Reviews from

in the past

Me divertiu muito, acho que nunca tive um sentimento igual jogando com os amigos, experiência unica ao meu ver, ou só nostalgia.

Esse aqui sugou muitas horas da minha vida, ô joguinho desgraçado. Dito isso, muito bom o PVP, PVE e Raids dele. Foi um dos primeiros jogos que o online me viciou à esperar atualizações e DLCs, e infelizmente por esse mesmo motivo, não aproveitei muito da história dele; eram muitas DLCs numa época que eu não comprava nada além de dois ou três jogos por ano kkkkk

I put so many hours into the Crucible.

No puedo darle menos puntuación porque los recuerdos de jugarlo con amigos son demasiado bonitos, el juego base era un poco meh pero con todos los DLC mejoró muchisimo

Énorme classique, vraiment incroyable, mon premier jeu de tire all time

if this game wasn't so grind heavy it genuinely could've remained very fun for a very long time but they like money :(

O jogo tinha tudo pra ser um clássico.
Daí saiu às DLCs

this was a bad game that made me who i am today, gay and sad

I remember when everyone got hyped about this one.
I ended up having it almost a decade later. I didn't understand the thrill but I probably need to play more

Que jogo foda, sério, foi o meu primeiro jogo de PS4 e foi a melhor impressão que eu poderia ter. Me fez ficar milhões de horas grindando e fazendo as missões, explorando os mundos e usando armas muito loucas pra matar bosses muito loucos. Também joguei bastante multiplayer coop que era bem divertido.

I miss the good old days...

I can respect the grind in some games but this game really is depriving it's players of their dopamine if they have to grind for hours on end to increase their power level by one point.

J'adorais l'univers du jeu, je connaissait rien du genre quand c'est sortie et ca m'a vraiment plu

Don't judge me, I was a teenager with a lot of free time, even when I played it I didn't love it lmao, just was a game to play.

Shoutout this game for spawning hundreds of 'Bungie has fallen' video essays.

Rough start but had the potential to be the greatest looter shooter

The game that changed absolutely everything in my life, who I am, what I like and who I like. It made me a better person and brought me friendships that have lasted for 10 years. The innovative process of being so immersed within a virtual world together with my dear friends makes me wonder if I will ever feel the same sensation again. Thank you Destiny, it was a wonderful 7000 hours!

I am giving this star rating purely based on me having played the base game, which was eh, and watching my favourite streamers playing the dlc's, which was one of my favourite things to do when I was younger.

I think this game would be phenomenal if Bungie was not a sack of fucking greedy geniusses. You are the biggest bad ass around, the graphics and surroundings are just... wow and the gun play is the best thing I have ever had the privilege to play in a first person shooter. If it had more content I would just love it. But it's bare bones and after having payed for the base game Bungie continuously asked for more money, which I didn't feel like giving to them, 'cause I was essentially put before the choice as a kid to either pay for destiny or other games and I didn't want to be stuck playing only destiny. And this is where my first hand experience just about ended. But watching streams was pretty fun so take 8/10.

Also I hate this game for having sparked the trend of bad live service games that wanted to be like him but couldn't because there can only be one. Fuck live service I am actually going to deduct half a star.

Had a fun time playing a little bit of the campaign until I had to pay for dlcs so it gets a three

felt like halo but not enough. taken king ruled though

Base game was fun, but I was so insanely adamant on not spending money for expansions. Especially back in 2015-2016.


Um dos começos mais atribulados da industria, felizmente melhorou nas próximas expansões.

DISCLAIMER this is coming from a former destiny bro who is no longer a destiny bro

D1 is what destiny should've always been. perfect? not even close. but in my opinion, it is everything i wanted from a destiny game. the visual identity was locked tf in. every expansion looked like it belonged in the destiny universe from the armor to the weapons to locations. even the gear i didn't like still looked like it belonged there.
it was a much smaller game, obviously due to the sheer length of time it was supported compared to the still-supported D2 but it just feels like quality over quantity. and even then there were significant dry periods but that's the nature of the beast i'm afraid. but the raids, the pvp maps, the guns, the armor, i mean apart from some significant QoL changes i can't think of anything i prefer in D2 over D1. okay maybe the revamped raids in D2 are 'better' but that's D1 content in my mind.
i could go on for hours, i know nostalgia has clouded my judgment to a degree but everything i personally want from a destiny game is what D1 is. call me old fashioned

Has it's problems, but I can't help but love it. Just makes me sad to see what this franchise eventually turned into.

I remember Destiny having good gunplay and a disappointing story. I could never get into the live-service side of things, but it was a fine enough romp at the time. Not much else to it really.

Score: 75

The first shooter I ever played. My dad let me grind glimmer patrolling on the moon and I was hooked. Made my own character, unfortunately a titan, and sold my soul to Bungie. Year one wasn't the best, but then came the Taken King and everything changed. Rise of Iron was... fine. No story to speak of unless you went to a website, clunky movement, and no mission variety, but man there was something special here.