот я нашёл очередной экземпляр

Невероятно стильная, по-бёртоновски мрачная, Darq забирает тебя всего на 3 с чем-то часов, но это будут великолепные часы. Я до последнего удивлялся, как авторы смогли сделать перемещения по третьему измерению настолько тактильно-мощным.

Что ещё. Тут классные головоломки, которые очень редко заставляют тебя по третьему разу пробегать всю локацию в поисках заветного предмета (но без этого тоже не обошлось). В основном все лежит на виду и только нужно понять что с чем взаимодействует.

Отдельно хочется выделить одну головоломку, которой авторы по-любому очень гордятся. Да-да. Я именно про внезапное вращение камеры и бабки в коридоре. Это действительно было крипово

Финальный уровень также преподносит сюрприз, своим исполнением. Тот случай, когда и без сюжета ты примерно понимаешь, о чём хотел рассказать автор.

А ну и доп уровни классные. С новыми механиками достойными быть и в основой игре

8 шестерёнок из 10

Very decent escape room-esque puzzle game. It's way too short - I finished the game and 2 DLC levels in just a little over 2 hours - but worth your time. Each level has at least one thing that keeps it original - either a new mechanic, a memorable puzzle or an interesting setting. Stylistically they are fairly similair, but consistent, which does build up the atmosphere in a nice way.

What brings the game down though are the enemies and design of stealth sections which include them. They are supposed to be scary, but their annoying trial and error type design makes it pretty much impossible to actually get scared. Enemies in general feel a bit out of place. There is a level which is dedicated solely to running away from them and it's the absolute worst in the game. I feel like instead of trying to scare the player with the jumpscare-like interactions with the enemies, the dev should've focused even more on the atmosphere, or tried to create a more compelling narrative, as the one in the game is also pretty lacking.

Divertidinho até, mas se tinha algo pra me contar, eu perdi.
Lembra bastante Little Nightmares.
O design gótico e a criatividade são bons.

Non dura nulla, un paio di orette, ma belle intense queste, almeno come idee dei vari livelli, davvero vari e intelligenti e originali, che non di gioco che non si sa bene cosa voglia raccontare e non lo fa benissimo, ma comunque davvero molto meritevole.

DARQ ya es interesante solo por su estética, que podría recordar a los filmes de Tim Burton, pero su mecánica de manipulación de la gravedad y atmosfera propia de un juego de horror son las que hacen la verdadera experiencia del juego, y en su mayoría lo hacen muy bien.

El diseño de niveles es precioso, tanto desde una perspectiva de composición artística como en la propia construcción del reto. Permitiendo al jugador sumergirse la atmosfera de cada nivel y resolver cada problema de forma autónoma e intuitiva, sin demasiadas pistas fuera de los limites de la interacción con el entorno.

Mi único problema es con ciertas secuencias y secciones, algunas que mas que añadir una capa de dificultad al reto simplemente estorban a la navegación de los niveles, convirtiéndose en meros devoradores de tiempo; la otra es precisamente el final, que abandona de golpe el ritmo establecido en toda la aventura, lo que rompe abruptamente el proceso de resolución dinámica de los retos. Cosa que no sucede en una anterior secuencia que, a pesar de romper con el ritmo del juego y el método de resolución de los retos, al ser una secuencia aislada, que además se recrea sobre si misma para dar margen a la reacción del jugador y que permite analizar el problema y dar con su respuesta antes de antes del inicio de la misma, haciendo innecesario pasar por tan siquiera una iteración del ciclo de prueba y error, consigue implementarse a la perfección con el propio reto.

En general es un buen juego de rompecabezas, con un buen diseño, mecánicas interesantes y suficientemente variadas, estética deslumbrante y un buen apartado sonoro. Sin te gustan esta clase de juegos, no lo dejes pasar.

Darq is a unique horror puzzle game that tells the story of Lloyd, a boy who is lucid dreaming in a surrealist nightmarish world. Lloyd has the ability to defy and manipulate physics to figure out puzzles to escape, while also creeping around and over enemies he encounters.

This game to me had a bit of a Tim Burton-esque feel, with the creepy dark atmosphere and drawing upon themes of isolation while having that surrealist feel. Regardless of Tim Burton-esque aesthetics however, Darq unfolds the story with minimal sounds, distinctive puzzles to solve alongside an excellent monochromatic design palette that is well worth your time to experience for yourself.

Way too easy puzzler with interesting art style but disappointingly shallow. One great, tense puzzle idea (you'll know which one), but other than that, not an intense experience, but rather a tame, lame one.

I had a better experience with this than I did with White Day (only comparing them because I played them back to back in 2021), although the creepy setting of White Day and the 1st person viewpoint are preferable to me. Darq was a bit more stylized and definitely presents well but I didn't find it as immersive. Still, White Day tailed off at the end and wasn't as engaging whereas Darq maintained its quality all the way until the end.

i like the art and puzzle . very refreshing

DARQ is a side-scroller puzzle game with an astonishing creepy/horror atmosphere. Puzzles aren't hard, but they're really fun and original. The only downfall I could find is the length of the game.

ok puzzle game this style though has been done better by others
also played some of the dlc but that was even more rough around the edges

Little Nightmares-esque 2.5D puzzle/adventure (not really a puzzle-platformer, since you can't jump and the gravity mechanic isn't really equivalent), occasionally a bit obtuse but enjoyable until I got to the egregiously terrible timed maze puzzle at the end of the train chapter. Found this to be a huge difficulty spike and I genuinely have no idea how this made it through playtesting, even though it's a clever idea conceptually. Still, I mostly liked the game overall, so I'll give it a heavily qualified recommendation. Tower DLC also isn't bad

DARQ looks fantastic; each level a nightmare laced with intuitive puzzles and haunting liminal spaces. The Tower and Crypt DLCs stand nicely on their own. This game felt like it was touching at a much larger story; I would love to learn more about Lloyd and his world. However a lot was achieved in a short space of time - can't wait to see what the devs do next.

Not a long game. Glitched a couple of times and had to start the chapter over. Nice little hour+ to spend puzzling

Here is a game that knows what it wants to be and does it really well. It has some decent puzzles and does interesting stuff with perspective. It was a wonderfully gloomy artstyle that enhances the nightmarish atmosphere. The stealth sections aren't great but there is very few of them and they at least highlight the creepy looking enemies. Some tedium can come with solving puzzles in game like this but nothing ever takes too long to do. The DLC while also having a bit more of this tedium is pretty good and worth playing.